Friday, September 30, 2016

Making your station right for work

When you think about the lies or untruths we are told in our lifetimes, it's hard to know which one in the most prominent. Whether it's George Washington chopping down the cherry tree, or that time in history when people were told the earth was flat, myths have been around as long as truth has. One myth (or lie) repeated to us every time we shop is this: One size fits all. In all of the items I've seen marked with that phrase, I've never seem them actually fit everyone who wants to wear or use them. In fact some clothing manufacturers admit "all" is kind of a stretch and are now printing "one size fits many" on their garments. The area that most needs to catch up to the idea that one size doesn't fit all is work environment designers. People who create office space with desks, computers and chairs all the same don't understand that an ergonomic work space will be different for every person they employ.

Chair and Desk

Every person has a different body, and needs a chair that fits and encourages the best posture for that person to work in. A good chair should be able to be easy to adjust have a back that goes high enough to support the spine without any pressure points. It should allow arms to be supported with arm rests that are aligned with the desk to ensure the wrists hang at a natural level to interact with the keyboard. The chair should also have a caster-set 5 wheel base so there is more stability toward the center of the chair and the wheels should move easily. The desk should be at such a height that people can sit with their feet on the floor and have at least 8 to ten inches between the top of their legs and the desk. This will also help the monitor stay at a higher level.

Keyboard and Mouse

Factory workers used to be the unchallenged number one worker for suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive motion injuries. Keyboardists and data entry clerks now challenge them for the number of claims submitted each year. A keyboard should be in position slightly below the wrists so they hover over the keypad and the fingers can move freely. Although wrist pads are popular items they actually hinder the posture process for constant typists because the wrists resting up cause the hands to be at a bad angle. The keyboard itself should have spring assisted keys so they can provide momentum to the fingers and be capable of being placed in the reverse inverted position. A mouse should be close enough to the keyboard that the typist does not have to reach to use it or put their hand in an unnatural position.

Monitor and Printer

A huge source of neck strain has been the act of looking down to see a monitor. The monitor of a work station should be at eye level so the head as to be at nor more than a 30 degree angle. The monitor should be 20 to 30 inches way from the eyes of the typist and should be adjustable so the glare from lights or the sun does not interfere with work. The printer should be in a position away from the desk so the typist can stand up and move around to retrieve paperwork. The small break in momentum will help the body sustain work longer because it's not in the same position all day long. If a printer must be within grasp, it should be on the desk in such a way that the typist is not encouraged to lean or stretch the back to get the paper.

Realizing one workstation type will not fit all people will save dollars, pain and time for the business and the employee. That's a truth worth striving for.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Coping with job stress and heart disease

Everyone knows that job stress has an obvious negative implication on health, specifically, the cardiovascular system. While various studies have been conducted and validated to establish that job strain increases the risk of a first coronary heart disease, little was known about the connection between stressful jobs and recurrent coronary heart disease.

Recently, however, scientists have decided to bring their research to the next level by studying nearly a thousand men and women who returned to work after having a heart attack. Observations were made for the first six weeks after their return to their jobs, and the again two years later. Early findings show that the people who return to a chronically stressful job after a heart attack are twice as likely to experience another heart attack than those with stress-free jobs. Job strain, as specifically defined by researchers, involves high psychological demands with low decision control. If the stress of the job doesn't change upon return to work, there is a much higher risk of having another heart attack or developing angina and coronary heart disease.

A heart attack occurs when a blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart becomes blocked. Due to the lack of blood flow, it results in a permanent damage to the heart. Blood vessels are blocked by advancing atherosclerotic plaque lesions, a sudden formation of a blood clot, or from the spasming of a coronary artery, which supplies blood to the heart.

Many people have the notion that a heart attack is caused by a slow, progressive build-up of plaque. To think that a blood vessel takes a lifetime to become completely clogged is simply not true for most cases of heart attacks. When an unstable, atherosclerotic plaque lesion, filled with cholesterol and fat, suddenly breaks apart, thus forming an open wound within the artery wall, a heart attack occurs. Blood platelets and clotting proteins rush to the wound and form a clot, called a thrombus. In a matter of moments, the clot can enlarge and may cause obstruction of blood flow to the heart with resultant angina (chest pain). If the blood flow becomes completely obstructed, a heart attack ensues.

In addition to the evidence linking workplace stress and heart disease was another study on the occurrence of cardiac events and heart attacks on Monday than any other day of the week. A study carried out by Japan's Tokyo Women's Medical University and published in the American Journal of Hypertension showed that many workers suffer a significant increase in blood pressure as they return to the office after the weekend.

High blood pressure is associated with a greater risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke, and the results could help to explain why there are more heart attacks on Mondays than at any other time of the week.

While workplace stress can have a negative impact on your health, marriage, on the other hand, can be good for your health. However, it is important to be more specific as a bad marriage can increase the risk of heart disease as compared with married couples who are having great relationships.

Make money with embroidery

People are all ages are looking to make extra money. Whether you are planning to supplement your current income or looking to replace an income totally, consider using a hobby like embroidery to make some fast cash. Embroidered items are always popular with all types of shoppers, and you can easily begin an embroidery company with a low overhead for those short of start up funds.

When you decide to start a business based on selling embroidered products, you should first consider how you will make the items. Are you planning to purchase pre-made items like shirts, handbags, hats, blankets, or towels or do you plan to make the items yourself? If you plan to purchase items, do you have a source that will supply you with the correct amount you need in a variety of colors or styles? How do you plan to embroider the items? Do you plan to hand embroider the products or are you going to invest in an embroidery machine? If you plan on making many products for sale, consider using machine embroidery to save your fingers and your sanity.

Once you have identified what items you plan to make and sell, begin working on the business logistics of the plan. Where do you plan to sell your items? How are you going to advertise your goods and get the word out about your fabulous items? Many men and women who start embroidery businesses first start at craft shows. These shows are an excellent way to start your fledgling business, since the money needed to participate is generally low, and you are able to show your items to a great deal of people.

Look to the World Wide Web for selling your wares. Popular online auction sites like Ebay or Yahoo! Auctions are a great place to start, since you can create virtual storefronts while gaining access to the site’s customers. Owning your own internet business is very inexpensive and often a great choice for individuals who are just starting out or who do not have the resources to rent, buy, or run a traditional store of their own.

Finally, take the old fashioned route and sell your items in a traditional store. If you do not have the resources to open your own shop, ask local store owners about potentially using their space to sell your goods for a cut of the profits. Also, antique stores or shops that showcase goods from local crafters often allow individuals to rent a small space in their store instead of going out on their own.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Are allergy shots effective

Itchy, watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing are all common symptoms which a vast majority of us experience as allergy symptoms at specific times throughout the year. Many individuals do everything in their power to avoid allergies including changing their diets, staying indoors or taking vitamin supplements. These may contribute to fighting allergies, but there is another effective way to do so. Immunotherapy or allergy shots are gaining popularity. Getting an allergy shot can be scary for some people, so we thought it would be best to fully explain allergy shots and address some common concerns.

How Do They Work?

Allergy shots contain a small amount of the substance which you are allergic to. If you are allergic to pollen, a small amount of pollen would be added to the shot. The amount is small enough so that it does not cause you to suffering from allergy symptoms, but enough so that you body gets used to fighting the allergen. Therefore, the next time your body comes in contact with that substance, it will be familiar with fighting it off and you will most likely not suffer from allergies.

Are Allergy Shots Safe For Everyone?

Although most people will have positive results from allergy shots, they are not right for everyone. Allergy shots are not recommended for individuals suffering from severe heart problems, asthma or other respiratory problems. Also, children under the age of 5 should not be exposed to allergy shots for safety reasons.

What Is The Procedure?

Once you have decided that you would like to get allergy shots, you will receive a shot 1 or 2 times a week for about 6 months. Afterwards, your maintenance shots will require you to get one shot a month, year round for about 3-5 years. Once you have received allergy shots on a regular basis for a couple years, you can discuss it with your doctor and they may tell you its okay to stop getting them at that point.

What Are The Side Effects?

Although allergy shots are effective for many individuals in eliminating allergy symptoms, certain individuals may experience some harmful side effects. Some people may experience feelings of shock when the shot is initially injected, others may feel light-headed or nauseated. For this reason, doctors are required to keep patients in their office for at least 20 minutes after receiving each shot in order to ensure the patient’s safety.

Some people swear by allergy shots while others criticize the effects or claim they don’t work effectively. If you are considering receiving immunotherapy, contact your doctor to discuss. Your doctor will give you more insight in order for you to determine if this is something you really want to do.

