Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The most popular sports in the united states

All around the globe, on any given day, you will find some sort of sports event on your local television station or on cable. With networks dedicated solely to sports, you can find things like boxing, bowling, fishing, basketball, football, baseball and soccer on 24 hours a day! Most days you will be able to see sports live, either by watching pee-wee, high school, college and even professional sports events. Most ticket prices for local sports are reasonable and you and your whole family can enjoy the excitement of the game!

When you look at the citizens of the United States, there are several sports that seem to be much more popular than others. They, of course, will cost you a bit more to attend, but the thrill of being there will make the price well worth it. The most popular sports in the United States today, being watched live and on screens, are:

1. Baseball is one of the top sports being played in the United States. Having been played in the United States the longest, baseball attracts millions of fans to ball fields every year. There isn’t just professional baseball to keep many Americans busy, though. Proud parents everywhere enjoy watching their children learn and play the game. What a great feeling when you see your child hit the ball or score a run! As the old song goes, “Take me out to the ball game!”. When it comes to sports, professional and amateur, baseball is ranked right up there at the top.

2. Football began as a college sport in the United States in the mid 1800s. Football is truly the “American Sport”, since it is played in the United States exclusively. It has grown from being played only in college to having professional teams and being played by students in both elementary and high schools. The Super Bowl is one of the most watched television events when it comes to sports, and it determines which one of the many professional football teams will be considered the best for that year!

3. Basketball is a popular sport worldwide. The number of people around the world playing basketball can reach a staggering 300 million! Basketball is one of the only professional sports in the United States to welcome foreign players onto teams, with many players of professional basketball being recruited from other countries and brought to the United States to play.

4. Hockey is one of the newer sports gaining popularity with the American public. It did not originate in the United States, but it has found its way into our sporting life and become one of the fastest growing sports. Ice hockey is the most popular form of this sport, with street hockey being popular with older kids everywhere.

You may be asking “Where is golf and soccer on this list?” Well, although both sports are gaining in popularity, neither one meets the level of fans of the sports listed above.

Spirituality information - john harricharan s interview with yanik silver q2

Yanik Silver: Thank you. Well, you just said something before that that I thought is interesting and, you know, we should talk on. And you said that we are meant to be healthy. And I will assume that the same way you said we are meant to be healthy, that we are meant to be rich and we are meant to be happy, Why are people and how do we get back to this natural state of where we are meant to be?

John Harricharan: Okay. Yes, that's how we were born. We were born. We came here with certain agreements, because I do not believe we just popped up in this earth. And there are a whole bunch of my friends and people who think of it this way. Take for example, you and I have talked about Richard Bach, the author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Yanik Silver: Right.

John Harricharan: I have told you about Brad Steiger, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Deepak, many of us, who feel that we have lived forever, if you will. In fact, within each and every one of us is this feeling like the Poet says, 'A certain murmur in the soul tells of a world to be'. As travelers hear the billows roll before they reach the sea.'

So if we sit back quietly and listen, we will feel things from other times and other places, and it's totally, totally against my thinking that let's assume this has nothing to do with God or whichever one there is who -- like a worship or a lack God or anything, it just has to do with a kind of a feeling within ourselves that if there is a God and I do believe there is a higher power, then this God has got to be really nuts…if he or she is perfect to create things that are defective, for goodness' sakes, if I were to go to buy a DVD player and it's defective, I'd return it. So it came to me at a very early age and from listening to some of the masters of the Far East talk, some of the Yogi masters, I thought no, we were not born defective. We were born with all the potential we could ever want or have, and that we may have existed before, which some people call past lives, I call alternate existences and so forth. It doesn't matter what name we give to it. And so we may have agreed to come here.

For example, let us say that I and a bunch of us are traveling through the universe, no body, no physical body, but just a beautiful little points of light, if you will, a spirit that you can't see. But we're totally conscious. And we are passing by and one of us says to the other, "Hey, let's stop by earth. There it is, way in the distance. It looks blue. Let's stop by earth and see what they are up to today or these days. And it's 21st century or 20th century.”

And we get here and we start looking at them or we somehow maybe we can help them do some little thing. I have done all these other things. And so it is somewhat like a Star Track episode. And we are born into this world with agreements where we agree that okay, I'll be born without a leg. I will be born to a family that is going to abuse me. But during that period, I will grow and become something very special.

Who knows that Wayne Dyer, for example, was an orphan. He was in foster homes for a long time. There are so many other who were blind or deaf. They chose these things except you don't remember when you get caught up on the earth life that you did choose it. And yet some of us say, especially me, I say that contract we signed before we came here, at the bottom of it, it says “Subject to change for any reason at anytime without any penalties.” So we can quit the game anytime we want, which means if we are perfect to start with and religions, many of them teaches that we’re not -- we are a kind of a clod of clay.

And now, we’ve got a start becoming something in the potter’s hand. And some of us think that, "No, we are perfect to start with almost like the David’s statue in the stone. It’s there all the time. And all we’ve got to do is create the way, learn, grow and use the tools we have. So that that beautiful statue of David will come out or so that that beautiful part within us will come out."

Therefore, I do not believe that disease is a natural thing for a human being. I think we are hypnotized by advertisements, by all the kinds of things we see around us, by fear, by medicine, by everything else. Who was that I was talking with and he wrote it in his book - Deepak Chopra. Deepak and I go back many, many years, to a time when people thought that that Deepak was probably a rare Chinese disease. And Deepak and I were talking about ageing and growing old and dying.

And he quoted a Greek, who said, "People grow old and die because they see other people getting old and dying." And so it is where there is a kind of a joint energy is formed, where we are influenced by the energy around us, and we in turn influence that energy. So in our natural state, we should be healthy.

Let’s take Abraham or Moses or all the way down through Jesus into any of the other ones. Jesus saying to his mom, "Hey mom, I got to go to the drugs store, because I need some Aspirins or Abraham saying, "You know, Send out the camel boy to get me something because I’m not feeling too well." I think many of these people were able to transcend the need for that by doing a number of very interesting things.

Number one, stilling the conversations in their minds, the longest conversation that keeps going on from the day we were born is the one we have with ourselves…

Yanik Silver: Right

John Harricharan: …Where we’re talking to ourselves every moment. So, if we can still that conversation and get into a point where we are almost in non-thinking mold, we will find that the universe will send us all the solutions we want. And then its up to us to do something with it.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Do it big. get noticed

Whatever you do in business, do it big! There’s no other arena in which those words are truer than the internet. It’s a competitive world wide web, and you do have to find your niche. But once you find that niche, do it just a little bit different than everybody else. Do it big. People don’t often think in those terms. So if you are able to put yourself in that mindset, then you’ll be ahead of the pack.

You can struggle all you want trying to get your website to the top of the search engines, but by the time you get there, the rules for getting there will have changed. You can spend countless hours trading links with other websites, but you’ll find that many of those will soon ditch their domain. You may consider any number of online strategies for getting your website noticed, but the bottom line is somebody on the other end always wants to get paid.

This is when the idea of “do it big” comes into play. Let me explain. I recently discovered a website owned by a woman from the UK. Her product was original art. Specifically, cartoon-like pencil sketches. Her intention was to put her work on shirts, stationary, and greeting cards and to sell it through her website. The problem was she couldn’t get her site noticed. She had no visitors.

How many times have you lamented over the lack of visitors to your site? I have, and I do. It doesn’t matter how many visitors a site receives. It never seems to be enough. We are insatiable. But you can struggle with online strategies, or you can do something big offline. Here’s what I suggested to the woman from the UK.

Start a campaign. Call it the “loan a shirt” campaign or something of that nature. The idea would be to take a shirt featuring the artwork, and send it around the world. How? She or somebody else would wear it for a day and then pass it on to another person who would do the same. This would continue for any duration of time. But the goal would be to send the shirt around the world, and each person who wore the shirt for a day could log on to the site if they choose and fill out a quick location form so the shirt may be tracked.

It’s such a simple, low-cost idea, but it’s a creative way to expose a website as the address would be listed right there on the shirt. And people who wore the shirt for a day would get to see and sample the product first hand. It could even be an event for charity, and an effective press release would be the only invitation the media would need to get involved.

But what if somebody decided not to pass the shirt on? What if somebody stole it? What if the shirt got lost? What if “this”, and what if “that”?

Hey, what if it worked? What did it cost? Nothing. It only required a little creative thinking. A person could do anything they wanted with the idea in order to eliminate every negative “what if”.

The point I’m trying to make is we don’t often think of doing something big offline to promote ourselves online. And it doesn’t have to be costly. It doesn’t have to even follow what we believe to be the traditional rules of advertising. Just think big, do it big, and get noticed. After all, isn’t that the goal? Or is the goal just to advertise?

Progesterone and its role in the body

Progesterone is a hormone naturally produced in the female body from both the ovaries and adrenal glands. As women age, hormone levels tend to decrease, progesterone is one of those hormones. When women reach menopause and are post menopause they need to supplement with progesterone to help prevent those nasty hot flashes and restore the bodies hormone to a more normal level.

