Monday, February 29, 2016

Memory techniques tips

ck!.Human Memory is one of the most important things in human knowledge, while memory techniques are not a new thing, the understanding of human memory has always been complicated.

Memory is not intelligence, the power of the mind to process and deduct is attributed to intelligence, but we do know that memory does have some part in assisting a powerful mind. All scientific disciplines are guided by many rules and equations, without memory even the most powerful mind would get lost in going back to the same basic ideas over and over again. Understanding is also linked to memory, it is a simple fact that once you understand some idea or concept you stand a better chance of remembering it.

All humans have a limited capacity for memory, there are some rare cases of phenomenal memory abilities, but most people do not enjoy that rare gift. With our limited capacity humans have devised many forms of communication to help us remember notions and ideas, even hundreds of years old. It not only ideas and concepts that we can allow memory of, it is feelings and emotions, and certain moments in our lives you treasure. Think of reading the memories of a historian that lived in the roman empire time, providing you know what was life at that time you can understand almost every aspect of his life.

Although memory is not Intelligence, memory techniques train the mind and practice its ability. Memory techniques exercises boost brain power and pushes the brain to process what it remembers.

If you just learned a person's name, imagine regarding how that individual will be crucial to you in the future, where you are probable to see them subsequently, and anything you perceive about them. Other good reminiscence training involves telling yourself why you yearn for remember something, and how you will remember it. Obviously seeing the significance of remembering will stimulate the brain to hold the name, and the extra links in the brain (where you expect to see the person next, for example) stick the name even more firmly in your memory.

The simplest memory work out is to begin telling yourself to memorize. If you just erudite a person's name, for example, inform yourself, "remember that". This indicates the unconscious mind to grade this effort higher in importance.

One memory technique dates back to the ancient Romans, when preparing to make a speech, the roman orator would walk around his garden and associate different parts of the speech to different parts of the garden by placing parts of the speech at different locations selected across the garden. A memory technique that used images, or location is sometime best for people giving speeches, they can use this memory technique while giving the speech to “walk” themselves around a place they are familiar with and remember all the part of the speech. All depends on imagery, the more brilliant images you remember, the less chances of forgetting.

A memory technique we can try uses location such as a garden, your office, your house or other locations you know well enough. Begins by starting walking around the house and select ten places you will want to place something or associate a memory to. Remember them in your mind in some particular order and hierarchy. Now when you want to remember a list of things, relate them to any of the locations/objects of your home or office. Do this with mental imagery and even sounds, always in a ridiculous way. Now, when you want to remember your list of things, you will just have to walk through your home and everything will be clear in your mind

A nice face – name memory technique we can use is when we see someone before actually getting introduced to them. An obvious way to remember faces is to concentrate while seeing this face for the first time, they don’t say that first impressions count the most for nothing…

Before you are introduced, examine the face and identify one unique thing about them – this will be your anchored. Find the thing that is the most prominent thing you have noticed on their face? assume that you are at an exhibition and you have seen a person. What is the most unique factor about his face? Maybe it’s a mole at his chin. Once you are introduced you have to put all your mental energy into remembering the persons name, when you met him again – his most prominent feature will shine and you will remember his name.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Golf specific fitness is underrated

Golf specific fitness is mainstream on tour! There is no way around it! To play your best, you’ve got to be in better golf shape! Golf is physical…and requires both dynamic strength and flexibility.

Gone are the days of the 19th hole! That’s if you want to be top dog in your foursome. Instead of going to the 19th hole after your round, why not do some cool down stretches so you’re ready for the next round?

I’m not saying you have to be a fanatic, but just realize there is a definite “physical component" to optimal golf performance. The demand on the body to swing a club at upwards of 100 mph and stay in your golf posture is huge.

A golf specific fitness program incorporating golf exercise and golf stretching will maximize your body’s ability to produce awesome power where it counts…at impact!

What is golf specific fitness?

I can tell you it’s not going to a gym and doing a seated chest press. It’s not spending 2 hours everyday beating yourself up. It’s not lifting heavy weights. But it does require a commitment. Just like anything else worth achieving.

That phrase, “if it were easy, everybody would be doing it” is so true.

With over 70 million baby boomers who want to enjoy life, be healthier and a big majority of them playing golf…golf specific fitness “kills two birds with one stone”. A fitter, stronger body and an awesome golf game. What better way to spend your quality years?

Golf specific fitness incorporates dynamic strength and flexibility; muscular endurance directly related to your golf swing; balance; coordination: stability; and a much improve sequence of timing to produce maximum power through the impact zone.

Golf specific fitness does not require heavy weights, but improving your golf swing strength is always a goal. Being stronger in your golf swing takes a unique approach that is not accomplished with a general fitness program.

The main focus should be on “rotational” strength and flexibility!

The golf swing is a high-speed rotational movement. The goal for maximum distance is to create a higher level of torque and be able to store and unleash it at the right moment in time.

This requires a major emphasis on core rotational movements with resistance. This is the ONLY way to improve your backswing AND follow through range of motion and power. These movements should be done sitting on a stability ball; standing erect; getting in your golf posture; and even on one leg.

It kills me to see a trainer do a bicep curl with a golf client. This will NOT help your golf swing. Just take a look at the position your wrist is in doing a standard bicep curl. It’s turned out very awkwardly (and uncomfortably).

Do you grip a golf club like this? Then why would you do this exercise? If you’re a golfer, you wouldn’t!

How about a seated chest press on a machine?

I’ve seen golfers in the gym doing this one.

Golf is “on your feet”, using every major muscle group in your body in a certain sequence of motion. How would a “seated” chest press on a “controlled” machine help your golf swing?

It wouldn’t!

Golf specific fitness will get your body moving powerfully through your golf swing for 18 holes. Your swing will become more consistent. You will add a ton of yards to all your clubs…especially your driver. And your incident of injury will plummet.

Isn’t this reason enough to get start on a program of golf specific fitness?

Learn english laughing

Humor and Learning

Humor is important in learning a language. Not only does it enable the student to learn new vocabulary in context but it also is a motivating force. When a student understands a joke she begins to feel like she is in the world of the new language. Puns are especially valuable because they stress meaning. We'll give a few jokes and puns as examples and hoope that they will move other teachers to use this powerful resource.


Laughing? Well, maybe not. Puns usually make people groan. They say that for a pun to be good, it has to be really bad. As a matter of fact, they are called "groaners". A pun is a little word game, playing with language. Most puns use a word that has two meanings, or use two words that sound almost the same.

Here are some puns. Use your knowledge of English, and your dictionary if necessary, to explain the pun.

Example: Why is an empty purse always the same? Because there is never any change in it. In this pun, the word "change" has two meanings: 1. coins and small bills, 2. alteration.

1. Do you know why it’s easy for a hunter to find a leopard? Because a leopard is always spotted.

"to spot", verb: to see, to identify. "spotted", adjective: with spots.

2. When gambling became legal in the city, everyone agreed that the city was now a bettor place.

What we hear could be either of two words that sound the same: "better", adjective, "an improvement", therefore "an improved place". "bettor", noun, "gambler", "someone who bets", therefore entonces "a place for gamblers".

3. The principal called the young cross-eyed teacher into his office. "I’m sorry to say, Ms. Jones, we’re going to have to let you go." "But why, sir? I thought I was doing a good job." "It’s simple," said the principal, "you can’t control your pupils.".

Of course, the word "pupil" could refer to a student or to the middle of the iris of the eye..

4. My friend Sam had decided his kitchen needed painting, and instead of hiring a professional, he decided to do it himself. In the afternoon, I went over to his house to see if he needed some help. When I arrived, I found Sam working hard painting the kitchen walls. But instead of wearing old clothes, he was wearing a leather jacket and a ski parka. I asked him why he was dressed that way on such a hot day. He brought me the paint bucket and told me to read the instructions. I did. It said, "For best results, put on two coats."

The pun is the word "coat" either another layer or paint or an article of clothing.

5. The previous pun about the extra "coat" reminds me of the dog that has a fur coat and pants.

OK, the dog has a fur coat but it doesn't have fur trousers. In this case "pants" o the way dogs breathe rapidly and noisily.

Those were puns. Now for a few jokes.


Three Police Jokes

First Joke:

A police officer stops a woman for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license.

She replies in a huff, "I wish you guys would get your act together. Just yesterday you take away my license and then today you expect me to show it to you!"

Vocabulary and Expresssions:

"in a huff": annoyed

"get your act together": get organized

Second Joke: While driving along the back roads of a small town, two truckers came to an overpass with a sign that read CLEARANCE 11'3".

They got out and measured their rig, which was 12'4".

"What do you think?" one asked the other.

The driver looked around carefully, then shifted into first. "Not a cop in sight. Let's take a chance!"

Vocabulary and Expresssions:

"overpass": viaduct

"rig": here truck. Any specialized tool or mechanical arrangement.

"clearance": room to pass, or "clear". "Clearance" is the noun of the verb "to clear" which means (among other meanings) de: "go through without touching"

11' 3" is the abbreviation of 11 feet 3 inches;

12' 4" is the abbreviation of 12 feet 4 inches.

Third Joke:

Recently, a distraught wife went to the local police station, along with her next-door neighbor, to report that her husband was missing. The policeman asked for a description of the missing man.