Debt management for effective debt control

Many people in UK today are facing problem of excessive credit card debt. They take credit card for granted and tend to make purchases which they cannot afford. It’s very important to follow the principle of debt management in order to get rid of debt problem and become debt free.

There is saying that it is easy to fall in debt and equally difficult to get out of it. It’s true that managing debt is a big challenge. But effective debt management plans can always help you overcome this challenge.

Ways for effective debt management

•Prepare an effective budget plan: Your first step towards managing your credit should be preparing an effective budget plan. A budget plan can help you to be updated about your expenses and incomes. It can help you decide where you have to start and end.

•Debt Consolidation: Debt consolidation is nothing but merging of different loans into one simple payment method. For instance suppose you owe lots of loans to different creditors. Debt consolidation is nothing but merging of all those loans into one total amount. Debt consolidation helps in reducing the rate of interest than what you were actually paying.

•Check Credit report: Though credit score is just a three digit number but it has great importance in today business world. Credit report directly reflects the credit worthiness of a person. This makes it very much important that you have a regular check of your credit report. A credit report can contain some errors and flaws which need to be rectified immediately. A small error in your credit report can affect your credit score greatly and thereby reduce your chances of getting a loan.

•Credit counseling: If you are unable to prepare an effective budget plan or reduce your debt you need to contact a reputable credit counseling agency. Credit counseling can help you solve your problem on budget planning, debt consolidation, credit score repair, credit management and so on. A credit counseling agency negotiates on your behalf with your creditors and help to reduce the margin of total payment.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Redefining the notion of super mom -all you need is love

Every day as I watch my three children grow, I reflect on my most important career choice-the day I became a mom. Like other women, I've struggled to balance work, life, home and family, but the good news is there is a solution.

First is to forget trying to be a "Super Mom." These are moms who try to be all things to all people and come up short in the process. Today's moms have learned to prioritize, focusing not only on our families but on taking care of ourselves. Our lives come in seasons, and I find that when I'm stretched too thin, I'm not effective at anything. Taking time for myself is a win-win for everybody.

As moms, once we have our priorities in line, we can then be more productive in all areas of our lives. For me, these include my faith, my family and then of being of service through volunteer work. I think we can have it all, just not all at once.

To find out more about how moms balance their busy lives, Sharpie, a trusted mom tool, surveyed moms and found that 95 percent of us agree that taking time for ourselves makes us a better mother. Still, 44 percent said that spending time with their family is the best stress relief.

The survey also identified a new breed of mothers-"Signature Moms." These are moms who have their own way of parenting and expressing love to their children-whether it's by volunteering at school, attending extracurricular games and activities or taking a much-deserved mom break.

To celebrate today's Signature Moms and help set priorities, here are some simple things moms can do to keep love at the forefront of their family relationships. These "10 easy ways to say I love you" have helped me daily, and I hope they will do the same for you.

1. Slip a handmade valentine or a simple note into your child's lunch box.

2. Take a walk together in the woods or your favorite park.

3. Jot down a line from your favorite poem. Share it with family members.

4. Kiss your kids good night, but also every chance you get.

5. Read a chapter book together.

6. Make it a priority to have family dinnertime together-no matter how busy the schedule.

7. Turn off the TV. Have a pizza night and watch a movie together.

8. Have a picnic in the park after the soccer game, instead of stopping for a fast meal on the way home.

9. Have each family member write down one reason why they appreciate each other. Write your reasons on a tag and use ribbon to attach them to a batch of your favorite cookies. Let every family member find his/her own special cookies.

10. Help your kids write a letter to a family member who lives far away. Write the first few lines of a story and instruct the recipient to write the next, and then return the letter. Your story can continue indefinitely.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Proper car washing polishing and waxing from the experts

It is amazing the number of people that don’t know how to properly clean or polish and wax their cars. Many people use products that were never intended for their car and others use products and equipment that should only be used by properly trained professionals. Some never even wax or clean their cars. Then they wonder why their car is given a very low trade in figure at the dealer, or why their paint is dull and flaking.

For the purpose of this article we interviewed numerous professional automotive detailers and similar professionals. We asked them what products they used and for tips that consumers could use. They pretty much came back with the same advice:

Properly clean the car: This is very important as the use of harsh, non-automotive products can actually harm your cars finish and make it wear quicker. Spray the car first and get it wet. Use the water to spray off dirt and other contaminates that will scratch your car if you immediately start using a sponge and water first. Also do not clean your car in the sun on a hot day. Do make sure you use warm water as it works best to loosen contaminates. After getting your car wet, use an automotive car wash solution and add to water in a bucket. Follow the directions on the bottle. Then wash the car. You will find it easier if you use a long handled wash brush (most auto parts stores have these). Be sure to wash and rinse in sections so the car wash soap doesn’t dry before being washed off. Then using terry cloth towels or chamois, dry the car off. Expert tip: use a squeegee. It is much faster and easier.

Remove stubborn contaminants: There will be dirt, bugs, tar, etc… that will be left after washing. There are many products that are made specifically for removing these items you’re your paint and car. The resounding answer from the experts was Meguiar’s bug and tar cleaner. Remove all the contaminants and follow the directions (some products can remove paint if not used correctly). Expert tip: 3M and other manufacturers make a plastic shield that can be applied over areas of your car’s paint like bumpers and behind the tires to protect from contaminants and rock chips.

Use a cleaner polish: This will remove any left over stubborn contaminates like ground in bug splatter on your painted bumper, acid rain etching, bird drop spots, and minor scratches. Use a circular motion, just like for wax. Follow the directions for that particular cleaner polish (some require a wet or damp applicator pad others don’t). Do the car one section at a time and use a clean section of cloth to buff once dry. Most cleaner polishes will dry to a whitish haze. Be sure to buff off all the haze and residue from the cleaner polish. When done the car finish will be really smooth. Expert tip: for deeper scratches, contaminants, etc… you can use an orbital buffer or polisher to apply the cleaner polish. Be careful and use low rpm’s (under 2000) anything above this and you risk burning the paint.

Apply several coats of polish or wax: There is a big difference between car wax and car polish. Car wax is usually a blend of carnauba and other waxes which will give a deep, wet look and new car shine. It comes in both a liquid and a paste, and it will not last as long as a car polish. Car wax is also less effective in high temperatures and can actually melt on hot areas like the hood. Car polish is a polymer blend usually with no wax. Car polishes can last 1 year between coats and is very durable protection for your paint. The experts recommend a car polish with Teflon in it for maximum protection and durability. The experts love the extra, deeper shine from car wax, but all agreed it was better suited for car shows. Whichever you choose, they are both applied the same way. Apply in a circular motion and let it dry to a haze. Then buff dry with a clean terry cloth or microfiber towel. Expert tip: Don’t use regular towels or diaper cloths as they can trap dirt particles and similar and leave scratch patterns in your finish. A microfiber cloth works best for removing dried car polish or car wax haze. 2 to 3 coats are recommended for maximum protection and shine. A good rule is to reapply the car polish or car wax at least 2 times per year. Expert tip: Apply car wax, not car polish (as car polish will leave streaks and smudges on glass), to your windows. Do one light coat and completely buff it off. The car wax will work better than the leading brand glass treatment for rain (it will also quite your windshield wipers).

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Distance learning mba basics

If you've ever tried to earn a degree, no matter where or how, you know what it takes to reach your goals. If you've already achieved an Associate or Bachelor's degree, why not take your education, and your earning clout, to another level by earning your Master's degree? What? You don't have the time with your job and family commitments to attend a traditional campus any more? No worries! Earn a distance learning MBA degree from the comfort of your own home or office.

Master of Business Administration degrees will open doors that you thought might be permanently closed. Today, there's no reason for anyone not to be able to attain the education dreams they've always aspired to, with the wealth of distance learning colleges out there. More state university systems are also adding online or distance learning curriculum to their rosters, because they understand the needs of today's students and adults who would like to pursue further education goals.

Because traditional campus learning requires a major portion of any person's time, and one must often perform feats of magic to blend school time with work, job and family responsibilities, the concept of distance learning has taken education to a new level in the 21st century. If you have a computer, you can attend online classes from anywhere in the world. No longer are you limited to state or community college systems that are within driving distance of your front door. Taking advantage of a distance learning college or university to pursue your Master of Business Administration can get your career on the fast track. Work is available within just about every job sector market when it comes to degrees in business administration. You don't have to work in a bank or other financial institution to put a MBA degree to good use. Every industry in the world needs gifted and educated men and women in their ranks to take care of the finances, legalities and day to day running practices of their companies. The health industry is one of the largest growing fields around the world these days and is expected to hire millions before the year 2014. No matter which sector you enter, there are positions open and waiting for business administration graduates in health care management, billing, recording, and administrative. The same goes for the law enforcement field, within both private and governmental sectors.