Progesterone production is high during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and low during the follicular phase as well as being low before puberty and after menopause. Women who suffer from PMS, peri-menopause, post-menopause, vaginal dryness, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, uterine fibroid tumors, and endometrial carcinoma may benefit from progesterone therapy.

How do I choose the right Natural progesterone supplement for me? Supplemental sources of progesterone are available in oral and cream forms as well as lozenges, suppositories, and injectable forms. "Natural" progesterone refers to the type that matches exactly the substance produced in a woman's body, as opposed to related synthesized molecules. The natural forms are preferred to the synthetic forms of progesterone by some doctors. According to John R. Lee, M. D., the well-known proponent of supplemental progesterone, transdermal progesterone (Progesterone Creams) can help achieve a more normal hormonal balance in the body.

When a woman takes progesterone she may experience, improved cholesterol levels, improved sleep, mood, concentration and memory, reduced risk of depression, reduced risk of endometrial cancer and breast cancer, reduced risk of senility and cognitive decline, and finally enhanced libido.

If you’re unsure about progesterone cream there is always the alternatives such as soya (isoflavonoids), Black cohosh, Dong quai, and Licorice to help bring your hormones back into balance naturally with out synthetic medications.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you feel there is a physical problem like hormone decline always consult your local physician before doing anything .

Monday, August 29, 2016

Personal development power tips

Personal Development, at its basis, is anything that allows us to grow into an ordered life that is of our choosing. This is one of the most cherished of goals among self improvement practitioners. There are some excellent methods available for achieving it. However, it is easier said than done. Here are a few hints and tips to get you started.

Clean the clutter from your life. There is an excellent saying in the personal development field, “a tidy desk is a tidy mind”. Often times your outer environment is a reflection of the way you think and feel. Is your living or working space always cluttered? It’s important that you start to order your environment to reflect the ordered life you are building. Clear away unnecessary clutter from your surroundings. This may sound like a meaningless task but you are sending a very clear message to your subconscious mind that you intend to get organised.

When you begin to organise your living and working environment it allows you to develop the basic skills needed for organising your life. This can be achieved through goals. You should structure your goals in such a way that each one builds on the other and ensure that they are not in opposition to one and other.

Don’t be too set on achieving your goals in exactly the manner you intend to. A major factor in the non-attainment of goals is the inability to restructure plans and change direction when circumstances dictate these should be done. Remain flexible.

You learn from your mistakes and from hardship! This may be something that you do not want to hear because the very point of self improvement and personal development is to eliminate the suffering we feel in our lives and make to create a life we want to live. However, challenges and failures have a tendency of bringing out the best in us as we rise to the challenge and learn from our mistakes. You can’t truly know success unless you have failed! Learn from the failure and move on.

Don’t focus on the mistakes. Simply analyse them and learn the lesson they are trying to teach you. By staying focused on your failures, problems or toils you are actually creating more of them or at least keeping them in your experience. Focus on the solutions or at least focus on the fact “your still in the game”. Consider any mistakes you’ve made as life lessons. Apply what you have learned from them and use them as references (of what not to do) in the future.

Always set goals for yourself that are realistic yet will stretch you beyond your current “comfort zone”. Each goal should be an aid to progressing to your next.

Make sure you follow through on your plans. Persistence can accomplish things that nothing else can. How many times were you close to the end of the rainbow, and without even knowing how close you were, you quit? You may be someone who has drive at the start of a venture but find your enthusiasm waning as you progress, lacking the motivation that is needed to “keep you keeping on” during times of hardship. Those who persist, especially in times like these, are those who ALWAYS win!

Never, ever, ever give-up!

The only true failure occurs when you quit. If you keep trying then obviously you haven’t failed because the final verdict isn’t in yet. But by quitting there is no more chance of success and you have failed!

Recreation is a must! You should aim to spend time with family and friends as this will offset any stress you are feeling and give you a balanced outlook. Human interaction is natural, healthy and enjoyable. Most goals will come to you through other people. This is a simple fact! No-one achieves anything worthwhile and worthy without some type of help or interaction from and with others. By keeping your social network open, alive and healthy you will open up avenues that you never knew existed.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The vehicle registration number retention scheme is changing

The Vehicle Registration Marks Act recently became law ( 19th July 2007 ) , it was instigated by the CNDA ( Cherished Number Dealer Association ) and was presented by Richard Ottaway MP. It will change the way a vehicle registration number can be retained.

Previously , when private number plates were taken off a car and put on retention using form V778/1 , the applicant would be the registered keeper who would become the Grantee on the V778 retention certificate. The Grantee was able to nominate a third party as Nominee but this person only had one right and that was to assign the number to a vehicle registered in his name. The Grantee was the only person who could extend the certificate, change the nominee or importantly request a duplicate from DVLA. This created a potential fraud situation whereby a retention number could be sold by the grantee who could then request a duplicate ( which supercedes the original ) and the buyer would lose the registration number. Similarly a buyer could pay the seller to put the registration number on retention and never receive the V778 retention certificate as it would be posted out to the Grantee .

Under the new Bill the applicant ( registered keeper ) will be able to nominate a third party to be the Grantee on the V778/1 thereby giving full rights to the buyer including the most important fact that the DVLA will correspond only with them regarding that registration number. Note that registration numbers already on retention will not be able to transferred in this way purely new applications for registrations still on vehicles. Nevertheless this greatly improves the security of the scheme and cuts out a possible fraud situation.

Members of the public wishing to sell their private number plate would now be best advised to keep it on their vehicle until a buyer is found so they can take advantage of this new legislation , especially if they think they may be selling to a cherished number dealer. If they sell the number to someone who wished to put it straight onto a car, they can still change the nominee to the buyer’s name and the number can quickly be assigned to a vehicle , however if the purchaser wants to keep the number on retention he will be exposed to the potential problems which the old system has always suffered in that he can only assign it to a car regsitered in the Nominee’s name , he cannot extend the certificate, he can’t change the Nominee and the DVLA will not correspond with him.

It is considered a great success that the CNDA has been successful in having a Private Members Bill passed through Parliament with the help of Richard Ottaway MP.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Chase credit cards a look at the top 3

Not too many people know this, but there are over 900 different Chase credit cards for consumers to choose from! Yes, the number you read is correct. With most of these cards being “affinity” cards, meaning having direct tie-ins with a store, or with an auto manufacturer, you name it the choices for consumers are bountiful. A little overwhelming too, don’t you think? To cut to the chase, pun intended, there are three Chase credit cards that stand above the rest. Let’s take a closer look at each one and what each has to offer to you.

Chase Platinum for the Ultimate Credit Card

Chase Platinum – As the name suggests, this is the one of the most popular cards offered by Chase. It also is the most power packed one at that! Available to you as the Chase Platinum MasterCard or as the Chase Platinum VISA card, this card really delivers: 0% APR for the first 12 months; no annual fee; a fixed low rate after the introductory period ends; and lots of nifty benefits. You get travel accident insurance coverage, lost luggage insurance, purchase assurance, and extended warranties on many of your purchases. Practical and smart coverage for the traveling consumer!

Put Some Money in Your Wallet With a Chase Cash Plus Card

Chase Cash Plus – Like the Platinum card, you also get 0% APR for the first 12 months and avoid the annual fee. With the Chase Cash Plus card, you get 1% cash back on all purchases, but Chase bumps that amount up to 5% when you charge your gas, groceries, and drugstore purchases! Even better, for every 5,000 points earned, you can redeem them for either a $50 check or a $50 gift certificate from a variety of top notch merchants. Clearly, if it is money back that you want then the Chase Cash Plus card is the one for you.

Frequent Fliers Love the Chase Value Miles Card

Chase Value Miles – Are you a jetsetter? A true road warrior? If so, why not make your trips work for you? The Chase Value Miles card was created for frequent travelers just like you. Besides the 0% APR for the first 12 months and no annual fee, card holders reap big benefits in the form of one airline mile for every dollar spent! Best of all, there are no blackout periods so you can use your miles at any time and Chase kicks in a cool $500,000 travel insurance too. Travel to Los Angeles, Paris, Singapore, Cape Town, or to wherever you want to go.

So, there you have it…900 choices narrowed down to the top three. Whichever Chase credit card you select, maximize your choice to get the most you can out of it. Cash, points, free air miles…the choice is yours and a Chase credit card can help you get what you want for free!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Bodybuilding supplements may not be necessary

To supplement or not to supplement – that is the question on more bodybuilder’s lips than ever before. Are they safe? What works and what doesn't?

Lets have a look at the basics.

There are various reasons why athletes may be interested in supplementation.

 Concern about getting adequate nutrients from our food supply.

 Suspicion of pharmaceuticals.

 Belief that diet alone will not achieve optimal nutrition

Supplements include the following:

 Vitamins

 Minerals

 Amino Acids

 Herbs

The concerning thing about supplements is that anything classified as a dietary supplement is not required to meet any FDA or other standards! Think about that! there are no regulations in place that guarantee the safety or purity of something sold as a supplement.