The wife said, "He is 35 years old, 6 foot 2, has dark eyes, dark wavy hair, an athletic build, weighs 185 pounds, is soft-spoken, and is good to the children."

The next-door neighbor protested, "Your husband is 54 years old, 5 foot 6, chubby, weighs 275 pounds, is bald, has a big mouth, and is mean to your children."

The wife replied, "Yes, but who wants HIM back?"

Vocabulary and Expresssions:

Hubby: popularform of "husband", spouse

distraught: stressed, very worried.

chubby: slightly fat

mean: In this context, strict, severe, even a little cruel

bald: no hair

next-door neighbor: the person who lives in the house to one side of yours

6 foot 4: six feet and 4 inches

How to keep on Learning by Laughing?

You can enter "esl puns" or "esl joke" in Google to find many sites that share our belief that puns and jokes are good ways to help learners of English.

You can also find more help for Learners of English at: goodaccent. com/accentbooks. htm

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The often overlooked resource for healing - the internet

Having a health crisis can be a frightening experience. Whether you battle with cancer, depression, diabetes, pain, or another long-term condition at home or in a hospital facility, a feeling of isolation often accompanies these conditions. The result is decreased energy and, often, a lack of hope. Friends and family members who enjoy good health may not understand the particular emotional stresses you experience. The doctor pays keen attention to your medical care, but sharing your feelings and personal concerns is often not possible for lack of time.

Modern medicine well recognizes the importance of mental and emotional support in healing. For that matter, this is not a new insight. From ancient times, patients have benefited from a kindly word and the reassurance of being able to express their feelings and concerns.

Support groups such as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) build upon peer support and show success where other approaches have often failed. The “Placebo Effect” is well known in medical circles, and it is based on HOPE and BELIEF. Endorphins have proven to be vital in the management of cholesterol, for instance, and endorphins are described as ‘feel good hormones’. In other words, a patient’s mental and emotional state is crucial to their success in healing.

However, outreach to peers can be difficult when one is bedridden or homebound. Close friends and family members come to visit, but their time is limited. Transportation to social events may not be readily accessible. Even attending a social event may cause more pain or embarrassment, and for someone who is depressed, the mere idea of going somewhere may seem insurmountable. Hours can creep by in loneliness and isolation.

The internet provides a wonderful tool to overcome these obstacles. Contact with peers is just a few clicks away. Someone with the same or a similar problem is always there. Time and space become irrelevant in a platform that spans many different time zones. Instead of lying awake at night, alone with thoughts and concerns, a patient can now logon to a forum where many give and receive comfort by sharing their concerns and hopes. There are even medical doctors online who can answer questions and give advice.

The anxiety of an upcoming medical procedure or test diminishes when someone else who already went through it shares the experience. Many useful tips come from patients who share the same conditions. From something as simple as “how do I use my new crutches?” to “what can I do to overcome my painful depression?” someone online has an answer or a suggestion.

Moreover, some things that one cannot begin to discuss with friends and family are easier to express in an anonymous environment. An internet based support forum protects privacy while still allowing an intimate sharing of thoughts and emotions. This breaks the isolation and loneliness and offers a place for communication.

Communication alleviates fear and brings hope, and hope elevates the body’s ability to overcome illness. This not only supports healing but also provides much needed social interaction and quality of life, even in illness.

Managing the stress in your life

While we often worry about stress, not all stress is bad. We need a certain amount of stress to make our lives interesting. And since there is no way to eliminate every commitment or deadline in our lives, we should try to control our stress levels in the best ways we can.

It would be nice if someone created a mathematical formula for stress that would measure how much stress an individual could take without become overwhelmed. Optimal stress levels vary from individual to individual, however, as well as from situation to situation. Some situations that would make you feel very stressful are considered fun and invigorating to someone else. People who love constant change in their lives would feel too much stress in a tedious, mundane job. You can see how different people’s definitions of stress may be. Scientists believe that many illnesses are directly related to stress. If you find that you are sick a lot of the time, or that you feel nervous often, you must develop effective strategies to cope with your stress level. Otherwise, you could be open to serious physical deterioration. Stress management is a practiced art, however. You will not relieve your stress in one day; you must keep at it and eventually, you will discover methods that work for you.

A first step is to learn what things make you stress out. While you may not be able to eliminate these things, you can work to make them more manageable. If cooking dinner causes stress, for instance, you may consider getting take-out food once a week to give yourself a break. If giving a presentation at work worries you, maybe you can learn to focus on just one section at a time and reduce your stress in that way. If commuting to work makes you stressful, leave a little earlier. It will become easier to address your overall stress if you discover the things that cause it and then try to limit their impact.

The next step is to try to reduce your emotional reactions to the things that stress you. You may find that these stressors make you think in a negative fashion, focusing only a situation’s worst aspects. Try, instead, to think of a stressor as a chance to improve your life. Try to see if you are overreacting to a situation. It may be that every stressor you encounter does not require an urgent response. Maybe you can take some time to study a situation before it bothers you. Think of yourself as in control – while you may not be able to do anything about the stressor itself, you can control how you feel about it.

Be sure to be aware of any physical reactions you have to stress. Deep-breathing techniques can help you decrease your heart rate, for example. If you have severe reactions, consult your doctor to determine if medication can help you. You can also reduce your stress levels by making your body stronger. Do aerobic activities three times per week, and make sure you eat nutritious foods. Avoid stimulants like sugar and coffee. And recognize that stress is a part of life. While it can’t be eliminated, you can develop coping strategies that will help when you feel overwhelmed.

A computer science degree is not just for geeks anymore

Years ago, a computer science degree was seen as something that attracted mainly math and computer nerds. The stereotype may not have been fair, but it looks as though the computer science students have the last laugh in any event. Today, courses and programs of study in computers offer not only excellent job opportunities, but also some very creative courses as well. Thanks to the fact that computers have evolved so rapidly and are now being used in every field, graduates of these computer programs have a cachet and coolness factor that simply did not exist before.

A computer science degree, at its simplest, is any degree that studies computers and their systems in depth. Students in the computer sciences study subjects such as algorithms, programming languages, computer hardware, software, program design, and other subjects. Of course, degrees vary widely. Some students focus on theoretical or mathematical work, while others focus on studies that will allow them to build practical systems and software programs for businesses.

A student with a computer science degree has plenty of career options, many of them very creative and interesting. Advertising agencies, digital artists, and web design companies require graduates to help transform creative ideas into creative software, graphics, and multimedia. Rock stars and music industry executives rely on students with computer science skills to assemble high-tech music videos, special multimedia effects for concerts, and other computerized effects.

Today, as animated films and movies with special effects are more popular, computer science students are in demand by movie studios. Students not only help build and fix computer systems, they are also often involved in creating some of the most popular cultural products of today. From movies to music to television and Internet trends, students from the computer sciences are responsible for many of the entertainment options we enjoy.

Students with a computer science degree may also build systems or software that is used by companies, by NASA or by home computer users. The possibilities are virtually endless. Now that so many people use computers, the work of people with computer skills is vital.

The employment news for students with a computer science degree is also very good. The U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the Computer Programmers section of the 2002-03 Occupational Outlook Handbook, states that computers scientists are expected to be the among the best growing occupations through the year 2010. Companies at all levels require workers with excellent computer skills. Today, even small businesses hire experts to create personalized computer systems or custom-built software elements for a business.

Major corporations such as NASA, IBM, and major movie studios, hire students from the computer sciences. Often, students graduating with this sort of degree can expect great career options, a well-paying job, and good benefits. Students with these skills are in demand, and companies have responded with attractive employment offers.

Students who are familiar with computers and want to pursue one of the more creative computer career options have plenty of choices. They should look for degree programs that offer plenty of hands-on experience. A degree with a good reputation goes a long way towards helping a student land a good job. Beyond that, networking can help students in applying for careers that are of interest. Many companies, even in glamorous fields, are actively looking for computer professionals. Networking is often as simple as letting prospective employers know about your skills. Many schools that offer good computer programs have career centers. These are also excellent resources that should not be overlooked.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Emotional stress and crohn s disease - how they relate

For years, many people have argued that forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, including Crohn’s Disease, is caused by emotional stress, tension, and anxiety; this, however, is completely inaccurate. While there may be links to emotional stress and Crohn’s Disease, it is not a cause of the disorder.

A common misconception is that Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is the same thing as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). However, these differ considerably. IBD causes inflammation of the intestines and is not caused psychological factors. On the other hand, there is a strong link in emotional issues contributing to IBS.

While some may argue Crohn’s Disease is caused by being overly emotional, it is in fact an inappropriate response of the immune system and no correlation to the disease and psychological issues. However, emotions may play a role in how a person deals with Crohn’s Disease.

In dealing with any chronic disease, people may find difficulty is coping with the long term effects of their medical condition. As a result, people with Crohn’s may become depressed or suffer other psychological issues, such as severe anxiety or dependency. As Crohn’s often causes excessive diarrhea and gas, it is sometimes embarrassing for people to go out in public, possibly leading to reclusion. Likewise, travel becomes more difficult, which may lead to feelings of loss of freedom. Long term pain also causes emotional complications, as well as long term use of pain medications.

While Crohn’s Disease may cause emotional stress, there has also been a reverse connection recognized: meaning stress may cause flare-ups of complications in patients already affected by Crohn’s Disease. Through extremely emotional times, a person may notice an increase in severity of diarrhea, gas, and pain.