Distance learning colleges and universities or extension programs should be fully accredited, so make sure they are before you fill out applications. You may also want to check into student financing and student support services before you decide. A distance learning MBA is one of the degrees that can be used in the widest variety of job sectors. Distance learning opportunities offer the courses you need, fully accredited and ready for you to start. Finding the college or university that offers the MBA course you are looking for is your decision. Completing coursework can be done as quickly as you want, or you may take your time. That's the beauty of distance learning. It's your decision when to sit down and study, not the other way around.

What you need to know when purchasing a laptop

When people talk about laptops, everyone assumes that all laptops are wireless. Traveling with a laptop is easier today than it once was, the laptops have gotten smaller and lighter. The new mobile laptops make computing easy for many people. When purchasing a laptop, make sure a wireless connection is built in so you can reach the internet if you are in a wireless area.

The laptop is replacing the big desktop computer; but the mobile computer needs to provide the ability to accept components for expandability. Many people today keep all of the information on their computer, so if the computer goes down many people will not have that data. In today's modern world the laptop or sometimes called notebook is a must have.

If you do not have a laptop computer yet, you should know that one of the most important aspects of having a laptop computer is having a great power supply. Every laptop computer needs to be equipped with some type of warranty; the laptop should have at least a one year manufacturer warranty. You may even be able to play movies on them with crystal clarity. Purchasing a laptop computer is not an easy job to do because there are so many important things that should be considered before purchasing.

The type of work you do can affect the screen size and type that is most suitable for you. If you are not worried about graphics a screen size of 12-14" is acceptable. If the work you are doing is graphically intensive than a 15-17" is better. Screen sizes range from 12 to 19 inches. A laptop computer with smaller screen is great option if you do not plan to use laptop too much.

Going from 256MB of RAM to 512MB of RAM will speed up your laptop. If your needs are somewhat mundane - email, spreadsheets, word processing, etc. 512 MB of RAM should be plenty. RAM is to a computer what location is to real estate.

You also need to think about the hard drive in the laptop you are considering. The hard drive is also a very important specification to consider in buying a laptop. The speed of a hard drive is normally calculated in rotations per minute. A hard drive of about 50 gb or over is a good rule of thumb.

In addition to the processor, you will probably want to upgrade your system with memory, monitor, a graphics card or video card, and pointing device and keyboard. Finding cheap components is easy today due to the internet, many sites have popped up and made all of these components accessible. The important thing to remember when shopping for components is that you need to make sure they are compatible with your system.

Laptop cases are an important computer accessory you should make sure you acquire. They have many sections that accommodate important office documents. Another important type of carrying case is the wheeled roller case. But, their safety and protection is equally important. A laptop case is specially made for carrying a laptop but a backpack is just a bottomless pit. Getting a quality bag is very important since you are carrying around an expensive piece of equipment. Your notebook is going to be at least 6 pounds, probably more. The portability of laptop computers is both a boon to busy business people. Your notebook should be sturdy and rugged. Expensive notebooks should be protected properly.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Learn how to motivate yourself

"Motivation will almost always beat mere talent."

~ Norman Augustine

I truly believe Augustine's words are true and if you look at history you know it is true. There are many people in the world with amazing talents who realize only a small percentage of their potential. We all know people who live this truth.

We also know those epic stories, those modern-day legends surrounding the early failures of such supremely successful folks as Michael Jordan and Bill Gates. We can look a bit further back in time to Albert Einstein or even further back to Abraham Lincoln. What made each of these people so successful? Motivation.

We know this in our gut, but what can we do about it? How can we motivate ourselves? One of the most difficult aspects of achieving success is staying motivated over the long haul.

Motivation is not an accident or something that someone else can give you -- you are the only one with the power to motivate you. Motivation cannot be an external force, it must come from within as the natural product of your desire to achieve something and your belief that you are capable to succeed at your goal.

Positive pleasure-oriented goals are much more powerful motivators than negative fear-based ones. Although each is successful separately, the right combination of both is the most powerful motivational force known to humankind.

Here are some tips and methods for motivating yourself:

~ Use a past defeat as a motivator. Remind yourself you have nowhere to go except up as you have already been at the bottom.

~ Give yourself the power of responsibility. Remind yourself the only thing stopping you is yourself.

~ Make a list of your achievements toward your long-term goal and remind yourself that intentions don't count, only action's.

~ Do it today. Remind yourself of someone you know who died suddenly and the fact that there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come.

~ Let success motivate you. Find a picture of what epitomizes success to you and then pull it out when you are in need of motivation.

Reflect and experiment until you find the right combination of motivators for your personality and your personal goals. I'll leave you with this final motivating quote:

"What drives me? The thing that drives me most is the desire to find my limits--and extend them." ~ Richard Marcinko

Now go push your own limits and succeed!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Car loan problems

Some people find that they just don't have a credit problem, but they have no credit. What should you do about this? There really is nothing that you can do about having no credit, except trying to build some credit. You can easily build credit by opening up some credit card accounts before you plan on going for your car loan.

The more cards that you have you will increase your credit rating. You should open up some credit card accounts by simply applying for the cards, using them once or twice, and then going for a loan in about six months or so. You should try to open up the lines of credits way a head of time. It takes some time to find the right car and to define what you are looking for. If you are worried that you have little credit, open up some accounts, but then you have to wait a couple months for it to affect your rating.

Even though your credit rating is important you should know what else the creditors are looking for. The only thing that this card companies care about is if you are going to pay them back in full or if you will stiff them on the bill. The reason why it takes an hour or days for you to get approved for a credit car loan is because there are so many more factors than just your credit report. They care about how much income you have, how long you have lived in the area, and your total asset worth, how you pay your bills, your employee history, your liabilities, and many other things.

Your loan boils down to three things that they really care about. Those three things are character, capacity, and capital. As for your character they need to know that you are employed and are responsible with money. The want to make sure that you pay your bills on time and that you have good relationships with your current creditors for mortgages or maybe other car loans. They need to make sure that you have integrity. This is the most important factor that they look at. They want to make sure that you aren't a flight risk and that you will responsibly pay all the money back along with interest.

As for you capacity, they need to make sure that you bring in enough money to live and to make this large purchase. They need to look at your credit limits, lines, and debts. They want to know if you can truly afford the loan and to live comfortably. Most people can handle a car payment, a mortgage, and the expenses of a family. This is important, but not something that you should worry about. Most people can handle it.

As for the capital it is also considered to be collateral. It basically judges your wealth. This will help them determine if you can avoid the loan as well.

American flag history

Every flag has a history of its own and if one delves deep, a fascinating story comes to light. The American flag is no exception.

Nobody knows for sure who first designed the Stars and Stripes, though there are some commonly accepted stories about the origin of the flag. According to one school of thought, Congressman Francis Hopkinson was the man who designed the flag, but some historians believe that Betsy Ross, a seamstress from Philadelphia, was the one who designed the American flag.

It was not till June 24, 1912, that the proportions of the American national flag came to be prescribed. As a result, flags made before this year show different patterns of the stars and unusual proportions. But mostly, stars were placed in a straight row and had proportions more or less similar to the ones now accepted.

Several acts have determined the evolution of the American national flag. According to the First Flag Act, passed in 1777, it was established that the American national flag would comprise thirteen red and white stripes and thirteen white stars against a blue background. In January 1794, it had 15 stars and 15 stripes. In 1818, the flag had 13 stripes and one star for each state. In 1912, President Taft decreed that the stars should be arranged in six horizontal rows of eight each. He also came up with new proportions of the flag. In January 1959, President Eisenhower decided that the stars should be arranged in seven rows of seven stars each, horizontally and vertically. And in August 1959, Eisenhower again made changes – this time, he said that the stars should be in nine rows horizontally and 11 rows vertically. As of today, the flag has 50 stars and 13 stripes.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The secret - when you can walk on water take the boat part 55

Looking at God, I said, “Lord, I’m so happy to be here. When I return home, I’ll spend my life building a temple where we can worship and praise you.”

“That’s very kind of you,” He said, “but whatever gave you the idea that I dwell in temples or that I want to be worshipped and praised? Look, I really get bored with this praise thing. Instead of building me a temple, why don’t you feed the hungry, help the poor, heal the sick and teach those who want to learn? Wouldn’t that be more useful than a temple?”