They are also not made to meet the similar safety requirements as prescription drugs or any other manufacturing standards. They are not required to meet product potency or purity ratings and are not required to prove the effectiveness of any health claim that is made.

Studies suggest that a number of supplements may deliver on advertising claims. However, trainees are spending large sums of money on products that have little or no proven usefulness.

Personally I find the use of supplements over rated and as with strength training, supplementation asks the same question “if a little is good then maybe more has to be better”

Supplementation and steroids started to proliferate when volume strength training became the training system of the day. Young strength trainees slaving in the gym for five to six days a week was seen as normal. All this without making any progress or putting on any size whatsoever.

They then turned to the latest supplement or steroid thinking that this is the magic bullet to put on that added muscle when all the time they were just plain "overtraining"

The cold hard facts are that the majority of the regular trainees in your gym are overtraining. The sad reality is that the type of training that you find in bodybuilding books and magazines (and used by the stars) are irrelevant to the majority of

the population and has a high failure rate.

If more bodybuilders started using more infrequent, short, high intensity weight training sessions, followed by the required amount of time to recover and become stronger…


The bottom line on weight gain supplements

 Before taking a supplement try to make modifications to your diet that might achieve the same goals.

 Only choose products that show the amount of active ingredients on the label that are required.

 Be aware that “natural” does not mean ‘safe’

 Some herbal supplements may have unpleasant side effects.

Listed below are some popular bodybuilding supplements available on the market today:

Creatine monohydrate

Creatine was first introduced to the market place some eight years ago and has since become the most popular bodybuilding supplement of all time.

Creatine is said to significantly increase lean muscle mass,

improve performance, increase energy levels and speed

up recovery rates. Creatine also stimulates the uptake

of amino acids in the proteins, which means that the

more that it's used the more muscle that may be grown.

Dosage: A loading phase of 20grams a day for the first five days then a

maintenance phase of 5grams a day from then on.

Whey Protein isolate

The highest yield of protein currently available

and is extracted from milk. This is another popular supplement

for athletes and bodybuilders because of its high proportion of

amino acids. It is supposed to be high in potassium, which is essential

for muscle growth and is an antioxidant and a good

immune system builder.

Dosage: 20gms - 100gms a day.

Tibulus Terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is a plant that grows in many

tropical and moderate areas of the world and is

very rich in chemical compounds such as saponins,

flavonoids and alkaloids.

Tribulus terrestris is supposedly a testosterone enhancer.

and increases sex drives in both men and women.

Dosage as per bottle.


Is a non-essential amino acid, which makes up to 60% of the amino acids in the bodies muscles. Glutamine containing products are protein

shakes and good quality protein powders; it can also

be added to protein shakes for added potency.

Dosage: 5grams to 15 grams per day.

So please remember a supplement is something added to the diet to make up for a nutritional deficiency or imbalance they are not intended to substitute for eating a balanced diet. If they are to be taken at all they should only be used to supplement the diet and not replace it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bad credit credit cards - prepaid secured or unsecured

Bad credit, credit cards are just like regular credit cards but with much higher interest rates and usually an annual fee, sometimes $50 a year and higher. Bad credit, credit cards can save your credit or make it worse if your not careful. Bad credit cards with guaranteed approval are available, but usually these types of bad credit cards charge twice the amount in fees and interest rates. The average consumer needs to be sure they are mentally and financially able to take the responsibility of credit once again, before applying.

Debit Cards

To get a debit card you need to open an account with the bank of your choice and make a deposit to the account. The bank is not actually giving you any credit at all. The purchases that you make with the debit card are taken from the funds that were deposited into the account, be aware that most banks do not report debit card activity to the credit bureaus. Most credit experts recommend that you start rebuilding your credit from secured bank credit cards, and then in time when your credit starts to improve switch to unsecured ones. Orchard bank and First PREMIER bank are just a couple that have great options for repairing bad credit.

Credit Card Deals

Bad credit credit cards are considered the best choice for credit card deals if your credit score is below 550. In today's market there are many companies offering credit cards that are specifically designed for those who have less than a perfect credit score. Make sure you take your time to compare bad credit options thoroughly. once your credit score reaches the 650 range, you will be eligible for some of the best interest rates and lines of credit.

There are a few different types of bad credit credit cards available today: Prepaid, Secured, and Unsecured. Secured credit cards for bad credit usually have much better interest rates than unsecured cards for bad credit. Most APR rates on bad credit cards are very reasonable offered by credit card companies considering the risk they take on bad credit applicants.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Trying to understand adhd

ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a mental disorder that approximately three to seven percent of children have. Those that are affected by this disorder are characterized by constant behavior, lots of activity and often thought of as being disobedient. Yet, it is not that the individual is being bad but more so that they cannot control their mental range. Instead of being able to concentrate on one element, they are likely to be thinking about several thus making it quite difficult to concentrate.

This disorder is not just found in children. Many adults are diagnosed with it as well. In adults, it is classified as AADD, or Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. About 30 to 70 percent of all children diagnosed with ADHD will carry on with their disorder through adulthood. It is harder to detect in adults because they have learned to adequately handle the disorder. By learning to live with it and work around it, adults have less of a need for help. Yet, in many cases both children and adults will need medications to help focus attention.

Symptoms of this disorder in children will be such things as inattentiveness, impulsive behavior and constant restlessness. These children have a hard time sitting still or concentrating on just one thing for a very long period of time. In adults, it is more difficult to diagnose. It can be seen in the inability to structure their lies and to plan their daily activities. It is often less of a problem for them to stay attentive and to stop restlessness simply because these are secondary problems to daily planning of tasks.

ADHD is a disorder that can be treated but not cured. It can be lived with or medication may be necessary. Seeking the assistance of medical personnel is necessary in any case.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Credit reporting and your bottom line

If you have ever been issued a credit card, received a personal loan, obtained a mortgage or held a job, chances are someone is keeping a file on you. This file contains information on how you pay your bills, whether or not you’ve been sued, and if you’ve filed for bankruptcy. Companies that gather and sell this information are called Consumer Reporting Agencies, or CRAs. The three most common are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

What’s in a credit report

Congress passed the Fair Credit Reporting Act requiring CRAs to provide correct and complete information to businesses to use in evaluating your applications for credit, employment or insurance. Credit reports are only provided to those with a legitimate business need. CRAs generally report unfavorable information for a period of seven years. Exceptions include bankruptcy information, which can be reported for ten years, and information concerning a lawsuit or judgment against you, which can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer.

When applying for a job with a salary of more than $20,000 or for more than $50,000 worth of credit or life insurance, there is no time limitation for reporting credit information.

Know what’s in your credit report

If you request it, the CRA is required to tell you about the information in your report and, in most cases, the sources of that information. You also have the right to be told the name of anyone who received a report on you in the past six months. If you filed an application for credit and it was denied based upon information supplied by a CRA, you can request a free report within 30 days of receiving the denial. If you have not recently received a denial but still wish to receive a report, you may be charged a reasonable fee. To receive a copy of your report, contact:


P. O. Box 2002

Allen, TX 75013

888-397-3742 (voice)


P. O. Box 740241

Atlanta, GA 30374-024



Two Baldwin Place

1510 Chester Pike

Crum Lynne, PA 19022


Fixing Credit Report Errors

If you find inaccurate or incomplete information in your credit report, notify the CRA immediately. They are required to re-investigate the items in question. If the new investigation reveals an error, a corrected version must be sent, at your request, to anyone who received your report in the past six months. If the new investigation doesn’t resolve your dispute, request that the CRA include your version or a summary of your version of the disputed information in your file and in future reports. There is no charge for this service if it is requested within 30 days after you receive notice of your application denial.

Fixing a Poor Credit History

Unfortunately, there are no quick or easy cures for a poor credit history. Time is the only thing that will repair your credit report. There is a brisk business among so-called “credit repair” companies which charge from $50 to more than $1,000 to “fix” your credit report. The only information in your credit report that can be changed are items that are actually wrong. If that’s the case, you can fix the errors yourself for free.

Credit Counseling

While only time can fix a poor credit history, there are some organizations that may be able to help if you find yourself confronted by overwhelming money problems. Many of these problems arise from inflation, overuse of credit, faulty planning or a lack of money management. For example, a credit counseling corporation may be an option. These non-profit corporations offer specialized counseling services to over-indebted consumers and handle their money as their agent. The corporations may charge a nominal fee for services provided. A credit counseling corporation is not a lending institution, charity, government or legal institution.

Hot research paper ideas for summer time

It’s a common belief that summer is the right time just for swimming in a warm blue see, tanning under the hot blazing sun, backpacking, camping, flying a kite, building a sandcastle… in other words, anything that does not require particular mind work.

But you are greatly deluded if you are following the crowd. Summer is not for lazybones and coach potatoes. It might be a hot time for racking your brain a bit … over research papers!

It is not a joke. You are missing a lot if your summer vacation doesn’t imply papers and textbooks. Writing a research paper in summer can turn out to be more fun and rewarding than ever.

So what can be done in summer for the sake of future research papers?