If psychological issues become a hindrance in daily life, it may be necessary to seek professional help. While medication is not typically needed, simply acquiring support may be very beneficial. This may also be accomplished by joining support groups or conversing with other people that suffer from the same or similar disorders.

For peace of mind, there are also other steps that you can take to reduce stress as a result of Crohn’s Disease. Carrying a change of clothes with you, familiarizing yourself with your surroundings, including location of bathrooms, and being aware of your body’s reaction to certain foods will ease anxiety when you are out and about and prepare you for possible issues that may arise.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Primer of bathroom remodeling

Bathrooms interiors tend to be under-budgeted as compared to rest

of the home. Doing bathroom area gets some of us to think why spend so much, when we spend so little time in the bathroom. We all know it’s not true and a good bathroom area feels as terrific as rest of the home. Lets focus on a few areas that allow you estimate costs, without going bankrupt…

Now lets get into areas demanding minute attention. To avoid space constraints, you can work on exploiting whatever space you have. Start with blank corners and wasted space. For instance, you may want to make use of an idle wall sneaking

at you at odd times. Turn it into a showcase/cabinet to use/display. Use lighting accents to highlight areas of display (why cant a bathroom have its showcase!) and use shelves to stack your toiletries. You can also green up corners besides your toilet seat with interior plants. Get creative. Hang creative pieces from over the toilet, or some nice mirror work to create an illusion of space. Invest in showers, gadgets, mirrors, dressers and vanities for you will be happy with it some years down the line. Bathroom furniture needs to be cozy and relaxing. Choose from a range that goes with the overall look and appeal.

In reality individual bathroom site alone can determine how can play with space and make the best of it, but use creative tools to add a feeling of space then add textures, drapery and right lighting. Even contemporary interiors look promising. Here are few cool essentials I find up to the mark….

The Crystal Shower Enclosure makes a versatile corral with safe ј-inch tempered glass door along with fiberglass reinforced

acrylic & steel. Equipped with secure magnetic latches, the doors open effortlessly on integrated hinges. The visible fixtures are in chromed finish, and the door is reversible allowing left/right opening. Designed to fix against tiled walls, its available in three sizes. And, I think it’s worth investing in a shower case…

The Destiny Shower Enclosure is equally appealing and it allows you to install the glass on custom tiled trays, and for

streamlined installation, it can be combined with optional tray. Frame finish is available in Chrome/White/Brushed Aluminum.

The aluminum in the shower door is durable and resistant to water damage.

If you have a shower enclosure installed, it makes sense investing in a convenient shower column. I like the Camilla Shower Column with its anodized aluminum body in satin finish. Equipped with six adjustable body jets and multifunctional 5" hand shower and holder. The best practical part, it can be easily installed back-to-wall or in a corner..

Lighting can play an important role in bathrooms;poorly lit areas only make the bathroom appear dull & gray. Work on areas you need light, like on top of the mirror, seating area and near the shower. The market is flooded with fancy lights, I probed and found a few, and one of them deserves mention—the Lara Bathroom Sink Lighting in ceramic with its unique pattern, UL approved for damp areas, great for reducing eye fatigue by hiding bulbs that are normally exposed.

Coming to our best focus—vanities-- check out Enzo Ceramic Vanity. Its rather sophisticated and I fell for its all-around appeal. It offers incredible storage room and the choice of double/single sink. Its actually decent with a combo of wood, ceramic and metal…also offers finish choices…

Another stunner makes it here—the Rocco Ceramic Vanity. Great for big spaces, what I like is the immense storage space it comes with! On cards is under-mount white porcelain sink with overflow, generous storage cabinet and drawers, water resistant polyurethane finish & optional matching mirror and four different configurations of main and side cabinet…overall, a unit that takes care of all….

Modern vanities have been making a boom too and need to be highlighted. The Integrato Square Glass Bathroom Vanity is a beauty in clear glass, creating an illusion of space again, great for medium sized bath areas. Equipped with towel bar, faucet holes, I-trap & pop-up drain assembly, its really rocking stuff for bathrooms…

If you have great hardware for bathroom but are looking for some stylish faucets to do with the changed interiors—check out the Frame Single lever Tall Faucet.

Lastly, don’t overdo the interiors…let some space breathe in there….use individual pieces that add a personal touch and work on areas that are ignored…after all, all the work makes it worth at the end of the day…

Horses - whirlaway

Before the great horse Citation, who was trained by Ben Jones and ridden by jockey Eddie Arcaro to victory for the 1948 triple crown, there was another horse that they had the distinction of also taking to triple crown glory, one of the most wild horses in all of racing history. His name, Whirlaway.

There is no question about it, Whirlaway was a psychopath as far as horses went. He was quite prone to some wild adventurous trips around a race track. He was actually considered a mentally ill horse, however that is actually determined. He was a danger to himself and those around him. But there was no doubt in Ben Jones' mind that this horse was worth training. In his 3 and 4 year old seasons he ran 42 races, winning 25 of them and finishing second 13 times. Truly amazing for a horse that old. Whirlaway became the first of 8 Kentucky Derby winners and the first of 2 triple crown winners for Calumet Farm.

Whirlaway was the son of Blenheim II. In his 2 year old season he did show some signs of brilliance. He won seven starts which included four stakes races. His early record was actually much better than any other previous triple crown winner. All of them combined only won six races by the age of two. But Whirlaway also lost 9 times that year and began to show signs of very erratic behavior. Many times he would run a race and take his jockey to the outside rail before coming back inside and moving in for the kill. He was a very difficult horse to control because of his mental problems.

At the start of his second year of racing, Whirlaway was still showing signs of extremely erratic behavior and it was feared that he would never be ready for the really big races. He lost his first two races that year and fans were left wondering if he would ever be the great horse that Calumet Farm said he would be.

Well, the fans and the rest of the racing world didn't have to wait long. On May 3, 1941, Whirlaway ran in the Kentucky Derby. Jones had made some modifications to Whirlaway's blinker so that he could see a little better on the left side but not on the right. He also put Eddie Arcaro on Whirlaway, replacing his old jockey Wendall Eads. Arcaro had ridden a previous Kentucky Derby winner of Jones'. When the race started, Whirlaway did his usual bit of staying at the back of the pack. But with just a quarter mile left, Whirlaway took off and left the others in the dust, winning by 8 lengths.

The Preakness was no different. At one point, Whirlaway was trailing by 9 lengths and it appeared that he was out of the race. But again, he came on late and ended up winning the Preakness by 5 1/2 lengths.

Finally, a month later at the Belmont Stakes, Whirlaway notched up his place in racing history. This time he came out strong, building a 7 length lead. Even though he started to tire at the end he still hung on for a 2 1/2 length victory.

Sadly, after he retired and was sold to breed, he died just 10 minutes after being taken to a mare.

How the hobby of collecting coins began

A Brief History of Coins and Coin Collecting

Very few things tell more about a country in fewer words than the coins it produces. Coins hold a wealth of information on their small faces, from the year of their birth to the language spoken at the time, from the metals a country holds valuable to the cultural influences and historical figures that its people hold valuable. Coins can also be strikingly beautiful in their own right, with the top designers of a nation striving to have their motif chosen for immortality on the face of a coin. With so much information and beauty contained in so small a package, it is no surprise that coin collecting has been a hobby nearly as long as the concept of coins themselves. An understanding of the long history of coin collecting, once known as “the hobby of kings,” will make this pastime even more enjoyable.

The Origin of Coins and Coin Collecting

The hobby of coin collecting began nearly as soon as the first coins were minted in Asia Minor, around 650 B. C. Before that time, gold and silver ingots were the most common form of legal tender. Because there was no standard, however, each trade necessitated a careful weighing and examination of the precious metals being offered, and it was easy for unscrupulous merchants to pass off a lesser quality of gold in trade. Coins, which were printed on standardized weights of precious metals and stamped with a government guarantee of value, was the answer to this unwieldy, easily sabotaged trading process. Within one hundred years, the concept of coins had been adopted by all of the major trading cities in the civilized world.

At the beginning, coin collecting had a very practical reason – there were no banks in which to store money. People hoarded coins as a way of safeguarding their wealth. Those coins that were especially beautiful were hoarded the longest, often being passed down within families.

Coin Collection in Renaissance Times

Modern coin collecting, where the coins are viewed as a work of art as well as a collection of valuable legal tender, is widely thought to have begun with Francesco Petrarca, or Petrarch, who is often called the father of the Renaissance. Although there is reason to believe that Roman emperors and citizens paid prices higher than face value for coins that were no longer in circulation, Petrarch was known to be an avid collector, and often spoke of his collection in his writing. During the Renaissance, popes and nobility began collecting coins for their artistic and historical value, and the name “the hobby of kings” was born. So popular was the pursuit and trade of ancient Greek and Roman coins in this time period, that a brisk business in high-quality counterfeits sprang into being. Today, these counterfeits even have a high value, due to their age, quality, and historical significance.