God continued, “I’ve invited a number of others to be our guests and to join in our celebration. Let me introduce some of them.” He stood up and pointed to various tables, calling names.“There is Abraham and over there are Moses and Annabelle. Next to them you can see Thomasand Krishna. And over on the other side Rama, Mohammed, Gautama and Jacob. To our right, under that oak tree are Jesus, Peter, Paul, Elizabeth the First, Joan of Arc, Gandhi and Mary of Magdala. Sitting with them are Martin Luther King, Confucius, Jennifer Thompson, Benjamin Franklin and Joseph Rigby. These are some of my children, my friends and helpers. After tea, you should go around and meet them.”

“How can they all be at the same party, Lord?” I asked,“I mean, Krishna and the Buddha conversing with Mohammed and Jesus? And who are Joseph, Jennifer and Annabelle?”

“They're all created in my image. Each is as important as the other. The famous names, you recognize. The other three, though not mentioned in history books, are still quite as dear to me. They were just simple folks, each one trying to fulfill his or her mission. This is a cooperative universe, not a competitive one, John. For someone to be richer, another doesn’t have to be poorer. For you to be healthy, no one has to be sick. There’s enough and more than enough for everyone. In the game of life, all can win and all can receive prizes.”

“This is important; I've got to try to remember it all. Is this a dream or will I forget when I wake up?”

“No, this isn’t a dream. And yes, you’ll forget some, but not all. The important parts will stay in your memory for the rest of your earth life. Tolerance, harmony and understanding, these are some of the important things. Learn to understand yourself and you’ll find it easier to understand everything else.

To read the rest of the story visit spiritual-simplicity. com

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Selling your philippine website

PLC Global is looking to expand its Web coverage after recently launching its WEBSEO services for accredited Realtors, Estate Agents, Brokers and Agents joining the PLC Web Ring by purchasing Philippine websites. PLC’s Webseo service provides Realtors with their own individual interactive webpage, agent profile, contact information and summary details of the developments they represent.

Beth Collingz, International Marketing Director for the PLC Global Filipino Agency, said the firm is actively buying any Philippine websites or Filipino orientated sites on the web to expand our global presence, this coming on the back of the recently announced new services in its efforts to help all realtors, real estate brokers and agents in getting more ground in establishing their presence on-line. Called PLC Webseo, the PLC Global Pinoy Web Ring offers realtors, estate agents, real estate brokers and agents a chance to have their own professionally designed webpage indexed to the plcglobalpinoy. com website designed to individually showcase and feature projects they are offering to the public, at a very reasonable and affordable price.

Anyone who has a Philippine website or Filipino orientated site can send us their offer of purchase said Collingz.

Apart from being the Lead International Marketing partners for Pacific Concord Properties Inc’s Lancaster Brand of Condotels in the Philippines, PLC is a global network of Filipinos whether living and working abroad or locally whom are interested to invest in, or are engaged in selling, Philippine Real Estate. We invite all real estate agents to join us for a one time joining fee of only [Philippine Pesos] - Php-2,500.00 and a nominal yearly renewal of - Php-1,000.00. Interested parties can view a sample of the Webseo on the firms website.

Collingz said PLC Web Ring members can also advertise with us, or exchange links. When you get to be a part of our web ring, you get free exposure/traffic as visitors click on the other member sites of the web ring. Members can advertise properties for sale or lease with us. And since we are constantly on-line and browsing the web, they can also exchange links for more free traffic and submit real estate articles to be posted on the site or Philippine Skyscraper Forums pages after being approved by site owners.

PLC Global's WEBSEO also offers its members cost-effective Web Design/Development and Search Engine Optimization services to business individuals as well as small business organizations and medium-sized businesses. Though our web development projects are usually built with Joomla! CMS, one the most popular content management systems today, we also offer development of brochure-like websites using cascading style sheets and HTML. Basically, we offer our search engine optimization services as an integral part of our web development packages. We also offer services to promoting new websites as well as maintaining high rankings in search engines with chosen search terms said Collingz

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Send your stress away in san jose yes really - travel information

Situated in the very south of the San Francisco Bay, San Jose is a beacon of technology, innovation and modern culture. With a population larger than that of neighboring San Francisco and one of the highest per family average incomes in the country, San Jose is the epicenter of Silicon Valley’s booming tech and dot-com business. Finding airfare to San Jose is also an excellent alternative for accessing the wonderful southern San Francisco Bay Area, including the beaches of Half Moon Bay, the wilderness of Aсo Nuevo State Reserve, and the halls of Stanford University.

A Hallmark of California Heritage

San Jose’s foundations go far deeper than just the modern tech industry of today; the affluent city is certainly not a sole anomaly of the 1990s dot-com explosion. Originally, El Pueblo de San Josй de Guadalupe was established in 1777 as a Spanish colony central to Alta California. When California became a state in 1850, San Jose served as the Golden State’s first capital. The area surrounding San Jose remained largely agricultural until the transition of the 1970s economy established San Jose as the unofficial capital of Silicon Valley with the help of companies like IBM and Lockheed Martin.

Today, San Jose is the 10th largest city in the United States with the highest disposable income of any of those cities. Additionally, San Jose has been consistently ranked as the safest large city in the United States.

From Computers to Culture

The residents of San Jose have certainly invested a large amount of their time and money into public arts projects, municipal architectural innovations and an abundance of performing and classical art forums. They have also maintained a dedication to preserving their history, providing many more reasons to find your airfare to San Jose on cFares today. Downtown San Jose is bustling with exquisite fine dining, jumpin’ jazz clubs and some excellent boutique designer shopping. San Jose’s Center for Performing Arts invites you to indulge your senses with highly acclaimed shows ranging from ballet and symphony to opera and theater. While in downtown make sure to catch the one-of-a-kind Tech Museum of Innovation, featuring an IMAX theater, exceptional cutting-edge exhibits and hands-on activities to engage the children.

San Jose is the ideal starting point from which to explore the many beautiful regions of the southern peninsula and Pacific Coast. On your way out of town make sure to catch a sporting event at the HP Pavilion, which is home to the NHL Sharks and many Olympic trial events throughout the year. Spend an evening in a Bed and Breakfast along the Pescadero Coast and your way back, catch the sunset and explore the vineyards in nearby Saratoga.

From the founding history of California to the unknown innovations of tomorrow, San Jose has become a major center of burgeoning culture as well as access to the serene coastal communities that are characteristic of northern California’s Pacific Coast. Find airfare to San Jose and get your pass to all the understated wonders of San Francisco’s South Bay.

On ebay aida is more than an opera by verdi

Ask most people what Aida is and they will tell you it is an opera set in Egypt. Ask a marketing person and they will tell you that it is the sales formula that all advertising must incorporate if it is to succeed. The letters stand for:

A Attention

I Interest

D Desire

A Action

It is a formula that can also help you write better ebay auction listings.

It does not matter how well your description is written, how good your product is or what terrific value it represents if no one knows about it. So how do you grab people’s attention

and get them to read your listing?

We know that the majority of potential bidders will start by going to eBay’s search engine.

So the important thing is to get as many key words or phrases that they might use into your title. If I am looking for a Rolex Oyster wristwatch I might type in Rolex, Oyster or wristwatch

into the search engine. If you have a Rolex Oyster Wrist Watch for sale at Ј25 I will not even find it if your listing title is something like “Amazing Value Top of the Range Quality Watch”

The secret is to think like a buyer. EBay offer you some tools to help you gain attention. If you cannot get everything in your title that you want you could pay an extra 50p and add a sub title or go for one of the other enhancements that eBay offer. Only testing will tell you whether these are worth it for your products.

Having gained attention and got people to read your listing you have to get and maintain their interest. The very best way to do this is to answer the question that we all have in the back of our mind when we read any advertising, “What’s in it for me?” If you description starts by outlining what the item is and then details the benefits it offers you will draw the reader onto the next stage which is to create the desire to own the item. One of the best tools to create desire is visualization. Phrases like “Just imagine how you will feel wearing a top of the range watch” or “Just think as a Rolex owner you will standout from the crowd”.

So far you have done really well in attracting potential bidders attention, getting their interest and arousing their desire but unless you can get them to take some action it will all have been a waste of time. So how do you get them to take action? It is quite simple really you just ask them. “If you don’t want to miss this wonderful watch bid now.”