You can accomplish the first and the most important stage in your preparations to writing a research paper, namely think of its topic and do the preliminary search of information. This work does not require strenuous work and still helps greatly in the future.

Getting down to choosing a research paper topic you should be selective and mindful of several principles.

The first criteria for choosing a successful and attention grabbing topic is to pick the one that is to your liking. If you do not feel like writing a research paper on “Recent Legal History of the Death Penalty”, leave it in peace and move forward to look for a research paper topic you will find thrilling and exciting.

Secondly, choose a topic that will be manageable for your level. You are likely to fail if your research paper topic is too technical, learned, or specialized, since research papers of this kind have only a very narrow range of source materials available in libraries. Therefore, do not even try to pull down monuments and pick the research paper topic with plenty of information on its account.

It is also important that your research paper topic is not too broad and vague. Narrow it down to specifics. For example, “American Folk Songs” could be narrowed down to “The English Origin of American Folk Songs”. It is vital, since broad research paper topics are boring for the reader and difficult to research for the author.

To avoid any further pitfalls, select more than one research paper topic from the start. Find three or four topics that interest you, and then conduct a preliminary search of each topic. Determine which of the research paper ideas can be supported with plenty of published material. This way, you will be able to select a final topic that is both interesting and feasible.

Your next step to writing a research paper in summer is to do a preliminary search on the research paper topic. And Internet – your favorite pastime of all seasons – is all that is needed, since it is full of exciting research paper ideas and tips for better writing.

You do not have to sit in front of the monitor for hours. Simply note the sites that might interest you, find the ones you will need to use later, like those for formatting or with research paper examples. But be careful as anyone can post information on the Internet and anyone can change what is up there, bringing up questions of authority and validity.

And, of course, you can pay a random visit to the cradle of knowledge – a library. It is up to you, but you should bear in mind that such a visit will pay off. Not only the library is not overcrowded and you can feel yourself at home, but also the librarians are not that tired of the visitors and will readily help you with your research paper.

It is better to go to the library by the end of summer, when you have a clear research paper topic and the libraries are starting to open after the refurbishment period.

Check out the following print materials there:

• almanacs, atlases, catalogues;

• encyclopaedias and dictionaries;

• government publications, guides, reports;

• magazines, newspapers;

• vertical files;

• yellow pages.

The information you will find in a library must be enough for your research paper topic. If not, turn to your friends’ and parents’ help. They will not be indifferent to your research and will readily help with whatever you need.

That would do for your summer vacation. You are not asked to strain yourself and think solely of your research paper. But it would be great to take the most out of your summer holidays, when your mind is rested. You will be amazed to find how many research paper ideas are wandering in your head. Simply seize the moment, when some brilliant idea comes to your mind, put it down and use it when the right time comes.

Manage your money for debt free life

Like most of general public, you may find that managing your money is an overwhelming task. But the consequences of not managing your money well can causes you to trap into financial crisis; when you are in the trap, more efforts and times are needed to get out from there.

With the enhancement for computer technology and many personal finance software have been released in the market, managing your money is no more a difficult task. The tough part is to get you started.

This article provides some information on how to get you started in managing your money. If you can't do it all at least do more than you were doing, make progress. Then when that's under control come back and add another chunk. Eventually you'll have it all working for you.

The first step in managing your money is to figure out where you are at right now. To know this, you must list down all your ongoing expenses to a sheet of paper or into your personal finance system (if you are using a software application to manage your money). You may find that listing you ongoing expenses can be more difficult than it first seems; it is alright because everybody has the same feeling.

Ongoing Expenses

Try to list every dollar you spent within the last twelve months. Can't quite remember everything? Start with the ongoing monthly expenses then add in daily and weekly expenses like food and transportation. Then focus on non-regular expenses like haircuts, birthday expenses, and vacations. Write down as much as you can. Once you have a yearly total then divide by twelve to get your real monthly expenses.


Then, list down all your source of incomes including your job, gifts, garage sales, and income tax refunds. Once you have a yearly income figure divide it by twelve and your will get your average monthly income.

Compare your monthly income with your monthly expenses. If you get a positive result, you should glad that you have money left for saving or for other investment purposes; else you are adding debt to yourself and effort should put in place to find extra money to pay down your debt while making sure your necessities are taken care of.


List down your existing debt your owe exclude all those ongoing expenses listed above. Be sure and include all credit cards, car loans, and home mortgages. Then, add-in the loan's interest rates, your monthly payment and any ongoing fees, like annual credit card fees, and determine how long it will take you to pay them off and the total amount paid. You may be shocked to see the figures; but relax, knowing these figures now will help to have a better picture on your debt situation and get them under control.


Your house, cars, investments, bank accounts or even your cash in hand are all your assets. Assets are what your own, list them down and compare them against what you owe (debts).

Get rid of debt

Now that you have a better idea of where you are and where you are headed. There are many methods which you can implement to reduce your debt and eventually eliminate them and enjoy a debt-free life. Among the common methods are:

  • Debt Consolidation

  • Debt Consolidation Loan

  • Home Equity Loan

  • Credit Counseling


Once you have your debt under control. Next, you can start to build your wealth. This means you will have to invest it with the expectation of getting more money, returns. Your money must make more money. The safest investments have the lowest returns. The highest returns come with the highest risk. Learning how to balance your tolerance for risk and make your investment based on your risk profile.

In Summary

Effectively managing your money is the only real way to get ahead financially. You must know the flow of your money in order for you to manage it effectively toward a debt free life.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Set your mind to win

Have you ever heard someone say, I could do it if I could just set my mind to it. Have you ever uttered these words, even just to yourself?

You can you know. And me too. I really can achieve what I set my mind to. This belief has pulled me out many times from difficult situations, and for anyone discovering this feeling, you cannot describe the power inside. No bragging, just quiet confidence.

Have you heard about the story of mothers pulling great weights off their sons or daughters in order to save their lives. And then find out that the weight they lifted was virtually impossible! Tell that to a mother who is trying to save her children. There is no impossible in her mind. There is no other acceptable alternative other than total and complete success.

You can use this principle! We will move heaven and earth when we feel it is important to do so. You really can get anything you want in life if you set your mind to it. The timing and strategy may change, but the result is in the bank, ‘if you set your mind to it.’

OK. You have my curiosity stoked, you say. Now you ask, how do you set your mind to it? Ahhhh. There’s the rub. The question of the ages rears it ugly head once again.

I have written a success story of mine below. I am not proud of where I was, I am proud of how I handled it and came back.

1987 - This period of my life was both the worst time of my life and the best time of my life. Anyone hitting rock bottom can relate.

That year 1987, my life was in the "crapper". I was in a downward spiral, and couldn’t seem to stop myself from ruining not only my life but my family’s too. I was drifting away from the very people who were most important to me.

It's funny that even when you know that you are screwing up, you sometimes can't seem to make change. That’s when you sometimes get lucky. At least I was.

I was drinking heavily, an alcoholic by definition, not by belief. I was up late drinking myself into a stupor and fell asleep with a lit cigarette in the ash tray. When I woke up the next morning, the cigarette had burned down, fell out of the ash tray onto the coffee table and burned a thin streak into the wood.

Now you would think that this would shake anybody up, but, this wasn't the catalyst! No.

When our little girl Sheri came down this particular morning, she remarked, horrified, that I could have burned the house down! I could have died just from the look on her face. Well, I would move mountains for my family so it was enough of a picture that I gave up smoking right then and there. March 5, 1987 My focus was laser concentrated, quitting smoking was the most important thing to do in my life at this time.

If you notice, I never said that I gave up drinking there. No. Not enough leverage for that one yet.

Later that year we were at a friend's wedding, and I still was drinking heavily. Probably more heavily if that could be possible. It's a wonder that I didn't get alcohol poisoning, I had no problem downing whole cases of beer, and requesting more. (24 packs in Ontario, where we were living at the time.)

When we came home that night, my wife and I got into an argument, and after verbally abusing her, the argument elevated. I HIT HER.

I struck my wife, a little more than 115-120 lbs soaking wet! What a big man I was. The argument continued for another few minutes, but she picked up the kids and left the house for her mothers.

At that instant, I realized even through my drunkenness that I had crossed the line.

When the next morning came, and I had sobered up a little, I could have cut my right arm off. In my life, I had swore that I would never become one who would beat on their wife. And I had hit her physically.

I have never had another alcoholic drink since that time. July 18, 1987. Quit cold turkey, with leverage that few people get to feel. Thank God for that. And of course I never hit her again. She is absolutely the most important person in my life, and I try to demonstrate that daily.

Change took on a whole new importance to me. I had tremendous leverage on myself. I had crossed a line in my mind, a threshold, that gave me absolute power over my actions. That is where we have to be when we expect change to last.

The results? That year, I quit smoking in the spring, and I quit drinking that summer. I started jogging at this same time and started out going around a little park behind our house, probably a 5 minute run but took me 11 minutes, pumping and puffing. During the next 3 months I worked up to 5 miles a day, and dropped weight from 245 to 185. My focus was concentrated solely on the fact that I knew I was better than this and I must change my life now. For myself and for my family.