Coin Collecting in Modern Times

Coin collecting has been a favorite pastime of many people with a reverence for history, including U. S. Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The development of two large coin organizations in the mid-to-late 1800s, the American Numismatic Society (ANS) and the American Numismatic Association (ANA), helped spark American interest in building and maintaining a coin collection. Today, there has been an explosion in American interest in coin collecting, in large part due to the ease and availability of obtaining interesting coins. The U. S. Mint has successfully increased interest in starting a coin collection through the minting of specialty coins, such as the bicentennial half dollars released in 1976 and the current release of quarters commemorating each of the fifty states.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gratitude - top ten reasons to adopt the law of gratitude

What would your day be like if you started and ended it by simply noticing all that you have in your life? If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. Gratitude is a natural high.

When you live in tandem with your spirit, appreciating all of life and what you have, you discover more joy and kindness in the world. Miracles happen everywhere all the time, but only those with an “Attitude of Gratitude” seem to notice them. This circle of peace grows and you return to your natural state of joy, love and peace, knowing you are whole and complete just as you are.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent

of all the others.” ~ Cicero

The following is a list of the top ten reasons to adopt the Law of Gratitude in your life:

One. Being in Gratitude Only Has Positive Side Effects.

Positive emotions make you feel good and offer a sense of comfort. When we take a few moments to express our appreciation inwardly or to another, immediately we begin to feel happier, more relaxed, more optimistic.

Two. Feelings of Gratitude Provide Short-Cuts to Miracles.

Negative thoughts and feelings create an interruption in the natural flow of life. When you are feeling positive and grateful you accelerate what it is that you desire. Consciously appreciating what you already have is the short-cut to manifestation and the secret to personal fulfillment.

Three. Thoughts of Gratitude Flood Your Body with Immune-Boosting Endorphins.

Studies also provide evidence that a positive, appreciative attitude enhances the body’s healing system and general health. When you hold feelings of thankfulness for at least 15 to 20 seconds, beneficial physiological changes take place in your body. Levels of the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine decrease, producing a cascade of beneficial metabolic changes. Coronary arteries relax, thus increasing the blood supply to your heart. And your breathing becomes deeper, raising the oxygen level of your tissues.

Four. Feeling Grateful Puts you Back into the ‘Flow of Life’ at the Speed of Thought.

Thoughts create things. If you are feeling and thinking positive thoughts, you create positive situations. You draw positive people to you. Like attracts like.

Five. Gratitude Unlocks the Fullness of Life.

Feelings of gratitude turn what you have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast or a house into a home. Gratitude makes sense of your past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Six. Feelings of Gratitude Give You a ‘Natural High’.

Grateful people tend to be more optimistic, a characteristic that researchers say boosts the immune system. Studies indicate that daily gratitude exercises result in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. Grateful people experience less depression and stress, are more likely to help others, exercise regularly and tend to make more progress toward personal goals. People who feel grateful are also more likely to feel loved.

Seven. Gratitude Provides an Immediate Sense of Well-Being.

Gratitude, it turns out, can help us better manage stress. Gratitude research is beginning to suggest that feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems, especially stress.

Eight. Feeling Grateful is the Main Cause of ‘Sustained Joy’.

Focusing on the gifts one has been given is an antidote to envy, resentment, regret and other negative states that undermine long-term happiness. Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.

Nine. The More You Give—The More You Receive.

You always get more of whatever you appreciate. When you express love, gratitude and sincere appreciation, you naturally expand. Consciously appreciating what you already have is the short-cut to manifestation and the secret to personal fulfillment. The more you assist others, the more you will assist yourself.

Ten. When You Are Genuinely Thankful Anger and Fear Disappear.

One of the incredible truths about gratitude is that it is impossible to feel both the positive emotion of thankfulness and a negative emotion such as anger or fear at the same time.

To Practice This Thought:

• Be lavish in your gratefulness.

• Make gratitude a daily ritual.

• Be thankful for whatever

forces you to deal with your own strong emotions.

• Set aside an hour or two to do nothing much except be grateful.

Focus on what is working in your life and what IS right in the world. It doesn’t matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may be. Before long you will notice that more things will fall into place with little or no effort on your part. Gratitude is a wonderful tool to use to feel good fast.

Amirah © 2006 All Rights Reserved.

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

What to look for when starting a myspace account

With the internet continuing to expand and new websites evolving on a daily basis, no website has become as popular as MySpace. As of March 2006, MySpace had become the eighth most popular website in the world with over 68 million accounts. MySpace is a social networking website that allows people to do a variety of things to communicate with others around the world. The MySpace layout allows you to upload personal pictures of yourself, create interactive blogs, start a user profile, and much more. MySpace does have its flaws like everything in life, but there are so many benefits a person can receive from having their own account.

A MySpace layout is centered on your profile. Within the profile are numerous things about you and all of your interests that you choose to tell. The profile allows you to post information about you and basic interests among books, movies, music, television and more.

To personalize your MySpace account even more, it is common to upload several images of yourself or of other pictures that interest you. This helps people identify you and get to know you a little better. MySpace has also turned into one of the leading interactive and entertainment oriented websites on the internet.

Through the MySpace layout you can keep track of how many friends you have and who they are. This allows you to communicate and send messages to friends to keep in touch. There is an Instant Message feature that allows you to talk to friends instantaneously if they are logged on to their account as well.

MySpace has become a great way for music artists to get their name out in the public. By starting a MySpace account and posting their music on their profile, such bands as Hawthorne Heights and My Chemical Romance promoted themselves and became what they are today. Many bands around the world are doing the same thing by posting their music and sending it to hundreds of thousands of MySpace accounts to become noticed.

As noted earlier, MySpace does have its flaws and concerns. MySpace is set up so that anyone can customize the colors and layout of their own page with no restrictions. Most MySpace users are not skilled web developers, which can cause problems such as freezing web browsers through poorly constructed profiles. Along with the inexperience of web development, there are several ads and pop-ups that a user will encounter that can freeze a page or result in the page taking a long time to load.

Another problem with MySpace that has become popular in the news is the content that can be posted on the website. There have been a number of cases concerning nude and indecent pictures being posted on peoples’ profiles. There have also been many instances of adults using the website to meet, talk to and stalk teenagers. That is why it is important that teenagers are aware of the danger they put themselves in by posting personal information.

MySpace can be a harmless interactive website if used with caution. It is fine to post your interests and talk to friends, but it’s important that people are careful with posting personal information and know who to talk to and who not to talk to.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The facts about organic baby food

Quite simply, organic baby food is that which is processed without the use of artificial pesticides and/or synthetic fertilizers. While many note organic food as being either store-bought, garden grown or gathered in the wild, the correct association is certified organic foods, which are produced and labeled according to strict regulatory standards. In a number of countries, including the United States, the use of the word ‘organic’ in the commercial market, without the proper certification, is prohibited by law.

Organic baby food is most commonly found in a supermarket and will be labeled accordingly. Because of it’s nature, organic baby food is more expensive than other types. Processed organic baby food typically includes only those ingredients that are organic and has no artificial food additives. While there seem to a number of benefits to using organic baby food, the most common reason for purchasing this type of product is the overall quality. Increased nutritional value, the absence of residues from artificial pesticides and better taste are all positive benefits of organic baby food.

Organic baby food, because it is believed to be fresher, often carries an improved taste over other baby foods. Because organic farms are small, their products are most commonly sold close to home. Therefore, organic baby food and other products feature a fresher taste simply because they are fresh.

By 2003, organic food products were available in 20,000 natural food stores and 73% of commercial grocery stores. While many believe that organic baby food is helpful, others are not as certain. Some believe that farming and organic fertilization may carry it’s own risks that may be passed along in organic baby food.

The main debate lies with the better approach to manufacturing organic food. Is it more healthy to use artificial and synthetic products in food processing or natural fertilizer and organic farming methods? There are both sides to any debate and the questions surrounding organic baby food is no different. There is legitimate concern over contamination and safety of organic food and products, but an exact determination as to which side of the table is right has yet to be decided.

The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes. It should not be considered as, or used in conjunction with, professional medical advice or recommended feeding for your infant, toddler or young child. Prior to beginning any food preparation involving the use of organic baby food, consult your child’s physician for additional information and/or a recommendation regarding the use of organic baby food as part of your child’s food intake.

Adolescent anger management strategies

Adolescent anger management is becoming more prominent in our society. Traditionally, children who enter this last acute phase of bodily and mental development can go through some rough times. As kids enter their preteen and then their teenage years, chaos can ensue at times for everyone involved. A child or young adult may feel that his or her body and mind are out of control occasionally, and the parents and teachers who supervise children at this age may tend to agree. Anger can spring out of nowhere to challenge innocent requests and reasonable expectations. Yet kids between the age of twelve and sixteen sometimes react in unpredictable ways, surprising those around them and even themselves and requiring the intervention of adolescent anger management strategies.

Today’s teens face even greater pressures than those of the past. By age eighteen, most have witnessed thousands of murders on television and video games. Some are involved in violent or illegal gang activity. Others come from broken homes where domestic violence and substance abuse are the norm. By the time they start going through puberty, their entire existence may seem out of their control, and they may grow increasingly enraged, acting out their anger in antisocial ways that require adolescent anger management.

Adolescent Anger Management and Juvenile Delinquents

Sadly, many teens experience frustrations that drive them to vent anger toward people or things, breaking civil laws. This type of behavior often leads to incarceration, or at the very least, intervention by parents, teachers, law enforcement officials, and juvenile experts who attempt to train children how to respond in age-appropriate ways. Adolescent anger management programs teach kids individually or in peer groups how to identify negative feelings, work through them in the right kind of ways, seek help when needed, and practice more mature behaviors.