This has been a brief introduction to the AIDA formula but I am sure if you keep it in mind while you are writing your listings you will see an increase in bidders. is to be successful.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Warranties and add-ons defined

After you have picked out your car and agreed on a price, you must go into the business or finance office, also called F&I, whether you have your own financing or not, to complete the transaction. In addition to preparing the necessary paperwork and trying to finance your purchase, you will also be offered several different packages and add-ons for your new vehicle. However, some of these products are simply not worth the money, while others may be necessary for some people. Below are some common F&I products explained.

Extended Warranty: You are sure to be told that you need an extended warranty, but you can purchase one at any point while the original factory warranty is in effect, and you can get these warranties from other sources besides the dealer. If you are considering an extended warranty, be sure to read the paperwork and see what systems are covered and if there is a deductible or not. You should also try to get a warranty that provides a loaner vehicle if warranty work is necessary.

Gap Coverage: If you have ever been upside down on a vehicle or put no money down when you buy, gap coverage is essential. Gap coverage ensures that your loan will be paid off completely in the event that your vehicle is totaled. This coverage is valuable because your insurance company will only give you trade value for your vehicle, not what you owe on it. Being without gap coverage could leave you with no vehicle and thousands in car debt. This can be purchased from sources other than the dealer.

Rust proofing: Your car already has this feature, and many of these packages have too many loopholes or do not last long enough to be of any value.

Fabric Protector: Some people swear by fabric protectors, but others say that getting Scotch guard and doing it yourself is just as good. You should find out what should happen if you do get a stain. Will the company clean or replace the part in question?

Car Alarm: This is something you can buy on the open market and possibly get a much better system for less money.

Paint Sealant: These products vary greatly. Some are just expensive wax, others coat your vehicle, protect the paint, and make it incredibly easy to clean. Some varieties of paint sealant will allow you to effortlessly remove nearly anything from your car, including spray paint, brake dust, and bugs.

Credit Life and Disability: These packages can be valuable, but most people have similar coverage through employer provided insurance policies though it probably relates to income. This package will make your payment if a person on the loan becomes disabled, or will pay it off if one of those people die. Lots of loopholes in these packages, so read the fine print.

Hopefully this has shed some light on the products that you will be offered when buying a car. While some of these products are worthless and others are nearly essential, all of them can be purchased at a discount by bargaining.

How to create your own vanity plates

Vanity plates, for some people, are just an added expense, for in some states, they do charge people with vanity plates an annual fee for them. However, there are some people who would opt to have vanity plates so as to show off and tell people more about themselves. Aside from telling people what kind of person they are, vanity plates also serve as channels and media for people to shout out to the rest of the driving world some messages that they would like to get across.

Creating your own vanity plates could prove to be quite a challenge. After all, you only have a limited number of characters (either numbers or letters), and spaces to work on. And of course, you would like to have a striking yet true message on your vanity plate. You would also love to have to work on the premise that the message that you may have thought of is no longer available at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). It may be challenging but it could also prove to be fun.

The first thing that you would have to do if you are interesting in acquiring a vanity plate for your vehicle would be to contact the DMV. Inquire about the rules on the number of characters that the department allows. Also inquire about taboo words or messages. That way, you would know your limits and you would be able to start working on your message.

Decide then what kind of activity, business, person, or message you would like to share to the rest of the world using your vanity plate. It could be your name. It could be your car. It could be your business. It could be your hobby. It could also be your hubby, your pastime, your favorite food, your favorite color, your obsession, or it could be simply your message to the rest of the world.

Write down this message. Then, take out letters that could be replaced with phonetics or with shorter characters. For example, “to” could be shortened to “2”, “love” to “LV”, “trip” to “3P”, and “easy” to “EZ”. The thing here is to be creative.

Vanity plates are one way of accessorizing and personalizing your vehicle. Other accessories for Volvo vehicles are actually offered at low prices at Volvo Parts and Used Volvo Parts. They specializes in Volvo parts and accessories especially Volvo 760 parts.

Debt consolidation loan online services protecting your privacy

If you are dealing with a situation in which you are trying to get you finances in order, you may be wondering what options are available to you, what steps you can take to bring a better sense of order to your finances. In this regard, you might want to consider obtaining a debt consolidation loan online.

There are, in fact, a number of significant benefits that can be realized through a debt consolidation loan online. For example, by obtaining a debt consolidation loan online you will be able to protect your privacy to a great deal. Many people avoid trying to obtain a debt consolidation loan in the brick and mortar world out of fear that their friends and neighbors will hear that they had to (or wanted to) obtain that type of financing. There are some misperceptions associated with a debt consolidation loan and not all of them are positive.

As mentioned a moment ago, protecting your privacy is one of the true benefits of seeking and applying for a debt consolidation loan online. When all is said and done, you actually can apply for a debt consolidation loan online from the privacy, comfort and security of your own home. You don’t have to go anywhere to obtain a debt consolidation loan online. Indeed, not a single person has to know that you even made application for a debt consolidation loan when you seek out and apply for a debt consolidation loan online.

Beyond the basics of not “being seen” making an application for a much needed loan to bring order to your finances, a reliable and reputable debt consolidation loan online lender has many structures in place to further protect your privacy when you are dealing with these lenders on the Net. This includes protecting you privacy from online predators that attempt to glom onto a person’s personal and financial information.

Moreover, these debt consolidation loan online lenders have protocols that they do follow fairly rigidly when it comes to sharing information that they obtain from you with other business enterprises. In fact, these debt consolidation loan online lenders simply cannot provide your information to other business enterprises without your express permission.

In this day and age, you do not have to worry excessively about privacy issues when it comes to obtaining a debt consolidation loan online from a debt consolidation loan online lender. You really do have as much privacy protection from a debt consolidation loan online lender as you would with a lender doing business in the brick and mortar world.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

How to buy a funeral or cremation urn

Buying an urn is something most people hope they never have to do. Unfortunately, at some point in our lives we will probably have to purchase an urn or a casket for a loved one. Here are a few things you will want to know.

First, what happens if you go to a funeral home or cremation society and decide not to purchase an urn from the selection that is offered? In that case, you will receive your loved on in is a very unattractive plastic or cardboard box. It is estimated that 50%-70% of the time people leave a funeral home with this minimum option. It makes no difference if you spend $500 or $1,800 on the cremation, the boxes look the same. Many people are shocked when they go to pick up the ashes of a loved one and get a plastic or cardboard box back.

The ideal combination for selecting an urn is one that can be personalized or in some way is reflective of the person’s life inside as well as being practical for what you plan to do with the ashes of the deceased.

What you need to think about is; what do you plan to do with the remains? Here are a few of your options:

1. Bury the ashes.

2. Scatter the ashes.

3. Leave them in your home until you make a decision or until you die and someone else will have to decide what to do with them.

4. Put them in a niche in a mausoleum.

5. Divide the ashes up among family members.

6. Travel with the urn to a memorial service and then do one of the above.

If you plan on burying the ashes you will want to check with the cemetery and see if they have a requirement. There are a few “Green Cemeteries” in the country that only allow biodegradable urns. Many cemeteries will have guidelines for you to follow.

Scattering ashes can be a delicate art. There are plenty of stories of people placing the ashes off of boats only to have the wind blow the ashes back into the person’s face. This can also happen in aircraft. While the urn will not do much to prevent that, you may want to consider a biodegradable bag if you plan to place the ashes in a lake, stream or ocean. This way you will not have a problem with wind or waves and the same time you won’t be harming the ecosystem. When selecting an urn for scattering, you may want to consider a memory chest or an urn that can hold photos and other mementos. Again, if you use a biodegradable bag you can keep the urn to hold keepsakes. There are some urns on the market that are designed to be used in water. You can do an internet search or ask your funeral director for assistance. If you are scattering on someone else’s property you will want to get permission if you would like to do it the legal way. You may also need a permit. Personally, I’ve spoken to many people that do their own thing with remains and it’s basically don’t ask and don’t tell.

If you plan to take the remains home, you will obviously want to choose a safe place out of reach of young children or pets. You may also consider the weight of the urn. Some bronze urns can be very heavy, and if you need to dust around the urn or move it consider the weight. Another thing to consider, what would you like done with the ashes after you are gone? You may want to mention this in your will or put a note on the bottom of the urn.

If you have chosen a mausoleum, you will want to place a call to get their guidelines. Many mausoleums will not accept wooden urns or anything besides plastic, ceramic or metal. You will also want to play close attention to size. Each niche has a specific size and you will want to make sure the urn you select fits inside the urn. You may also consider having the urn engraved or somehow personalized. If a natural disaster were to occur it is more likely that the remains will be identified if the urn is personalized.