I felt tremendous urgency. I felt better then than at any other time in my life. My mind was clear on the objective. Sure there were distractions, but my purpose was enough to get me through and manage them.

In 1988, I led my team at work to a company wide contest win, great recognition for me. And I took my wife Anne on her dream trip, a trip for 2 weeks to Hawaii. We took everything in we could, and took 33 rolls of film to sit together and look at later.

I journalled my thoughts and feelings at that time, but alas, I did not journal in a hard bound book, just a three ring binder. The pages tossed away sometime ago. Therefore, I have only my memory to serve me. (Journalling regularly is a great way to measure how much one has grown. I recommend it heartily.)

What really pulled me out was the realization that, not only was I completely fouling up my life and my family's, but that I was not creating anything for them or myself. I was not being who I was supposed to me. My idea of who I am, was completely in direct contradiction to what I was acting out.

Now. Back to the Present.

So, how do you set your mind to it? How do you make what you want, the most important thing in your life for the time period needed to achieve?

How do you give it importance over those things you most value already?

Connect them up. Use what is already important in your life and connect it to what you want to have, with stronger, more powerful reasons associating the fact that one gets stronger and more potent with the other.

How do you take something you have doing for years and stop ‘cold turkey’, and turn it around to give you terrific momentum for the positive?

How do you take something that you have been trying to do for years, and failing, and turn it around so that you are successful at it immediately?

You must make it the most important thing to do in your life for the time period necessary to ingrain it into your life. And you must make it a MUST! Just like in the story of the mother saving her child. There is no other acceptable alternative other than total and complete success.

Connect it to something you feel is already critically important and merge them. Make one depend on the other and you will be pulled to success. Look forward to your new future!

My guess is that at some time in your life you have ‘set your mind’ to something and cruised to victory. This is the feeling you want to remember and practice.

Think back, pull the memories of successful changes you have already made and you will have your own personal strategy that you know works for you. You just have to consciously remember and practice it.

There are many ways to change. You probably already know these but are you using them? I have found them absolutely critical to habit development and change. The degree of success you have will be directly proportionate to the degree you apply these principles.

They create a 'pull' instead of you having to 'push'. Logical reasons will help, but emotional reasons have the most power. Here are 5 strategies that I feel are critical.

1. Decision to Commit - Pure resolve that I am doing it. No matter what, whatever it takes. There is no option acceptable other than to do it.

2. Great Reasons that move me to ACTION! Strong Empowering Emotional Reasons WHY I must do this.

3. Connection to what's already important. Anchoring positive thoughts over negative to control focus. Look forward to your new future.

4. Associating with people who have done it or are doing it. Immerse myself.

5. Change My Identity, to a Self Image that is consistent with what I want.

I use these strategies in conjunction with each other. It does however depend on the habit you want to create or replace.

More later at another time, this will give you a great place to start. Go for it!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Tourists marvel at miniature museum masterpieces

There are museums that feature miniatures located all over the country. While many are larger museums that choose to display miniature amongst their other exhibits, there are a few that exclusively have miniature houses, miniature dolls and miniature furniture.

The Miniature Museum of Greater St. Louis is one such place. Created in 1989, the museum provides a hosting site for educational events of cultural relevance. In addition to its displays, The Miniature Museum of Greater St. Louis conducts workshops for hobbyists of all skill levels and abilities. Builders of miniature houses may also be interested in the “miniatures only” garage sale hosted here every year.

Located for many years within the Knott’s Berry Farm complex, Motts Miniatures is now located nearby in Fullerton, California. This historic company, founded by the Mott Family in 1911, features an extensive collection of miniature houses and miniature dolls. Allegra Mitchell’s fascination with miniature dolls began with ones that she would collect from Cracker Jack boxes. A few years later, after she had married a young man named DeWitt Mott, they began to share their love of miniature houses and DeWitt started to make them. Though the museum has had hard time staying open since leaving the Knott’s Berry farm facility, the shop that sells miniature supplies is still open and operational.

The Museum of Miniature Houses, located in Carmel, Indiana is a great place to view private collections and to attend events pertaining to miniature houses and the miniature furniture used to accessorize them. Founded in 1991, the museum is a non-profit organization supported by members and friends. Annual events and fundraisers also help to fund operating expenses. In addition to miniatures, the museum also houses a number of books and periodicals on the topic. This literature is available for purchase.

The Museum of Science and Industry, found in Chicago, Illinois, houses one of the largest and most extensively detailed miniature displays in existence. Colleen Moore commissioned the massive piece, which fills and entire room. The piece, valued at over $500,000, required the skills and attention of more than 700 workers. This is a great example of a miniature house that is contained within the setting of a larger museum.

Walterboro, South Carolina may seem like an unlikely place for a destination vacation. If, however, you enjoy the homey atmosphere of a bed and breakfast and are one who enjoys miniature houses and dolls, then it just might be the place for your next trip. Diana Forde and Henry Ruthinoski set up their bed and breakfast to also function as a museum for their extensive collection of miniatures. Imagine spending your vacation in a museum where the exhibits never close!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Learning how to play poker online

Poker is not entirely a game of luck, but rather a game of skill and how you can take the cards you are dealt and make them win. This requires knowledge of odds, bluffing, and the general rules of the game not to mention the other cards opponents have showing. So, if you are interested in playing poker online you can really learn how to play well and win money. It’s not just about what you are dealt, it’s how you play the cards you are dealt so focus on learning rules and strategy before you begin playing poker online for money.

Learning how to play poker in a real casino or with other people can frequently be intimidating and your nervousness and anxiety will take over making it more difficult to think and play your hands efficiently. Of course, in time, this wears off as your confidence builds, however there is a way to avoid this situation altogether and that is with online poker. You can easily enter an online poker room and start practicing and learn how to play. Also, most of the top poker sites have poker rooms where you can practice and play for free, so take advantage of this situation and log some hours in the practice poker rooms. You will build your knowledge of the game as well as your confidence and once you have become good enough you can give a paying room a try. You wouldn’t enter a marathon without training and you should not enter an online poker site without practicing if you do not want to lose your money.


Strategy is important and this is the key factor that will help you win many games even if the cards did not fall just as you were hoping. Also, many players lack strategy and are too cocky to think they need it, so simply do some research on the strategy for your preferred poker game and implement these as you are practicing. The more your practice the easier strategy will become and before you know it your brain will simply be thinking in a strategic way. This is important and it will train you to become a really great poker player.

Of course, the online free poker games seem silly to many and just a way to pass the time like Solitaire or any other computer game. However, if you are truly interested in becoming a better player all you have to do is really focus on the practice games as if they were real games and the money was real as well, implement the strategies you are learning, focus on mistakes and why certain moves did not work, and you will really become a better poker player. When you are a better poker player you may begin playing for money online and will be prepared to play against the many talented card players that are in the online poker rooms.

Keep in mind, however, that the play tables are not as well laid out as the money tables, so after a few hands you should be able to learn and start winning a few hands. However, if you are not winning with the play hands after a couple hours of playing then you either play poorly or are not implementing the strategies you have learned, and likely a combination of both. Remember, if you are losing on a regular basis in the play tables then there is no reason to enter the money tables because you will lose again and this time real money. So stay focused when you are learning how to play and understand that if you can’t win at the free tables you will never win at the pay tables. Once you have played the free games for a while and start winning some, then you should move on to some of the cheap real games. There are games for one cent and two cents online, so you should consider playing those as your second step in the quest to become a good poker player. While the free games will help you learn how to play the game and the basics, you must take a step up every once in a while to challenge yourself and to learn more in order to become a better player. As long as you continue practicing and moving up a step at a time you will become a great poker player and win a lot of money. However, if you try and join the professional players when you still are learning the rules of the game you will simply lose money and your self esteem. Don’t let this happen and take it one step at a time.

Becoming a Player

Now that you know how to become a player you need to start practicing. Check out some of the top 10 poker room sites on the Internet and then start playing the practice hands. By doing this you will be able to learn a lot faster and save your embarrassment for a bad move because you are in front of your computer screen and nobody can see you. In the past, learning to play poker took a lot of time and guts because individuals had to endure playing with those better than themselves and individuals who would surely beat them for some time. However, you can avoid this situation altogether by simply playing the free games online and taking advantage of all that is made available to you. Then, when you finally do make it to the money games you will be able to hold your own and will likely win which is a ego booster and will only help you to continue playing well. Don’t think the free online poker games are a waste of time, but rather utilize them and make them teach you the ins and outs of poker so you become a truly great player.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Key to web success is building traffic

The road to success for any business is its ability to enlarge its customer base and bring in more potential buyers. Traditional businesses do this through advertising in traditional ways such as newspapers, radio and television. They also count on word-of-mouth from satisfied customers.

Internet businesses also count on traffic to produce sales but building traffic in the internet age takes a new direction referred to as internet marketing. Since most of the customers you want to visit your site are online, the best course is to advertise online. However, where is always the question. Building traffic requires time, effort and in many cases money but most of all it requires patience.