During periods of time spent at juvenile detention centers, teens involved in adolescent anger management programs can learn how to improve their behavior in socially acceptable ways. Therapists can help to point out alternative attitudes and behaviors to teens who have never seen positive responses to everyday irritations modeled for them by responsible adults. They may be able to learn directly from the therapist how to manage difficult feelings, and they can read resource materials or visit websites like anger-management-information. com (site is not complete yet) for more information about this condition, and how to address it. They will find others like themselves who are learning how to get along with people and accept the situations that cannot be changed.

Community Adolescent Anger Management Programs

If you have or work with a teenager that is struggling with angry outbursts and a poor attitude, get in touch with a teacher or psychologist at your child’s school or a community social services organization that can direct you to self-help resources or a local adolescent anger management group that might be willing to admit your child. Letting unresolved anger fester or continue to be displayed in dangerous ways can lead to serious consequences. Get your teen the help that is needed for coping with this behavioral disorder.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Have too much give it to charity

Every person I know has a house filled with many things. Go into your bedroom and look in your closet. I am quite sure that you do not wear all of the clothes you see (although congratulations if you do!). And I am equally sure that you do not really need all ten pairs of similar black dress shoes. Or take a glance at your recreation gear in the garage. When is the last time you actually used those cross-country skis? There is a solution - a great solution - to downsize your life and do something great for your community at the same time. Give to charity. There are a variety of suitable organizations who would be glad to take your excess possessions of your hands.

Deciding to give to charity is a perfect way to accomplish many good things all at once. Obviously, giving to charity is a great way to help those in need. You may have many extra pairs of pants, but it is quite likely that many people in your town struggle to afford owning more than one or two pairs at once. You might be shocked if you knew all of the common, every day needs people live with each day. Out of your excess you can help the increase the quality of life for others. What an amazing thing to be a part of.

Giving to charity is not only great for those who receive the items, it is also great for those who give. That is right. Giving will fast become something you treasure. Nothing feels better than practicing generosity, and you will quickly find that you will look for ways to simplify your life in order to bless others. Giving to charity will also give you the chance to simplify your overcomplicated life. As years go by people tend to gather more things than they can use at once. Just think back to when you first moved into your current home or apartment. Remember how you did not have enough to fill all of your closests and pantries? Look at those same closets and pantries now and I bet you will find that they are overflowing. Do you remember where those glasses came from? Who gave you that wool sweater again?

But how do you decide what to give to charity and what to keep? I will give you a few practical tips. With clothing, if you have not worn it at all during the last two years, chances are high that you will not have a need to wear it again. Household items can be a little harder to separate, but a good rule of thumb is that if you cannot remember the last time you used it, you probably do not need it. Just begin going through your possessions and decide as you go. If you are in doubt about an item, ask yourself these questions: do I really need it? Will I really use this? Is there someone else who could use this item more than me?

Giving to charity is a wonderful way to simplify your home, learn to see the needs of others and meet them all at the same time. Why not take a quick walk through your house and consider giving some of your things to charity today.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Host foreign species - infection

An infection is the in short the hosting of foreign species in a host organism. There is a war that is involved between the host and the foreign body as the infection organism is looking to use the hosts resources in order to multiply. All of this occurs at the expense of the host. If the host and the intruder could coexist there would be no problem, but this isn't the case. The infecting organism in it's intrusion will interfer with the normal operation of the host, and in many cases inflict with the survival of the host. These organisms are usually consired to be tiny and microscopic, however the definition is in fact much wider than that.

Pathogens are a broad group that include: (Infectious Disease is the specific branch of medicine that focuses on these infections and pathogens.)

- Parasites

- Bacteria

- Viruses

- Prions

- Viroids

- Fungi

All organisms with multiple cells(multicellular) are colonized to some extent by an extrinsic organisms. The large majority of these exist in either a relationship with the host like mentioned above. The difference between an infection and a colonization is due to the circumstance which exists as a result of the former. Basically if the colonization of the external body comprises the life of the host organisms it is an infection.

Several variables are involved which determine the intruders outcome on the host:

- The Route of entry

- The access to host regions that it gains

- The amount or load of the initial inoculant

- The intrinsic virulence of the particular organism

- The status of the immune system of the host that is being colonized

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bridal jewelry and the dress

We all know that when a bride to be has already spent practically twenty years planning her wedding before she even knows who the groom is, the image that she dreams of is how she will look on her wedding day. Every little detail counts and is carefully pondered upon before making the all important wedding decisions.

The first part of the dream is “The Dress”, the wedding gown, her day, her style. The selection of the wedding gown is one of the most important items a bride to be must decide upon. The dress no matter what the style should always be a selection that the bride to be feels elegant and beautiful in. Whether a bride envisions herself in a simple white gown, a lacy gown or a bright pink gown, the bride’s attitude in the dress is what makes that bride an individual and beautiful bride on her wedding day. The selection of the wedding gown should always remain fun and as stress free as possible, buy what makes you feel beautiful.

Now that the dress has been chosen, you have been measured and the all important deposit has been made, you are committed to “The Dress”, you need to finish off your bridal look for your wedding day. This is where all of the little details that you hem and haw about for hours come together to make a magnificent and magical combination of the perfect bride! The shoes, the garter, the something old something new and last but certainly not least, the bridal jewelry!

The bridal jewelry that the bride to be decides upon should coordinate with the wedding gown she has selected to wear for the big wedding day. Keeping in mind the style of your dress, the bridal jewelry selection must be made with as careful of attention to detail as when choosing your wedding gown. The bridal jewelry chosen by the bride should finish off your look and bring the entire ensemble together.

Some suggestions to follow as to the style of dress you are wearing to match the style of the bridal jewelry you will wear follows.

Open Backed Dress - When wearing an open back dress, adding a bridal jewelry lariat is a great way to add the final detail to show off your beautiful wedding gown. A bridal lariat is a piece of bridal jewelry that the bride wears around her neck like a normal necklace; however; the back of the neck will have a longer dangling piece of jewelry to finish off the look. Depending upon the piece of bridal jewelry, lariats can be purchased that are adjustable, which will be a better fit for any bride with a backless dress. Another great way to show off a backless dress is a bridal jewelry choker or bridal jewelry collar with a hanging jewel embellishment in the back. Bridal chokers have become a very modern and popular choice for brides that want an edgier bridal look and feel that still embraces the classic and elegant bride.

V Neck Dress - When a bride is wearing a v neck style wedding gown, Y - drop necklaces are a very nice touch for bridal necklace jewelry. The Y - drop necklace takes the same angles as the v neck wedding gown line. Bridal chokers are also a great selection for the bride that is wearing a v line dress. The choker gives clean lines and does not distract from the v neck style of dress. Regular simple and double strand necklaces also work very nicely for this style of wedding gown, as they provide a simple but elegant style that compliments the v neck.

Square Top Dress – For the brides that select a very traditional square top wedding gown, simple single strand and double strand bridal jewelry necklaces are a great way to finish off the neckline. They bring contrast and attract the eye towards the cut of the dress. For a very clean lined look, bridal jewelry chokers are the most perfect style of bridal jewelry necklines for the square top dress. The bridal choker has become more and more popular as the years pass, now with so many options available; brides are finding it easier to select the perfect bridal jewelry choker that fits the style of their gowns.

The Sweetheart Gown - The sweetheart gown style of wedding gown is accessorized nicely with a y – drop necklace, as it follows the line of the top of the wedding gown. Also with this style of gown, bridal chokers go nicely, as well as pendant necklace and simple round necklaces. The sweetheart gown is such a nice choice; the bridal jewelry that you select to wear with the gown should always compliment that neckline.

Strapless Dress – When a bride wears a strapless gown, there are many options for the bridal jewelry necklace. A bridal jewelry choker is such a great way to compliment the line of the top of the dress. A choker brings a symmetrical and parallel line, and adding a sparkly pearl or swarovski crystal bridal jewelry choker or collar with a strapless gown is so elegant and sophisticated. In addition to the bridal choker, simple pendant necklaces as well as single strand and multi-strand necklaces make great choices for the strapless style wedding gown. Wearing a strapless gown draws much attention to the shoulders and neck region, so wearing the perfect bridal jewelry that looks spectacular with that line of dress is very important for your bridal look.

Halter Top Dress - The halter top dress calls for a certain type of bridal jewelry. A dangle backed necklace or lariat are perfect for this line of wedding gown. The attention is drawn on the front and the back, making use of the entire wedding gown to compliment your bridal jewelry. A halter dress also looks beautifully pulled together with a y drop necklace or pendant necklace. The y drop necklace was just about made for this style of wedding gown; the y drop centers the entire look and feel of this type of gown.

Off The Shoulder Dress - When wearing an off of the shoulder dress, any style of bridal jewelry necklace works. A regular single or double strand necklace can frame out your entire bridal look with simplicity. If you choose to wear a bridal jewelry choker, that brings the eyes up to the face with ease as it finished off your bridal look. Y drop and lariats work great with the off the shoulder dress. Depending upon how much of your back shows, a lariat can look elegant from behind when standing at the alter, and a y drop necklace really brings focus to the bride with this gown. What ever style you choose for this line of dress, you cannot go wrong.