Should you plan to share the ashes with loved ones, you will want to choose smaller urns or boxes for the remains. The ashes should be placed in a small zip lock bag and then into the smaller urn. Usually you will have one larger urn and a few smaller urns depending on how many people have expressed interest in receiving part of the ashes. Options like pieces of blown glass and even diamond rings are available that have the ashes put into the piece.

If you plan to travel on a commercial airplane with an urn, you will want to make sure the urn is Transportation Security Administration (TSA) compliant for travel.

Urns should not be made of metal due to the Transportation Security Administration's new procedure on the transport of crematory containers as carry-on baggage on airplanes. Passengers may still carry-on crematory containers, but they must pass through an X-ray machine. If an urn is made of metal or is metal-lined, it will show up as opaque on X-ray machines, preventing the security screener from being able to see what is inside - an obvious security risk. Please review this site for more detailed information tsa. gov/public/interapp/editorial/editorial_1296.xml.

Also consider who will see the urn. Will the design look dignified and respectable at a life celebration or memorial service? You may want to consider materials that are soft to the touch and colors that are soothing and up-to-date.

Finally, think about price. How much would you like to spend? You may want to ask the Funeral Director if they have a variety of catalogs that you could look through and you will want to check on the internet where you will find urns in many materials, designs and prices.

In summary, while it is never an easy decision choosing the right urn, by following these guidelines hopefully the process will be a bit easier.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cheap flights to bangkok

Bangkok is the capital and the largest city and capital of Thailand. Popularly known as Krung Thep or "City of Angels". It isone of the biggest city in the world and perhaps the biggest on with a population of around 10 million. Bangkok as a destination is ranked high by the travel and tourism department of most of the countries. Thus most of the airlines now provides, cheap flights to Bangkok with discounted air fares.

Earlier Bangkok was connected with an elaborated networks of canals, and thus given the name - "Venice of the East". At thattime most of the transportation was carried out on boats. Now, most of the canals are converted into streets. Bangkok International Airport, popularly known as "Don Muang" is the busiest airport in South East Asia. This airport host many international and domestic flights from all over the world. There are many travel agents offering cheap flights to Bangkokvarious destinations. Bangkok has a network of sky-trains which were introduces to ease the notorious traffic jams in the city. The sky-train was introduced in 1999 and was also known as BTS system and rot-fai-fah in Thai. There are two more metroused in Bangkok for commencement by the people, viz. the underground MRTA subway and another elevated line known as BERTS.

Bangkok's nightlife has an attitude of being tempestuous and noisy. But at the same time, it's calm, comfortable and pleasurable. Bangkok's assorted nightlife happening attribute everything from brilliant live music, to delightful jazz clubs, ultra cool bars, energetic and spirited dance spot and enormous restaurants. It is rapidly establishing itself as Asia's capital of cool nightlife. The best thing about shopping in Bangkok is that even after the malls are closed you can shop in bunch of small markets that gets opened with the first shine of sun and stay opened till the midnight. Bangkok and Thailand has become a good shopping centre in Asia because of low prices offered with high quality and lots of variety. Duty Free shopping can be done at the Thailand Duty Free Shops Company branch in the World Trade Center on Ratchadamri road.

Thus Bangkok is now becoming a most sort out destination for tourism and business. With such growing importance of Bangkok, Biman Bangladesh Airlines are offering cheap flights to Bangkok from London. At BIMANAIR. CO. UK, you can find fairly discounted air tickets for Bangkok from London Heathrow. Biman Bangladesh Airlines is an UK based travel agent appointed by Etihad Airways. Log on BIMANAIR. CO. UK and book cheap flights to Bangkok and get heavy discount per person on all Bangkok flights.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Establishing your home business ideas

Congratulations on deciding to start your own home business. Once your business starts to grow, you will find that you will have more financial freedom. It is a good decision that you have made. So how do you get started?

The first step that you want to take is to establish what you might want to do in order to make money. Start by brainstorming some ideas of what type of work you find enjoyable. You may have a general idea of what you would like to do and are struggling with the details of how to get started or you may not have put much thought into it at all. Either way, you'll want to take the time to come up with a few possible home business ideas.

When you start brainstorming, spread out and give yourself a lot of room. You'll want to write down every idea that comes to mind. You can use a computer and type your ideas, write them down on paper, or use dry erase boards. The more you write down, the more ideas you will have to work with.

Now consider what makes you happy in life. Start writing down anything that brings you pleasure. The reason you want to make a list of everything that makes you happy is because you'll want to start a home business by working with something that makes you happy. You'll want to enjoy the work that you are performing each day.

The final thing that you will want to add to your list is everything that you are good at. List every skill that you have, whether it be organizing, writing, etc. Make sure it is a skill that you are proud of. After you have gathered all your thoughts on paper, you will start to see trends in your lists. From there, you will be able to research online which home businesses cater to your desires and skill set.

Book review - marley and me life and love with the world s worst dog

Looking for a heartwarming frolic through the life of a dog? John Grogan new bestselling book Marley & Me : Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog delivers. This story of a young family making their way through life with the help of a neurotic dog will have you laughing out loud one moment, and then wiping a tear the next.

Maybe your thinking "I don't like dogs... why would I want to read an entire book about one?" Let me confide with you: that is exactly what I thought when I picked Marley & Me off the shelf. I have never owned a dog, and don't especially like my neighbor's dog. I have no plans to ever own a pet dog... this book definitely served to solidify my determination never to own "man's best friend".

However, whether or not you are a "dog person", there is still an awful lot to gain and enjoy while reading this book. The memories are so personal and heart-felt, at times you can completely forget Marley has anything to do with the book. But then he comes barreling back in the next paragraph, bringing humorous antics with every step.

The book starts with a young couple, John and Jenny, newly weds in Palm Beach, looking for some new challenge in life. They were deeply in love, with a great house, great careers, and not a care in the world. That lasts about 2 pages... that is until they bring Marley home. Little did they know that their lives would never be the same again.

As a ninety-seven pound Labrador retriever with more energy that an Alaskan oil rig, Marley's entry into John and Jenny's life is a whirlwind of disaster. Crashing through screen doors, destroying carpets, gouging drywall, eating jewelry are all in a day's work for the pup. Yet through it all, the book points out the unconditional love Marley has for his family, and they have for him. Just as his ruinous powers appear endless, his love and loyalty know no bounds.

In this book John Grogan takes us along to some of Marley's craziest adventures. The story of Marley being thrown out of obedience school is hilarious, mostly because of the hard nosed dog trainer who eventually has her pride fed to her by Marley in a silver doggy bowl. When Marley is cast in a local film production as the "typical family dog", we all cringe at what damage this dog can do. Sure enough, after a full day of filming a 15 second clip, the only thing Marley has accomplished is destroying the set and chewing through his leash.

One of the most memorable stories is that of the Grogan family going out on the town for a family dinner. With Marley in toe, they decide the Florida weather justifies eating outside on the patio of a ritzy restaurant. Marley is secured to the cast iron dining table, and drinks are served. However, when Marley spots another dog strutting down the road, he charges after, dragging the metal table with him, and clearing a wake several yards across. Needless to say, the family didn't take Marley out on too many family dinners there after.

A big part of Marley & Me : Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog actually has very little to do with the big animal. The book reads like a well written journal, describing the new couples excitement over their first pregnancy, and heartbreak over the subsequent miscarriage. John overcomes deep-rooted family concerns, while Jenny copes with serious depression. While the book is primarily a comical, laugh-a-minute adventure, it is definitely not without its sober moments. However, these honest and intent pages give Marley & Me the sole it needs to rise above other light-hearted tales.

Overall, Marley & Me : Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog is an excellent book that can be enjoyed by all sorts of people (even cat lovers). The stories are funny and meaningful, the drama is heartwarming and sincere, and the dog is a complete mess. In the end, Marley reminds us all that life should be lived to its fullest, that we should love people unconditionally, and that shredded upholstery is a small price to pay for a life-long friend.

Online casino gambling portal

One of the most imformative and up to date avenues for the latest in online gambling is Cyberspace Gambling. This site is a top notch gambling guide covering the best online casinos, casino games, news, promotions, casino bonuses, jokes and much more. Serious gamblers and novices alike will find a wealth of information, not just a lot of advertisements for run of the mill online casinos.

You'll find full casino reviews complete with all the information you need to pick a quality online casino based on the software platform, the deposit and withdrawal options, game selection and the bonuses offered. Each casino has been thoroughly checked out and has passed a strict criteria for honesty, integrity and game fairness.