Affiliate programs are rapidly turning into the most financially feasible methods of advertising available on the internet. It has the potential of placing your ad on virtually thousands of web sites at no cost to you, until they produce results. Affiliates also offer a more targeted effort for your ads and reach more of the customers who might use or need your products or services.

Not everyone who visits your site will but on the first visit, but in building traffic to your site you can put it in a position for future sales success. Having a group of affiliates advertising your site online, preferably sites relating to the type of business you are in, should prove very effective in raising the number of visitors you see on your business’s web site.

Additionally, by offering useful information such as informational web content, you will be building traffic by making your site more attractive to search engine spiders. Being found through a search engine is probably the most rewarding way of building traffic as the visitors are looking for what you have to offer and not merely stumbling across the information.

The latest models in the mobile phone industry

Over the years, mobile phones have become an indispensable and integral component of modern communication. Various brands are constantly vying against each other to deliver the very best mobile phones in terms of features, functionality, and service and of course design. This is achieved by the rapid advances in technology and innovative expertise. Companies frequently launch newer models which come packed with advanced features and functionalities; thereby satiating the demands of the cell phone enthusiasts as well as retain their positions on the higher rungs of competition. Here is a brief lowdown of some of the latest cell phone models launched by various companies:

Nokia N82

The Nokia N82 is yet another addition to the much fancied Nokia N series. This multimedia cell phone is well optimized and well defined for navigation, internet connectivity as well as photography. In fact, the N82 brings to the user an enhanced and enriching experience in photography. The model does not just boast about its high-end camera (5 megapixel auto-focus camera with a Xenon flash, and Carl Zeiss optics); but also features various highly utilizable functionalities like gaming, Bluetooth with A2DP and microUSB for PC connectivity, Wi-Fi, music player, A-GPS with pre-installed Nokia maps and much more. The buyer also gets a free trial of the voice guided navigation for 3 months. Additional features can however be purchased.

LG Rhapsody

The LG Rhapsody has recently launched its mobile phone with a "navigation wheel" similar to the Nokia N81. The phone features a state-of-the-art music player. This fine looking mobile phone delivers an enhanced audio experience. A contributing factor to this achievement is that LG mobiles has come together with Mark Levinson; the leading audio equipment manufacturing company. The phone also features Bluetooth, a 2 mega pixel camera as well as one GB of internal memory and external memory support.

Sony Ericsson K660

This fancy looking candy bar mobile phone is yet another launch by Sony Ericsson. It is essentially a mid-range mobile phone packed with adequate features and a great design. It is available in fancy cool colors and the joystick has been replaced by a five way navigation pad which is easy to operate and maneuver. Light-weight and trendy; the phone has many feel-good factors like a 2 mega pixel camera, the PhotoDJ, Video DJ and MusicDJ software, gaming, TrackId and much more. The VideoDJ feature enables the user to edit video files and cool rngtones can be created with the MusicDJ. Furthermore, it delivers 32 MB of internal memory and M2 cards for external memory is supported. With its decent enough battery life, the user gets over a day and a half regular usage on a single charge. Its regular features include stopwatch, notepad, timer, calendar, schedules and much more. It is 3G enabled with HSDPA and has a VGA camera to facilitate video calls. The Google maps too come preinstalled with this model.

Nokia N81 GB

Although a tad bulky; the Nokia N81 features an amazing music player, free media content and an impressive 8GB of internal memory. The slider switch at the top enables keypad locking and on either side is a set of stereo speakers. It is 3G enabled with a secondary VGA camera as well as a 2 mega pixel camera with an LED flash at the back side of the phone. The 5 way navigation pad can also be used as a navigation wheel. However, the key placement can be un-ergonomic. Overall, it is an impressive addition to the N series and for people who favor a sliding phone model; will be more than pleased with its smooth slider action.

The New LG Shine (In Titanium)

With the success of the LG Shine Black Label Series; LG has added another model in the Shine series - The LG Shine Titanium color. This is by far the only phone in the mobile phone market that boasts of a Titanium finish metal body. These phones will an ideal choice for consumers who want the phone design to be an extension of their personality. Sleek, shiny, slim and elegant - the phone comes in unique design variations as well as incorporates enhanced technological expertise. The newer color versions feature a 2 mega-pixel auto focus camera, 1 GB memory with microSD cards. Furthermore, it is Bluetooth enabled and sports a 2.2 inch mirror LCD screen. Other features include the E2E dictionary, document viewer, email viewer and much more.

Nokia 5310 XpressMusic

The Nokia5310 is lightweight and fancy with a slim and sleek design. The USP of this Nokia model is its enhanced musical capabilities. Besides that, it features a microUSB port, a 2 inch TFT screen, a 2 mega pixel at the rear, and an easily maneuverable five way navigation pad. As for connectivity, it includes PTT (Push to Talk) and Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP compatibility.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Las maquinas tragamonedas

Si estas atraнdo por los juegos de azar, aquн te presentamos lugares recomendados en los cuales encontraras modos de pagos que te beneficiaran y demбs consejos. Siempre que juegues en maquinas tragamonedas deberбs asegъrate de jugar a max bet de una maquina progresiva. Esto es, ya que muchas maquinas solo pagan el jackpot (gran premio) si haz jugado max bet. Por eso, no debes tomar el riesgo, de jugar en maquinas progresivas si no si de todas formas no ganaras el jackpot. Verificar las reglas de cada maquina progresiva es esencial antes de apostar en casinos en lнnea.

Las maquinas tragamonedas son emocionantes tanto en lнnea como en vivo, ya que sus ganancias son dictadas por un sistema de nъmeros al azar posicionados en programaciones de casinos. Siempre debes asegurarte que el sitio que elegiste apostar es serio y ha adquirido buena fama en su trayectoria.

Si apuestas, es casi seguro que disfrutaras la emociуn del desafiу de poder ganar el gran premio que ofrecen las tragamonedas. Las maquinas progresivas son las ideales ya que el pozo incrementa a medida que mas apostadores eligen aquella maquina para hacer sus apuestas. Es asн como puedes observar como las maquinas aumentan su pozo y mбs y mas jugadores las eligen.

Las maquinas tragamonedas son muy populares debido a sus increнbles premios, solo invirtiendo una o dos monedas puedes ganar cientos miles de dуlares. Es asн como muchos jugadores son famosos por haber ganado el jackpot en las maquinas progresivas.

En la mayorнa de los casinos en lнnea, muchas maquinas ofrecen grandes jackpots, mientras otras tienen mas pequeсos. Hay aquellos que ofrecen 250,000 dуlares, o mas, los cuales se los lleva un jugador con suerte. Luego la maquina comienza de nuevo con una suma menor hasta volver a llegar al jackpot. La parte menos conveniente de las maquinas progresivas es que tienes menos posibilidades de ganar sumas menores menos seguido. Es decir, puedes llegar a ganar de pronto el jackpot, pero es menos probable ganar sumas mas pequeсinas que en otras maquinas. Es por eso que debes elegir la maquina tragaperras dependiendo en lo que buscas. Si buscas jugar por diversiуn y ganar sumas pequeсinas, no debes elegir la progresivas. Pero la suerte tambiйn influye por supuesto!

A continuaciуn te presento una lista de 9 sitios en lнnea para apostar en maquinas tragaperras que son de confianza y tienen buena reputaciуn. Disfrъtalas y verifica bien cada maquina antes de jugar!

1) Royal Vegas Casino
2) 7 Sultans Casino
2) Fortune Room Casino
3) Desert Dollar Slots
4) Sci-Fi-Casino
5) Casino Tropez
6) Carnival Casino
7) Vegas Villa Casino
8) Slotland Casino
9) Slots. com

Se optimization for article writing so last year

So, you wanna be an SEO guru. Things change at a rapid pace online. As soon as Web 2.0 was here, talk of Web 3.0 ensued. SEO was dead and then no wait! It was alive and kicking, according to the pundits. There were black hat marketers, white hat marketers, grey hat seo and the Long Tail. Did you change hats at some point in a panic? Is keyword density really that important? Is content still king? One day it’s PPC campaigns, another day it’s organic ranking through blogging links and then articles. Aargh! How do I keep it all straight?

Today, it can be hard to keep up with the buzz words. Once you’ve optimized your website, you can find out a minute later that Google has changed the rules again. What do you do? If you get too wrapped up in all the rules and jargon of seo marketing, you will actually take your eye too far off the ball and lose business and page rank anyway.

First of all, content always has and always will be king. Writing strictly for SEO is not going to get you very far for very long. Trying too hard to “not” write for seo isn’t going to get you very far either. If you’re worried about overdoing it with your keyword density and don’t use your keywords enough, you can end up with content that doesn’t come across naturally. Good, organic content is going to help you in more ways than one. First, it’s going to help you get real human traffic. Secondly, it’ll get the Google and Yahoo spiders stopping by.