One Shoulder Dress or Asymmetric Dress - With the asymmetric gown, it is best to choose a great bracelet and pair of earrings, as a necklace will look unbalanced and unnatural. The one shoulder dress is a bold move; wear a bold bracelet and glamorous earrings.

Scoop Necked Gown – When wearing the scooped neck gown a simple one or multi-strand necklace is perfect. A necklace such as the simple one to five strand bridal necklaces will frame out the top of your wedding gown perfectly. A bridal jewelry choker is also a really nice selection for this style of dress. It is a simple and even topper to the scoop neckline, a great selection.

Whatever your dress selection, choose bridal jewelry that makes you feel gorgeous when you put it on. Your bridal jewelry is your icing on the cake and the selection of the bridal jewelry is just as important as the selection of the gown. Your bridal jewelry will be bridal accessories that you cherish for a life time. You will never wear your wedding gown after the big day, but you can wear your bridal jewelry when ever you want to. Wearing your bridal jewelry is your memory to the most special day in your life. What ever your bridal jewelry selection, look spectacular on your wedding day because you waited for this special moment for a lifetime!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Evolution of the digital camera

Remember the good old days, when buying a digital camera meant choosing between two or three models? That was the year 1995, and there were literally only three digital cameras which had been introduced for the consumer level market—the Apple Quicktake 100, the Kodak DC40, and the Casio QV-11. Back then, it was easy to get information about each camera and decide which would work best for you. Well, those days are definitely gone. Now, if you want a new digital camera you’ll have to sort through hundreds of different models and make countless decisions, like how many megapixels you’d like your camera to have, what type of media you want your camera to store your images on, and what levels of digital and optical zoom you’ll need...not easy tasks, especially if like me you’re not sure what a megapixel is.

I recently decided that my old film camera needed an update and made the momentous decision to buy my first digital camera. Though I’ve always been one of those people who shies away from new technology, friends and family had been telling me for years that it was time to go digital. According to them, the benefits of having a digital camera far outweighed my fear of high-tech gadgets. They told me that I could save a fortune on film and developing costs, that I could view my pictures instantly, edit them on my own computer, and print only the ones I wanted. So, I decided it was time to jump on the technology bandwagon and find myself a simple little digital camera.

Easier said than done.

Several disappointing trips to the electronics stores in my area left me confused and camera-less. I’ve never been intimidated by salespeople, but the electronics stores were completely overwhelming. I had no idea there were so many digital cameras on the market today and had trouble even understanding what the salespeople were talking about when they pitched their products! Megapixels, CF, CCD, dpi, MMC…does anyone know what these terms mean? Finally I decided to try my luck on the Internet, where I could at least conduct the search on my terms, without hovering salespeople, in the comfort of my own home.

I tried the big online shopping sites first, but found most of them even more overwhelming and confusing than the stores. I’ve been using the Internet for years, but I had difficulty finding my way around most of these sites. Not only that, but there were even more digital cameras to choose from than in the stores! I hadn’t thought it possible. I needed guidance…unbiased guidance in language I could understand.

Finally, I came across a new website called techselector. com. The site promised to help me find the right product every time—in four simple steps. After my previous experiences I had my doubts about this, but decided to give it a shot. I was instructed first to choose the category of product I was looking for – digital cameras – and then to complete a short multiple choice questionnaire. I expected the questionnaire to be tedious, full of terms I wouldn’t understand, but it wasn’t. It was simple, and any technical terms were explained to me in everyday language. After I completed the questionnaire, the site generated my own personal Product Report, which listed the best products for me based on my questionnaire answers. The Report was easy to understand – I could see pictures of the products, view detailed specifications sheets, and compare different products. After a few minutes of reading through my Product Report, I made a decision and with the click of a button, I purchased my first digital camera.

Sure it’s not 1995 anymore and there are considerably more than three digital cameras to choose from, but the cameras today have amazing features we couldn’t have even imagined back then. Don’t let the overwhelming selection of available models and the confusing technical jargon deter you from getting a great new camera—or any other new high-tech gadget. Techselector. com features a number of different product categories, tech guides, and glossaries which can help you understand all the terms and features. Best of all, the site can help you to sort through the different products and find the ones that will suit you best – quickly and easily. My new digital camera arrived a few weeks ago, and already I’ve almost forgotten what it was like to buy film. Had I known it would be so easy to find the perfect digital camera for me, I’d have done it a long time ago.

Industry tax issue resolution program

For roughly the last ten years, the internal revenue service has made a fairly major effort to be more taxpayer friendly. The Industry Tax Issue Resolution Program is one such step.

Industry Issue Resolution Program

After years of living in denial, the IRS has come around to admitting tax forms and procedures may be a mess for certain industries. As one IRS agent put it, the agency doesn’t actually work in the industries, so it doesn’t have a lot of practical knowledge in how things work financially for the businesses on a day-to-day basis.

In a creative move, the IRS created the Industry Issue Resolution Program. This program essentially lets businesses complain to the IRS about burdensome tax issues. The IRS then considers the problem, researches alternatives and tries to come up with new regulations.

One of the better aspects of the programs is the guidance factor. If you’ve every filled out business taxes, you know there are areas that need serious clarity. You either can’t tell what the IRS is asking for or how they want it determined. Using the Industry Issue Resolution Program, businesses can seek clarity regarding many of the mystifying aspects of the tax regulations.

If a business wants to raise a topic with the IRS under this issue resolution program, it has to meet some criteria. Issued raised must have at least two of the following criteria or the IRS will reject the application.

1. The tax treatment of a common factual situation is uncertain.

2. The uncertainty results in frequent, repetitive examination of the same issue for businesses in the industry.

3. The uncertainty results in a tax burden.

4. The issue is significant and impacts a large number of taxpayers.

5. The IRS would benefit from gaining a better understanding of the industry by interacting with the industry.

The procedure for pursuing an issue in the resolution program is fairly simple, but fairly slow. Application is made to the relevant department dictated in the application instructions. You then wait until the IRS announces whether it will accept the application, announcements which only occur semi-annually! If it is accepted, the IRS will set up a team to investigate it and be in touch to get your viewpoint.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

One step closer to immigrating to the us submitting your application

One step closer to immigrating to the US: submitting your application

So, you're ready to jump through some hoops to immigrate to the United States, huh? Well, it really isn't all that daunting a process if you're prepared for it. Unfortunately, a lot of technical requirements and miscellaneous tasks await a person who is ready to migrate to a new country, especially one with the intense border control of America. Don't you think you should know what they are?

Remember that as you go through the immigration process, your embassy or consulate will have a lot of power and so will the American immigration officer; in fact the latter will have the final say. Evidence, documents, and attitude aside, you aren't ever in total control of your immigration. So make sure you cross your t's and dot your i's! Try to be as accurate and complete with your application process so that you don't encounter any obstacles on the road to your new living arrangement.

Before submitting your immigration application, there are some things to keep in mind. In order to avoid pitfalls that often haunt others trying to accomplish the same goal, follow the tips below:

· Your passport will be important when applying for a visa. Make sure it is up to date and has accurate information about you

· It's easy to download an immigration form online; just make sure it's the proper one and you have Acrobat Reader for viewing – also, when you go to print, you may be required to print it out back to back and with certain dimensions

· Fill out the form as extensively and deeply as you can, otherwise put “N/A”

· An up to date, face-fronting photo with high contrast is a must for your application so have this on hand

· Your host in the U. S. can start putting the process in motion by sending in all necessary, up-to-date documents to the embassy you are dealing with; you'll want to be sure that there are no inconsistencies with the information your host and you give the embassy

· Prepare to answer questions during your interview about why you are immigrating to the U. S.; there are certain qualifications to do such a thing and you must be careful that you don't disqualify yourself on accident!

You can easily obtain a visa application visiting U. S. government Web sites on the World Wide Web. UnitedStatesVisas. gov and the U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services are tremendous resources for you.

Now, in order to submit your visa, you must locate the appropriate embassy to submit it to. Make an appointment with the consulars office and ask about fees ahead of time.

What you will need is: a passport, important documents, visa application forms (of course), and payment for whatever fees. Once the consulars office “okay's” you, you'll then greet an immigration officer in America. Essentially, the U. S. Department of Homeland Security will determine the length of your stay and all those other important details about your immigration status.

5 places to visit when you re in chicago

When planning a trip to the Windy City, you will find there are plenty of Chicago attractions and activities to consider, including main sights, shopping opportunities, and entertaining cultural explorations. Regardless of what you planned before entering this exciting destination, you are sure to come across a variety of places to visit, which may include some of the following selections:

Navy Pier

While this attraction originally served the many freighters and water transportation on Lake Michigan in the mid-1910s, it is now recognized as one of the most well known of Chicago sights. On a daily basis, the pier features a wide range of entertainment options and interesting events. Before you even arrive at the pier, you may catch sight of the Ferris wheel, which stands 150 feet into the air. While an onsite 18-hole miniature golf course, musical carousel, and other indoor activities make a great distraction for children, adults also enjoy features of the site, such as the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, which provides access to a 500-seat courtyard theatre.

Sears Tower

Decorating the Chicago skyline, the Sears Tower is recognized as one of the tallest buildings in the United States. As a long-standing symbol of the city, tourists often flock to this attraction to enjoy one of the best views of Chicago. When visiting the tower on a clear day, the amazing view may include up to 40 to 50 miles of sightlines that reach parts of Michigan, Indiana, and even Wisconsin.