Locating the best online casinos is not always as simple as just using the search engines. Your best bet is to use the advice of experts who have first hand knowledge and experience, such as Cyberspace Gambling. com, who have researched online casinos extensively and played in these casinos and are able to evaluate what the casinos have to offer.

Here are a few suggestions that players should keep in mind when deciding where to play. We suggest that you look for a casino that uses one of the leading casino softwares. There are a lot of really good casinos out there, that have great graphics, smooth playing games, high payout percentages and most importantly, security. As a consumer, you look for quality in purchases in everyday life, it only makes sense to go with the best quality in casinos too.

Next, is to check out the games available at the casinos. Many offer more than 100 games and some even offer more than 200 games. The casinos listed here have unrivaled game selections that offer all the traditional casino games plus a huge variety of new games as well. The payouts of these casinos' games rival and more often than not, beat the odds you'd find in a land based casino. The casinos that you'll see on this website all offer the best of the best and have a huge and loyal following of players from around the world.

Each casino also allows it's players a wide assortment of deposit options to choose from. Depending on the country you live in and your financial preferences, you can select with confidence from among e-Wallet, bank debiting, prepaid credit cards, credit cards and dozens of other methods, many of which will suit your personal needs. With so many banking choices to select from, you're assured of being able to deposit funds into your casino account and withdraw your winnings with just as much ease.

The best online casinos offer some of the most generous bonus programs out there. These are designed to enhance and extend your playing time as well as you reward you for being a loyal player at the casino.

Safety and security are the top priority at a great casino and all measures available are taken to make sure you and your money are safe 100% of the time. All of your personal and financial information is kept private and safe with every transaction.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The origin and evolution of baseball

The baseball always seems to have lived more in the myth in the history. The children in England and in the United States had played of the alternatives of the play during years such as the baseball, an O ' cat, and bases.

In 1845, some young men in Manhattan organized themselves in club of baseball of jodhpurses and noted the rules of the game which they played. Twenty years afterwards of dozen clubs of baseball in New York and Brooklyn, and their brothers of journalist, had done what they called the national pastime more popular than the cricket, and the metropolis had become the first power station of the baseball of the country .

While clubs of baseball were transformed into companies of entertainment, thus their need for players of first order increased who could attract to pay crowd. Well that the distinctions between the players and their clubs (now undertaken really small) hardened during years, the national league formalized the division, which continued until with aujourd' today.

The baseball exceeded soon other spectacular sports in popularity and contributed to the sports the pole of the 1880s and the baseball late of the ten-ninth-century 1890s. resembled the gilded world of businesses of age. The owners moved the clubs frequently, whereas the leagues rival catches birth and competed with for players and spectators.

National league A demolishes its adversaries completely or in a national structure subordinate of the minor leagues incorporated. Not until 1901 the national force of league took place to accept the American league, only the other surviving principal league. The leagues ordered the access to the spectators by granting concessions. The owners and the leagues ordered the players by the practices of work which combined elements of slavery of personal property (the infamous rule of reservation) and to let go industrial capitalism: the setting on black list, fines, limits of wages, and the reductions, even the use of Pinkerton notices. In 1975 and referee reigned that the reserved clause applied during only one year and the players, like agents of free, regained their power of negotiation; the wages quickly reached unheard - of the levels. The owners exerted reprisals in 1981 but were firmly demolished by players ' strike.

Then towards the end of the Eighties they conspired (illegally, a held referee) to limit offers of wages to release from the agents. After one twenty years period of the movement of concession, expansions of league, and the creation of divisions at leagues, the baseball administratively became stable still towards the end of the Seventies.

The assistance clearly developed throughout Eighty, more principal plays occupied by people of baseball of league (more than 50 million per annum at the end of the decade) that with which other hour in the history of plays does not import. The baseball was the most popular sport of America for so much a long time mainly because it has successfully isolated the unquestionable legs of the cultural divisions most important of the nation . Although it was constant among the sizeable working class and the sporting middle-class, the cultural configuration of antecedents of plays in the noisy culture of street of the voluntary companies room-based of fire, the militia, the partisans of theatre, the troops of street, and of the political factions.

Currently, the baseball is integrated in that there are a great number of players afro-American and Latin; it is not not very common to begin a lineup to have a minority of white. They are a great part in the route of play of ball.

Make business financing easy with small business loans

Small business is one that is organized for profit and also contributes to the economy by way of paying taxes and employment opportunities. A small business may be defined as a business with a small number of employees. The legal definition of small business often varies by country and industry, but is generally under 100 employees. These businesses are normally privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships.

Whether the business is small or big, it needs fund to carry on its operation, because the returns in business are not stable. Sometimes the company or a firm can have huge profits; at times, it can have losses too. Nevertheless, in the period of financial depression, every business needs a financial help to support in its working.

On comparing small business with big business we find that the need of funds more often arises in the former case as the returns are not constant. Financial crisis in the company can affect the working adversely. Therefore, to stop the effect of this financial crisis a small business can rely on loan for assisting them in need of funds. Small business loan helps them to come out of this situation of crisis. Small business loan can also be used for starting a new venture.

Although small business firms are considered backbone of the economy, but getting a loan for small business firm is not an easy task. Lenders think number of times before lending a loan to the borrower as risk involved in small business is huge. It involves numerous formalities such as giving proof of income that depicts your creditability. Your credit history also plays a crucial role in it. The person with good credit history is always benefited in applying for a loan.

The most important factor that the small business owner should consider before going for a loan is flexibility in repayment. As most small businesses would experience irregular income for some period, so the flexible payment will help in making those repayments easier.

There is also an increase in the number of sources available for funding the small business. Traditional lenders like banks and financial institution also provide loans. In addition to that, loan can also be applied online, which also provides you three benefits

•Fast : you have to just fill a form and get an instant match

•Easier : it makes comparison easier between various lenders available in the market

•Flexible: choose the lender which suits your needs.

The rate of interest charged in small business loans is generally higher since there is threat to the lender about non-payment of installment on time. Therefore, one can trust small business loans for their dream project.

Helpful treatments keep people with arthritis

But what if joint pain and stiffness are inevitable if you don't take the medication, yet heart problems could occur if you do? Health officials say that, as with any drug, only you and your doctor can determine the level of risk that is acceptable with medications currently available to treat arthritis.

The unsettling news in late 2004 that the popular anti-inflammatory arthritis drugs Vioxx (rofecoxib), Celebrex (celecoxib), and Bextra (valdecoxib) could cause a heart attack or stroke or aggravate high blood pressure has left some patients wondering whether they should keep taking them.

Data from clinical trials showed that cyclooxygenase-2 selective agents, better known as COX-2 inhibitors, may be associated with an increased risk of serious cardiovascular problems, especially when used in high doses or for long periods in patients with existing cardiovascular disease, or in very high-risk situations, such as immediately after heart surgery. COX-2 inhibitors are the newest subset of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). COX-2 inhibitors were developed specifically to decrease the well-recognized gastric side effects and intolerance associated with the use of some NSAIDs.

Traditional NSAIDs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, act by blocking the production of a family of chemicals known as prostaglandins, which are not only important in the development of inflammation, but also play an important role in maintaining the integrity of the stomach lining. At least two enzymes are involved in this inflammation, namely cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Traditional NSAIDs inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2. Unfortunately, this non-selective inhibition of both COX enzymes also inhibits those prostaglandins involved in some of the important "housekeeping" functions of the body, such as helping blood to clot and protecting the stomach from ulceration.

It is this non-selective inhibition of both enzymes by aspirin and other non-selective NSAIDs that increases the risk of stomach ulcers and consequent bleeding. In theory, the newer COX-2 selective inhibitors only inhibit the enzyme involved in inflammation, leaving the other functions alone.

But Sandra Kweder, M. D., deputy director of the Food and Drug Administration's Office of New Drugs, says that new studies have had a surprising twist. "The downside of the COX-2 selective inhibitors is that they appear to be associated--particularly when used for many consecutive months to years--with an increased risk of cardiovascular problems," she says. Moreover, COX-2 inhibitors, like other NSAIDs, don't influence the course of the disease--which doctors say is a common misconception among patients--because these drugs only provide for symptom relief.

Coincidentally, preliminary results from a three-year trial on the non-selective NSAID Aleve (naproxen) also suggested that long-term use may be associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular problems.

Since the results of studies on both non-selective and selective NSAIDs are preliminary and conflict with data from earlier studies of the same drugs, the FDA issued a public health advisory in December 2004 concerning use of all NSAIDs, pending further review of data that continue to be collected. The agency has recommended, among other things, that physicians limit the use of COX-2 inhibitors until further review.