Keeping updated on how things work with the search engine spider bots is going to help you keep your website on either page one or page two. If you can’t manage this on your own, hire a pro, enrol in a course or buy a book. If you are past page two for your target keywords, your target audience probably won’t find you. You also need to focus on the Long Tail and target more than just the top three keywords.

If you get your audience visiting but don’t offer them valuable content, they won’t stay and won’t click on their “checkout” button. You have to please the robots and the humans. If you overdo SEO you won’t please the humans. You could also tick off the robots and get blacklisted. If you try to be an underachiever and ignore SEO, you could miss out and be stuck on page seven.

For those who have done a lot of seo articles, it’s a great idea to stop writing seo articles for a while and focus on something else. Did you know that forum participation and blogging can be really effective at helping you with your PR? Diversify your seo strategy a little! Social book marking and tagging are another area of seo strategy that can truly help you bring up your readership and ranking of your site and increase your sales.

Safe and stress-free shopping building customer trust

As more and more merchants move online, it becomes an increasing challenge to stand out from the pack. While price may influence a shopper’s choice, it’s usually not the deciding factor: most buyers would prefer to pay a bit more for an item they feel safe buying, than to spend less and worry they’re throwing their money away.

That’s why, as an online retailer, creating a safe and stress-free environment for your shoppers should be a top priority. With internet scams and identity fraud to worry about, most online buyers turn to merchants they recognize and trust. If customers don’t feel secure spending their money with you, they’ll move on to another auction or website where they do feel comfortable.

Suspicious Minds

According to Steve Woda, of BuySafe. com, “About fifty percent of people who surf online don’t buy online, and the number one reason is because they don’t trust something about the transaction—the merchant, the process, the payment method. Whatever it is, it’s always about trust.” There are numerous steps you can take to convey credibility to buyers and build their confidence in you:

• Professional Image. Your website or auction listing’s appearance creates a strong impression before customers read a single word. Make sure the message you’re sending is the one you want to be sending. Sloppy errors and misspelled words signal customers they aren’t dealing with a serious businessperson.

• Build Your Ratings. Your merchant ratings and feedback ratings go a long way towards assuring shoppers that, should they purchase from you, their products will arrive and be in good condition.

• Good Customer Service. Promptly returned phone calls and email inquiries, and thorough, courteous communications demonstrate to buyers that you’re a genuine, reliable merchant who will provide them good service.

• Third-party Solutions. This is one of the strongest signals you can send that your business is legitimate and trustworthy.

o Seals from companies like the Better Business Bureau, SquareTrade, and BuySafe tell customers your business has passed inspection and been approved by trusted third parties. BuySafe will even guarantee your transactions, so your buyers can shop risk-free.

o Verisign and GeoTrust SSL certificates let your buyers know their personal information is encrypted. Other third-party solutions are available, like HackerSafe which scans your site for vulnerabilities, and TRUSTe which examines your privacy policies. Making PayPal available as a payment option also tells buyers you’ve been through a very thorough verification process.

There’s more than enough data to prove that employing any of these solutions can significantly increase your conversion rate. When buyers trust you, they’re much quicker to spend money with you. Says Woda, “I do recommend merchants… deal with buyer uncertainties by leveraging as many of these things as they possibly can. It’s all about distinguishing [yourself] as professional, legitimate, and credible.”

Friday, August 12, 2016

Mommy make-over

Mommy Make-Over

If you're expecting, I'm sure you have a lot on your plate as far as getting ready for the maternity journey and preparing for baby. With all the new changes and adjustments; sometimes "Taking Care of You" takes a back seat.

To help you start "Taking Care of You," you have to evaluate your daily activities. Well, now you ask, "What have I done for myself lately?" Ladies, this is an important question. It turns out many of us are so caught up with taking care of everyone else that we forget to do the little things for ourselves. Beginning something new and fresh for you is always exciting but requires some effort.

If you want to look and feel better while preparing for a new addition to your family, let's start with getting you on the right track with your beauty regiment.

Let's start with your hair: Taking care of your hair, makes a world of difference on how you feel and perceive yourself. If you put your hair up everyday with a scrunchy or clip you really need to STOP. This tragic behavior usually results in falling into a rut.

So, I would reiterate my usual advice on making an appointment with a stylist. If you don't have one, ask around and see which salon or stylist falls into your budget. Remember, you don't have to go to a poshy salon or spend a fortune. There are options and some really talented stylists out there. So, a cute hair cut and some natural looking hi-lites will make you look and feel better. This can easily translate to your "Mommy Makeover." Buy new products for your hair, Maternity Salon offers a complete hair care line especially for moms. Check it out!

Moving onto your skin care, I've come across a lot of great products lately for skin. One great facial cleanser you should use to get rid of makeup at night or morning is called, "St. Ives. Facial Cleanser." Getting into a routine with washing your face before bed and when you wake really helps your pores to stay clean and refreshed. After you wash your face, I suggest using a face cream by "Neutrogena, Oil of Olay, or Dove" look for the specific type of skin you have and use that product.

After two weeks, you will see a huge difference. Remember, if you're going to through some rough dry patch problems you should consult with your doctor about using anything.

Lastly, what about the rest of your body, well I'm a firm believer in using "Palmer's Cocoa Butter" for your belly (to avoid stretch marks) and everywhere else for hydration. After you shower and your skin is still moist is usually the best time to apply. Also, dehydration is a big culprit for bad or dry skin, so remember to drink your water. (Do you ever wonder why you see models or actresses drinking water?. It's to keep their skin looking beautiful!)

Now, onto the fun part, MAKE-UP! In completing your own "Mommy Makeover," choosing great make-up does make a difference. I have to be honest with you and tell you that to look good you don't need a ton of gook on your face. To start your beauty make-up application, you can apply foundation if that's your preference.

There is a really great foundation out made by "Revlon called, Custom Creations." This foundation is light and airy and really can be matched to your skin tone. There is also SPF 15 in this product, so it makes you look good and protects your skin at the same time. In using foundation, only apply a dab to your finger or sponge and use sparingly around your eyes, forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Remember, less is more.

Next, I would apply a mineral based bronzer, which can be lightly dusted on for a pretty glow. Maternity Salon offers a mineral makeup bag with your custom shade; check it out on our product page. Mineral makeup is really trendy right now, because it holds a natural feel and look. It really gives you a healthy look without looking like you just had a fight with a blush brush.

As for eye shadow and liners, there are so many beautiful colors and textures available with "MAC, Bobby Brown, or Revlon. (Really the list is endless)" Right now, I am using MAC. They sell their colors in these small palettes, which are really cute and totally compact. Usually when I go to MAC, their consultants are super helpful; just tell them what you want (a natural looking color that matches your skin tone or coloring.)

This is also fun, because if you have time you can have them do a 'mini-makeover' at the counter and they suggest the right products and how to use them. Ask for advice on applying the eye shadow or liner, makes sure it's to your liking. Don't be afraid to speak up if you think the colors are too dark or light. I usually don't leave MAC without an eye shadow, lip gloss and mascara. These three products are essential.

Lip gloss is really the icing on the cake. Without lip gloss your look is not complete. Choosing a light, natural shade can help in creating a finished look for your new "Mommy Makeover."

So, now you have your basics on the beginning of your new "Mommy Makeover," make a difference today and get yourself feeling great and motivated.

PS - Swing by a maternity clothing store like, "Motherhood, Pea in a Pod or Old Navy," purchase a few essential outfits to really complete your look. You'll be happy you did.

To build wealth don t seek higher education

One of the most important determinants of building wealth during your educational life would have been a solid course in the history of education. Why? Because a solid understanding of the roots of institutional education would enable you to realize that most education puts you in debt at the same time as never teaching you how to build wealth. Henry Ford once stated that it was a good thing that people in America had no understanding of how banks truly worked because if they did, there most likely would be a revolution by tomorrow morning.

This statement still holds true today. 99.9% of people, even the very people employed by banks, have no true understanding of how banks control economies. Think that banks in the United States actually keep the stated 10% of the Reserve Ratio Requirement (RRR) in their reserves? Think again. As well, most people have no true understanding of how educational institutions work. If they did, many people would realize that formal education can often hurt their ability to build wealth even more than it helps.

Most people, no matter where they are educated, go through their educational life learning to become robots. The “authority” figure tells them that A+B = D and if the student disagrees and argues that A+B = C, then his or her reward is a less than satisfactory grade. So students spit back what the teachers tell them to think, they receive good grades, and for their obedience, are later rewarded with a good job. It’s a perfect process to produce the perfect cog in the machine, the pod people represented in the film “The Matrix”.

How Educational Institutions Feed into the Debtor System

More times than not, to attend higher education at a top ranked global institution, one will accrue between USD$80,000 to USD$200,000 in debt by the time one graduates, in essence trading an “elite” education for a lifetime of debt. Even if a family is wealthy enough not to accrue enormous debt to send their children to the top schools in the world, their child, before he or she even graduates, needs to start establishing “credit” if he/she ever wishes to successfully apply for a car loan or a home mortgage after graduation.