Shedd Aquarium

Many visitors to the city really enjoy a trip to the Shedd Aquarium, where the display of marine life provides an exceptional opportunity. While an aquarium may seem like a place where only children will find pleasure, adults also encounter a delightful outing when touring one of the most popular sights in Chicago. A variety of species that hail from all over the world can be found on the premises, which present a range of ordinary creatures to the truly exotic. Popular exhibits at Shedd include piranhas, anacondas, and the Caribbean reef display.

Magnificent Mile (Michigan Ave)

If there was ever the perfect place to max out your credit cards, the Magnificent Mile, located along Michigan Avenue is situated in the great city of Chicago. Along this entertaining strip, you will find major hotels, such as the Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, and the Conrad Hilton. The well-known Water Tower landmark is positioned on this same street, as well as a satisfying assortment of department stores and exclusive shops. Just to get an idea of the type of shopping awaiting your arrival includes the likes of retail giants such as Gucci, Coach, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Macy’s, and Tiffany & Co.


To explore an explosion of satisfying cultural finds, the Chicago Chinatown is the perfect place to enjoy a wide range of shops, restaurants, and neighborhood events. At any given moment, this section of the city may open to reveal exciting parades, entertaining festivals, and unique holiday celebrations. Many visitors enjoy a stop in Chinatown to get a good deal on a city-related souvenir or purchase an attractive Asian trinket. It is also the best place to savor the cuisine of the Orient.

Nutrition diet and exercise

Whether you are trying to lose weight or live an active healthy life style, nutrition and exercise are vital to your health. We have become as a whole in the western culture, a couch potato, slow moving, over weight and flaccid society. Of course there will always be that smaller percentage of people who get it right and remain fit and healthy. But those that do, make a conscious effort at it with diet and exercise. Well done if you are in that category!

Part of the problem is that because we as humans have it ingrained in us to constantly change things, we are the only creatures that invent food. No other animal or insect does this and they don’t have the diseases humans do unless we have poisoned their environment. We have so much in the way of processed food that have little nutrient value, that we pack on the pounds and become slower moving.

In the wild, animals that eat the raw greens, grasses fruits and berries are very healthy animals. The meat-eating animals consume the healthy plant-eating animals and remain virtually disease free. Our farms on the other hand, need to mass-produce cattle and chickens so we give them hormones and phosphates and the like and we consume them. That is by the way, some experts now think younger girls are developing much earlier than they used to because of the hormones in meat and dairy products. We can however, luckily eat raw organic fruits and vegetables and we should do so on a daily basis.

Another culprit is our need to once again, change our environment. We have more machines that do things for us now and it won’t stop there. This is both good and bad. The good is a higher rate of production for the products we need, bad because we are slowing down physically. In as little as ten years ago we could go out on a Sunday morning and see someone pushing his or her lawn mower. (And I mean pushing). Now a days, you’ll see more of sit down mowers or power mowers that literally pull you along with it. Our fore fathers were much more active and they ate nutrient rich foods. And they could eat a lot of it without getting fat because of how much energy they spent from hard physical labor.

Is all lost for us in this day and age? Absolutely not!!! We are perfectly capable of reversing this trend, but it does require a) your dedication and b) follow through. This can be done no matter what your weight and activity level.

Make your first step the decision to become healthy and fit. Once you have firmly made that decision you are on your way. Now take the time to evaluate your lifestyle and really look at it. Be honest with yourself about your eating habits and activity level.

Changing your diet to eating healthy whole foods is a good way to start. It’ll not only help you lose weight and help you feel better, but it will enhance your quality of life. You’ll have more energy and life just feels better when you are healthy.

There are many popular diets out there. The Zone, the Blood Type Diet, Atkins, the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers and the list goes on. They all have had their share of successes so it is hard sometimes to know what to do. I can only say, do your homework. You will find the right one that works for you and you will be more likely to stick to it.

If you want to do it on your own you can be just as successful if you know some basic rules.

1) Portion control. Cutting down to smaller portions can help tremendously. A great

way to eat less food at one sitting is to drink a glass of water before you eat and then drink more water with your meal. Water takes up a lot of space in your stomach so you will feel full faster and water won’t give you any extra calories. Awesome!

2) Water, water, water. Drink lots of clean pure water. Your body needs it and more than you think. Most North Americans are in a state of semi dehydration. Water flushes out toxins, gets your bowels moving. (Did you know that the amount of pain you feel from injury or minor aches and pains are directly proportional to how dehydrated you are? An interesting tid bit)

3) Eat raw fruits and vegetables as much as you can especially dark greens. Cooked veggies lose some of their nutrients so eating a salad every day would benefit you. Most of your vitamins and minerals are going to come from fresh fruits and leafy green vegetables. And try to stick to organic on this to avoid the pesticides and chemicals.

4) Fiber. You need to keep the bowels moving and the combination of water and fiber will do the trick. The best fiber comes from fruit and whole grains. But consider this: You would need to eat 10 bran muffins to get the same amount of fiber as in a half cup of raspberries.

5) Protein. The best source of protein is from meats such as beef, chicken or turkey. But do limit the amount you eat at one time. You don’t need a 10 or 12oz piece of meat at one sitting. You can get protein from dairy and cheese but consume only small amounts because they digest too slowly. Nut is a source of protein but they are high in fat so consume small amounts.

6) Sugar, confectionary treats, soda’s, junk foods and some processed foods are your enemy. Nothing gives you weight gain and that sluggish feeling quite like this grouping. I am not saying you should never partake of them, but do so only occasionally. We do after all need our cheat days once in a while. Just make them small portions.

7) Find an exercise regimen that you like and will stick to. Pretty much any exercise program will help you lose weight if you stick with it. You will see on TV all the equipment people want to sell you but after watching for a bit you usually know what appeals to you or not. You may just want to pop in a video and exercise with that.

8) I can’t say enough about sticking with your program. It takes time and you can experience losses in the beginning when it seems it is not going fast enough, but if you stick with it, you will get your reward and you will reach your goal weight and have energy to burn.

9) And finally, because some of food is deficient in nutrients from growing in poor over used soil it might be a good idea to get some good vitamin supplements to assisting in getting our daily requirements in. Getting it in food is the best but that is hard to do these days so find a qualified nutritionist to help you in selecting what’s best for you.

Good luck and good health!

Choosing the proper fit running shoes

Because everyone has different shapes of feet, as well as different needs, there is no "best shoe" that fits everyone. There are many factors that should be considered when trying to choose the right running shoes. These factors include a persons biomechanics, weight and the type of surface you run on (example: turf, grass, a track, concrete, etc.) the shape of your foot.

Considering these factors, a running shoe that is good for one person may be horrible for another. We have a lot riding on our feet when we run, making a well-designed, comfortable pair of running shoes a necessity for any runner. Choosing the right running shoes can prevent injury, and make your running experience much more enjoyable. The following paragraphs will discuss running shoes; as well provide some advice about choosing the right pair.

Before you go shopping for the right running shoes, it you should first determine the type of foot you have. First you need to dip your bare foot into water and make a footprint on a piece of paper. It is also a good idea to outline your foot with a pen, as well. This footprint will be very helpful.

Looking at your footprint, you should examine the arch of your foot. This will help you to determine what type of foot you have. If you see that you have flat feet, you are likely an over-promoter. If you see a medium arch, this normally indicates a neutral probation. Finally, if you have a high arch, you are probably an under-promoter.

Now that you have a good idea about your foot type, you are ready to go shop for your new running shoes. Specialty stores or stores that sell only shoes are the best places to look, as they often have a wide variety, and styles to fit any foot type. You can find these specialty stores, or shoe stores, in just about any shopping mall.

Tips and Advice: When you are trying to purchase the right running shoe, there are some tips you should always try to follow. It is Important to always wear the same socks you would normally run in. Make sure that you bring your used pair of running shoes along. Let the salesperson measure your feet. Choose a shoe that fits the largest foot. Take a test walk or jog around the store. By following these tips, you are sure to choose the perfect running shoes.

Advice for purchasing renters insurance

The best advice regarding renters insurance is purchase it. When we rent an apartment, a condo, a house, or a mobile home, we sometimes feel a bit too secure in knowing the property isn’t ours. We don’t own it; therefore, whatever happens to it, outside of the damage we may cause the property ourselves, is not our responsibility.

If the plumbing is faulty, the landlord will clean up the small lake in the kitchen and replace the pipes, right? If a storm hurls a tree through the living room window, the landlord will sweep up the broken glass and replace the window, right? If faulty wiring sparks a fire and burns the building to the ground, the landlord will just build again, right?

While it is the responsibility of the landlord and/or owner of the property to fix these damages not caused by you, it is not his or her responsibility to replace or repair your damaged or lost possessions along the way. So, who’s going to replace your kitchen table when it becomes water logged, your television set once a tree rams through it, and everything else you own when the building burns down?

Your renters insurance company; that is, if you have a renters insurance policy.

A renters insurance policy is like a homeowners insurance policy in that your possessions are protected against accidents such as fire and water damage, as well as theft. When purchasing a renters insurance policy, you should follow the same advice as purchasing a homeowners insurance policy: take inventory of your possessions, decide how high or low you want your deductible to be to get the premium you can afford, and look into a “floater” policy if certain valuables aren’t covered under the renters insurance policy.