However, “credit” is an extremely funny choice of words considering that to establish good “credit”, one has to rack up lots of debt. If you don’t rack up lots of debt and in turn prove that you can pay off this debt responsibly, then you will have “bad credit” instead of “good credit”. And without “good credit”, even if you have $1 million of “credit” in the bank, you’ll have no credit. And with no credit, you won’t be able to get a car loan or a home mortgage. Not even with $1 million in the bank. Not unless you offer your money as collateral for a secured loan.

Credit cards should be renamed “debt cards” and institutions of higher learning should be renamed “institutions of higher debt” so at least every innocent, bright-eyed 18-year-old has no misconceptions about the dark side of credit cards and institutions of higher learning. The moneyed elites founded almost all of the top universities in every country in the world. If we look at the founders of the U. S. educational system, the moneyed elites founded Temple University, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Duke, the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Harvard, and Stanford just to name a few. In the seminal book “Education and the Rise of the Corporate State”, Joel Spring wrote that “the development of a factory-like system in the nineteenth-century classroom was not accidental”. Russell Conwell, a member of the wealthy elite, validated Spring’s assertion with statements he made before he founded one of America’s oldest educational institutions, Temple University:

“The men who get rich may be the most honest men you find in the community…Ninety-eight out of one hundred of the rich men in America are honest. That is why they are rich. That is why they are trusted with our money…It is because they are honest men….the number of poor who are to be sympathized with is very small. To sympathize with a man whom God has punished for his sins….is to do wrong.”

That is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read in my life but yet the American educational system was largely founded to sustain a caste system of rich and poor. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, masses of students were trained to conform in their thinking and any dissent to the teachings of these universities was discouraged and punished with poor grades. If you were rich, it was because you were a good person. If you were poor, you deserved your fate, because poverty was a sinner’s fate. Even though this was a hundred years ago, not much has changed with the “modern” educational system. For the most part, in classrooms all over the world, conformity is still “King”.

How Traditional Education Kills Critical Thinking, the Most Important Skill to Build Wealth

As an example of how yesterday’s psychology is still applied in today’s classrooms, I distinctly remember a university course in which I strongly dissented with the professor’s opinion. The professor’s argument just didn’t hold any weight in my mind. Though I crafted entirely well constructed arguments to support my dissenting view on the next exam, the professor “rewarded” my critical thinking with a C+. On the following examination, having learned my lesson, I spat back exactly what I knew the professor wanted to hear. For my utter lack of critical examination of any of the key issues, I was rewarded with an “A”. This lesson in conformity occurred within the “revered and hallowed” halls of an Ivy League institution, and such manufactured conformity spills over into the corporate world once these institutions graduate their students.

If Copernicus had accepted the Catholic church’s teachings that the earth was the center of the universe, people would have continued believing that the sun circled the earth for a hundred more years. If the Wright brothers had accepted the universal belief that flying was for birds only and quit due to the ridicule heaped upon them for their “unachievable” pursuits, we still might not be able to fly today. To illustrate how blindly people accept what they are told, recently I read an article where astronomers agreed that Pluto is not a planet, so they stripped Pluto of its accepted planetary status since 1930.

But when I was a kid going through school, if you didn’t mention that Pluto was a planet on a science exam, your answer would have been marked wrong. Even if you gave the same exact arguments that astronomers gave today, you would have been wrong. Your teacher would have told you, “Look, it’s in our science book. Pluto is a planet,” and another lesson in conformity would have taken place. If a hundred years ago, somebody started teaching the world that the moon was made out of cheese, everybody today would believe the moon appears as a yellow orb in the sky because it is made out of cheese. It is only when universally accepted beliefs are shunned that groundbreaking progress is possible.

This slow death of critical thinking skills then places financial institutions back in control. They tell you Strategy A is the only way to invest, and since the five different investment firms tell you the same thing about Strategy A, you believe that Strategy A must be the best way to invest. So apply critical thinking and question everything when it comes to your investment life and you just may discover that what you have believed to be true for the past 20 years is wrong. Critical thinking was what made the invention of my proprietary SmartKnowledgeU™ long tail investment strategies possible and critical thinking is what will make you a better investor.

Traditional Education Does Not Provide Any of the Courses You Need to Understand How to Build Wealth

If I owned a revered institution of education, I would teach at least 10 courses that aren’t currently offered by any traditional universities: (1) The Long Tail of Investment Analysis 101; (2) The Long Tail of Investment Strategies 101; (3) Gold and Other Precious Metals; (4) Major Global Currencies and Their Effects on the World Economy; (5) Investing in Hard, Tangible Assets; (6) How to Leverage Money; (7) How to Identify the Debtor System and Beat It; (8) Corporatocracies: The Relationships of Governments, Banks, and Corporations; (9) Who Controls Money Flow Around the World; and (10) The Myths & Lies of Global Investment Firms.

Every single one of these course would be a thousand times more helpful in building wealth than Economics 101 or Marketing 101 type courses that are currently offered in the venerable halls of our elite learning institutions. Yet no one seems to want to offer them. Could it be that those that benefit from this knowledge have no intention of ever sharing it with the masses? This is exactly why I founded SmartKnowledgeU and why I strongly believe that formal education is only worthwhile if you are pursuing a career that requires a specialized degree in medicine, engineering, architecture, law and so on.

Otherwise, years of liberal arts educations or even attaining a business major is pretty much useless in helping you build wealth. I have never used anything I learned about marketing theory, economic theory, statistics theory from business school in buiding wealth. What I’ve learned outside on my own time, comprised of the ten courses above, is what I’ve found to be useful.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Leave your airport parking worries behind

We all look forward to jetting off for a week or two in the sun, but flying from any airport automatically brings up the issues of how we will get to the airport from home and back again at the end of the trip.

For many, getting to the airport by bus or train is additional hassle that they just don’t want, particularly if they are catching an early flight, or will be travelling with young children or lots of luggage.

The easiest way to get to the airport is to drive, but parking can be expensive. On-site long term parking at any airport is costly and although you can take advantage of companies that offer parking outside the airport and bus you in, it’s just not as convenient as being dropped off right outside arrivals.

The best way to make sure that your journey to the airport is smooth and stress-free is to book a taxi. A good firm will pick you up from home and take you to the right entrance at your terminal, and will be waiting for you on your return. This means that all you have to do is pay the taxi at the beginning of your holiday and locate it when you get home. By using a taxi service, you’ll benefit from:

• Stress-free travel

• Space and comfort

• Arrival on time at the airport

• Save on expensive parking fees

• No bus transfers to off-site car parks

There are hundreds of airport taxi firms who can help you to extend your holiday by making the journey to and from the airport as easy and comfortable as possible. You don’t have to worry about the security of your car whilst you are away, or even take your car keys on holiday with you. Using a reliable taxi service means that you can be sure that you will be picked up when you arrive – even if your plane is delayed. You can’t beat that kind of service as a great addition to your long-awaited holiday.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How to improve bad credit with credit cards

A habitual delay or missing payment for the money loaned would hurt credit rating badly. This usually happens with people who has committed the mistake in managing their finances.

Having bad credit history would mean keeping you from the ability to make loans for home or car mortgages, rent an apartment and even prevent an individual from getting hired. This is because many employers view of owning a bad credit is the lack of responsibility.

Since credit is an essential part of the general public, it is good news that people with bad credits are given a chance to fix their ratings.

There are TV or ads that promise in helping people to make a credit overhaul. Sometimes, there are telemarketers offering to do the same. Though some of them are vredible, there are still a number of them that are fraudulent.

However, there are a number of things that can be done personally to rebuild credit.

People make a mistake of running away from their creditors. It is a better gesture to be the first one to call the credit card company rather than waiting for them to do the first move. In doing so, creditors would have an idea that there is still a desire to make the payment. Paying no heed to creditors will most likely merit a report to the credit bureau.

A good number of creditors are not as tough as people often think they are. These companies are more than willing to discuss other options for repayment which would fit the budget of cardholders.

Being hesitant in pushing through rebuilding of credit could pose a problem. This is why free credit counseling is made available to be of assistance in working out a strategy and making a financial plan. Certain credit card organization, banks, or even employers offer in providing counseling programs.

Being denied of services such as a credit, any insurance or even employment would entitle a person to get a copy of the credit report for free. This should be asked for during the 60 days of the said denial. Once the credit history report is obtained, the first step for repairing credit is cleared.

Credit is usually denied because of incorrect information or credit information may be incomplete. The company who denied their services holds the responsibility to give the credit bureau's name and location. Should there be any wrong or inaccurate information, a dispute can be made to correct them. Though this appeal is free, a solid proof as to the false information should be produced. Clarifying the credit information will aid with the credit repair.

A regular review of the credit report is encouraged to know whether the credit is improving or not. The significance of this is to ensure that the information is correct, complete and current. This also would determine if one is already eligible to make a loan. Most important is to aid in guarding an individual from an identity theft.

Making moves in repairing a bad credit and ensuring a steady improvement with it is the most important means to guarantee the continuous enjoyment of owning a credit card. It is wise to be a responsible card user, keeping in mind that being able to keep a credit card is a great privilege.