Don’t be swept away by the false security of not owning the property in which you live; remember, you do own the property you moved in with!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Overindulge in gourmet chocolates

Many people spend tons of money on fine wines and often pay an extraordinary amount of money for a single bottle of wine. Not many people would guess that it could be true for chocolates as well, not even gourmet chocolate.

However, nowadays there are chocolate manufacturers that specifically target the higher end of the chocolate market. One of these companies is Amadei. Their chocolates have brought the term terroir to the chocolate world.

Terroir is most often associated with wines. It is used to describe the wine flavors and tones that are associated with a specific winegrowing region.

Amadei was established in the early 90s and is placed in Italy. Chocolate connoisseurs are going crazy over their gourmet chocolates.

Their unique gourmet chocolates like Chuao and Porcelana can easily cost you more than $200 for 1 kg!

Those prices are in line with what people would be willing to pay for an expensive wine. Just like money does not matter for the true wine lover, for the true chocolate connoisseur these prices are negligible if the chocolate is of outstanding quality. Amadei is unquestionably amongst the finest of gourmet chocolates around.

If those kinds of prices scare you off then a good alternative, but still an excellent choice, is the Godiva line of chocolates. Their dark gourmet chocolates will cost you approximately $70 for 1 kg. Apart from Godiva, there are also several other excellent gourmet chocolate choices, such as Valrhona, Scharffen Berger, plus other smaller local manufacturers. The Original Hawaiian Chocolate Factory in Hawaii grows their own cocoa and produces their own chocolates locally.

If truffles are your weakness then you absolutely have to try the Amadei truffles. They are not as pricey as the chocolate squares.

It is very difficult to go wrong with chocolate. When you look for new and interesting choices that you haven't tried before you're bound to find more than what you can reasonably afford. Since chocolate is so popular, there are many websites devoted to the topic of gourmet chocolates.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Baby boomers ultimate anti- aging concepts 5 radical tips

By Ray Page

Many of us “Baby Boomers” are each beginning to feel our age, and we’re starting to live it too. Every morning, clock radios everywhere announce the start of another day. As a typical boomer rolls out of bed, an old ache, pain, and/or little worry makes its presence known, just like the day before. The same beverage -- coffee, tea, or maybe even caffeinated soda -- is ingested in an attempt to energize the same tired face reflected in the morning mirror.

By the time we hit our 50’s, we may have feelings that our lives are not as they could be. Yes, there are pills, and many varieties of the “quick fix”’ (also called the “Life Makeover”) -- everything from creams to diets and Bo-tox injections, perfect-sounding and easy “fountains of youth,” for ourselves. Let’s face it , most of us are looking for ways to slow the ticking of our biological clocks.

I’m here to tell you that in order to really slow that clock down, we must get “radical” in our approach to controlling our processes; getting radical means that we can, in the words of Star Trek character Jean Luc Picard, “make it so”. We can literally make our own clocks tick more slowly.

Getting radical is a process that occurs within ourselves. First of all, it’s the power of our intentions and the measure of our wills. It’s saying to ourselves -- with conviction -- “I want this to be!” Next, it’s believing, strongly, that we can! When we commit ourselves to these beliefs, we are then capable of achieving many remarkable accomplishments of mind and body. All we have to do is to challenge ourselves and our perceptions of who we are. The five radical tips follow:

1. Firewalking: How does walking on fire relate to youthing? An art that’s been practiced in many cultures for thousands of years, firewalking is about mind/body transformation. Its goal is to” question” the laws of nature. The experience becomes a powerful metaphor for anti-aging -- which I refer to as youthing -- and it’s a very radical way of challenging ourselves to stretch beyond what we think is possible. I have participated in dozens of firewalks, and the experiences taught me more about myself, and about questioning nature’s laws as they applied to me, than I’d ever thought possible. Oh -- and I walked on fire.

2. Breathwork. This is a simple yet profound yogic breathing technique that has a cleansing and healing effect at all levels of our awareness -- physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental. It’s the quickest method available that can aid us in healing from previous traumas, negative belief systems, and unwanted “baggage” that many of us unconsciously carry around with us.

3. Fasting. As I write this, I have just completed a four-day fast. (How could I talk my talk without walking it?) Fasting is perhaps the most powerful tip for youthing. Many of us, especially in the U. S., literally eat ourselves to death. Note: there are many types of fasts and many reasons for fasting. It’s wise to check with your health care practitioner before fasting.

4. Physical Immortality. Now here is an idea whose time has arrived. Let’s imagine this concept: “Life without death is pure life.” When we do this, we’re unraveling our personal death urge, which dwells somewhere inside us in that place where pain, aging, and negativity also dwell. While I realize this is a radical idea, relax. We really don’t have to buy into this idea; in order to let the concept work its magic, we just need to be open to it.

5. Hypnosis. As Deepak Chopra has written in AGELESS BODY TIMELESS MIND: ”Aging seems to be something that’s happening to you, when in fact it is something your body has largely learned to do. It has learned to carry out the programming fed into it by you, the programmer” (Harmony Books, 1993). Hypnotherapy is simple, very effective, and can be fun, depending on its purpose; and whether a hypnotherapy session is done in person or by phone, it sets the stage for stretching beyond set limitations. Hypnosis is the art of placing the conscious self in a state of heightened suggestibility. During this time the unconscious self is very open to change and can literally set aside any limiting beliefs that may have been interfering with one’s ability to change.

It’s a proven fact that our bodies are constantly creating new and healthy cells to replace old and damaged ones, and every new cell gets its “replacing” instructions from the DNA contained in the old cell. So, it stands to reason that if our DNA programs our new cells with the healthiest and youngest information possible as a blueprint for development, the body’s cell memories will change. This process is called “Cell Transformation”. The question arises: Can hypnosis really be a powerful tool to us in order to literally tell our bodies cells to be younger? From my experience, I believe the answer is yes.

My conclusion is that over 14 million hits on Google for “mind/body connection” can’t be wrong. From my own personal experience I am pleased to report that indeed my quest for youth is paying off. Now at the “calendar” age of 55, except for a few silver hairs I both look and feel not much over 35 years young.

Mortgage report - mortgage rates stable in 2006

In previous decades people with high risk mortgage loans often left financial companies holding the keys when rates started to go up.

But according to a recent study by First American Real Estate Solutions, even if rates do start to climb this year, the number of defaults this time around is not likely to go much higher than $110 billion.

The study estimated 1.4 million of 7.7 million adjustable rate mortgages sold in 2004 and 2005 would be at risk of default. But even if that many households were to default, the financial fallout would be limited.

The reason: the US economy is so strong this time around, and so diversified that this amount represents only about one percent of total national homeowners' equity, and it would be spread out over two or three years. So the economy would be more than able to absorb the losses.

**Factors driving continued Real Estate boom

While many real estate experts predict a slight slowdown in real estate and mortgage activity during 2006, most also see steady gains, with continued economic growth and well-balanced supply/demand ratio in the housing market.

Some of the factors driving the real estate market:

+ Continued low interest rates - Although rates climbed slightly in 2005, they are still at historic lows. Homes that were purchased over the last few years with interest-only and adjustable-rate mortgages will enter the refinancing market. Homeowners will refinance to take advantage of increased equity values, and to convert to fixed-rate mortgages as rates start to climb.

+ Internet Effect - The internet gives buyers the opportunity to search MLS listings without going through an agent or broker. Not only have consumers become better informed and better educated about opportunities, but the entire home-buying process now takes less time than just four or five years ago. This trend will continue to accelerate.

+ Healthy economy leads to more relocation - A vibrant economy and strong residential real estate activity drives commercial activity as well. And that usually leads to corporate relocations as people follow business and employment opportunities. That means increased real estate activity.

+ Generation X effect - As baby boomers begin retiring and moving out of the real estate buy and sell cycle, Generation Xers have taken their place with a vengeance. The incomes of Gen Xers are generally higher than the previous generation, and financing is easier to get, so they have been able to buy more expensive homes sooner than boomers did. Gen Xers now make up 47% of the total homeownership segment in the U. S., and have an especially large impact on downtown and suburban communities.

**Many UK mortgages not covered by life insurance

A recent report by Sainsbury's Bank estimates that as many as 4.2 million people in the UK have mortgages that are not covered by life insurance. That means that as much as GBP217 billion worth of mortgages are open to be passed on to loved ones. This number has grown significantly over the last few years as the number of new mortgage approvals has grown.

Of course inheriting the debt associated with a property would be accompanied by ownership of the property itself. And with current prices on the rise, most people, even if forced to sell a property because they could not pay the mortgage, would not be as badly off as the report might suggest.

**UK borrowers opt for 2 year fixed mortgages

According to a recent survey of mortgage purchases in the UK, there was a significant shift in January towards 2 year fixed mortgages. In January 39 percent of borrowers chose this option compared to 27 per cent in December.

Interestingly enough, only 9 percent of buyers opted for a longer term fixed mortgage in January, compared to 16 percent in December. This was in spite of longer term mortgages (up to 10 years fixed rate) at less than 5 percent.

The popularity of a 2 year fixed mortgages suggests that buyers assume rates have bottomed out, at least in the medium term, but are not convinced they may not go down further two or three years from now.