"Monitoring the drug safety of marketed products requires close collaboration between our clinical reviewers and drug safety staff to evaluate and respond to adverse events identified in ongoing clinical trials or reported to us by physicians and their patients," says Kweder. "The most recent actions concerning [NSAIDs] illustrate the vital importance of the ongoing assessment of the safety of a product once it is in widespread use."

Others Weigh In

The concerns with the safety of so many pain relievers used to treat arthritis underscores the importance of arthritis as a major health care issue in the United States. Arthritis experts, patient advocacy groups, and other health organizations also are weighing in on the uncertainty of NSAIDs, and are recognizing the need for developing new and safer medications.

The American College of Rheumatology is advising physicians to follow current treatment guidelines and manufacturers' dosage recommendations for NSAIDs. Treatment guidelines exist to help doctors choose the best options for their patients, based on current scientific studies.

The Arthritis Foundation said in a statement that the findings about the drugs should not have any immediate impact on the clinical use of them.

"Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs continue to play an important role in the management of arthritis pain," says John H. Klippel, M. D., president and CEO of the Arthritis Foundation. "Patients who derive benefit from these drugs should remain on their treatment regimen, and discuss concerns with their physicians," he says.

But Charles A. Birbara, M. D., a rheumatologist and associate professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, Mass., says that he has prescribed COX inhibitors cautiously in older people or those with cardiovascular or renal disease ever since early clinical studies discovered a possible risk in this patient population.

"I'm not always willing to take a risk with my patients, because we clearly don't have a complete understanding of all the potential clinical issues associated with use of these drugs," he says. Even before the controversy, Birbara notes that the long-term effects of COX-2 agents were unknown. Besides, he says, there are other treatment options available that are equally effective.

"There are so many wonderful things happening with respect to current therapies of arthritis," he says. "Clearly, we are so much better able to control inflammatory arthritis with new biologic agents." Birbara adds that so many people whose lives were diminished by joint disease can now look forward to an unrestricted lifestyle, which was "not even imaginable just a few short years ago."

Richard Shirley, 64, an avid birdwatcher from Wrentham, Mass., battled rheumatoid arthritis in nearly every joint in his body for more than 25 years before he saw Birbara. He couldn't button his shirt cuffs, walk frontward down a flight of stairs, or get in and out of a car without a struggle. At times, his hands were so swollen he couldn't grasp small objects or make a closed fist. Shirley had his wedding ring resized so it would fit.

"Richard had seen a number of physicians and had been on many medications to treat his disease," Birbara says. "However, the aggressive nature of his arthritis was not very responsive to standard medications." According to Birbara, X-rays of Shirley also showed evidence of joint destruction.

"Doctor Birbara has a zero tolerance for hot and inflamed joints," Shirley says, "because that's when the damage is done." Shirley also believes, from his own experience, that each person needs to work with his or her physician to find the appropriate medicine. For him, a new biologic product made the difference.

Finding the right treatments for those at greatest risk for the potential complications of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions, Birbara says, hopefully will lessen the burden of this disease, not only in the United States, but for the entire world.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Self-publishing the hard way the art of giving birth

You know? When you publish a book and send it out into the world, it's like giving birth to a baby. Everyone checks out your baby. Is it breath-taking? Does it have ten toes and ten fingers? Is it pink and sweet or does it look like an extra from "Alien?" We writers are baring our souls, our deepest thoughts, and our feelings lay open like a cavernous wound. We can't hide anymore. They know us inside and out. Now they see our baby, and they get to pick it to pieces, bit by bit, until the only thing left is a fuzzy blanket.

Oh, hell, we know that and go right on writing, don't we? It's in our DNA. We can't help ourselves, we're masochists.

When I started this whole book-writing process, I had full intentions of finding an agent and/or a traditional publisher; they'd do all the work while I sat back and listened to "Ca-ching, Ca-ching." However my journey to that end has been long and stress-filled and I ended up doing just the opposite...I'd kept a daily journal while living in Thailand in the 90s. When I returned to the States, I copied my journal onto a floppy and had it printed, spiral-bound, and mailed it out to friends and family so they could read about all my trials and tribs while abroad. One of the friends who read it insisted that I make a book out of it.

"You know," she said, "like the book 'A Year in Provence.'" I immediately ran out and bought the book and was amazed at the problems that the author had endured in a short year. I just knew that if his book sold, then mine would also, however, life got in the way of living and I put it aside.

I joined some creative writing classes a few years later, and with encouragement from my peers I began the long road of putting the journal into book form. In 2003, when I finally thought I'd finished it, I entered it into the Southern California Writers Conference in San Diego. While there, I read chapters from my story in the Read and Critique groups and the attendees laughed in all the right places and even clapped, (I'd hoped it wasn’t because they were happy I'd finished). At the end of the conference I was notified that I'd won the Best Nonfiction award for my story and an agent asked for my manuscript. Wow! That just doesn’t happen unless they love it! I knew I was ready for the Pulitzer.

Then I began to panic. What if it isn't perfect? I had talked to a "book doctor" at the conference who advised me that my story "…needed some conflict. Who really cares about a housewife who's having a good time in Thailand? Give them a reason to turn the page." Okay, that's what I'll do. There certainly was plenty of conflict in my life in Thailand, but I'd left it out; it was painful to relive and I wanted it to be a humorous book. I emailed the agent and told her I wasn't ready. Take your time, she’d said. It's not time sensitive.

So began the journey of "weaving" the conflict into my story. It was the hardest thing I'd ever done. It was three years before I felt it was good enough to be a real book. But, those three years were not only spent rewriting. I took online writing classes and signed up at the local college for creative writing classes, I attended a critique group every week, putting my chapters up to their scrutiny as they tore it apart and helped put it back together. The rest of the time I was editing my life away. But as Stephen King says in his book On Writing: edit, edit and edit. And when you think it's perfect, edit some more. My husband had a name for my constant editing: "Paralysis by analysis."

When I felt I had everything in place, I looked for professional editing. I first paid the book doctor $500 to tell me that it needed help. He didn't give me any, just told me it needed it. I found a line-editor in Canada, who did a great job, and then I hired a freelance editor; total for both $600; quite inexpensive in today's editing market.

During those three years, I also did a lot of reading on the publishing world; agents, print-on-demand (PODs) and off-set printing companies. I attended conferences specifically on "How to get published." The more I heard and read, the more I thought: From all the conferences I'd attended, the agent panels were the most disillusioning. I learned that agents don't want you if you've not been published, and publishers don't want you if you've not been published, or don't have an agent, who doesn't want you either. Who needs 'em?

Publishers don't want you if you don't have a "platform!" A what? To my dismay I learned that I needed to have my own buying public. There was no publisher that was going to run out and sell my book for me, pay for my cross-country book signings and hotel rooms, unless of course I was a King or a Grisham or a Joyce Carol Oates. Then of course, there's the eighteen month wait for the book to appear on the shelves after the publisher accepts it (if the publisher doesn't decide to pull the plug at the last minute), and don't forget the two years that it takes the agent to shop around for a publisher who might decide to pull the plug at the last minute. Who has that long? I don't even buy green bananas anymore.

Wow! I remember my table mates and I frowning as we listened to the dire answers of this panel of agents and publishers. So how do we get published? Well, we have two options so it seemed: 1) have an agent living next door who loves your home cooked brownies or has a crush on your husband, or 2) know a publisher whose kid mows your lawn or has a crush on you. Not living in New York was going to be a definite drawback. Should I move? Okay, how about a POD? I was fortunate to have a friend who is a small press publisher of railroad books. He offered to put my manuscript into a Quark Express PDF file (which is the format printers prefer). He did an incredible job putting it together for me. He felt that if I had the print setup taken care of, I could approach a POD and save some money.

I signed up for the POD classes at the conferences I attended, where they explained everything I needed to know about their business ─ except how they kept most of the author's money while they got big and rich and the author got $3.09 per book. Okay, well, $3.09 a book is not that bad. Maybe I could make it. But, wait, I had to pay them to print my book, and then pay them to buy my book back from them; too many "thems" going on here. Something didn't compute. Maybe I should chuck the book and go into the POD business.

Well, I succumbed. I bought a book called The Fine Print of Self Publishing by Mark Levine, an attorney, then sat down to do some homework. After going over all the PODs he listed with a fine-tooth calculator, I realized that I could pay as much as $30,000 to one such POD group, but hey, my books would be free. How generous of them. Or, I could choose a POD group charging as low as $299, but I'd still have to buy my own books back at about $8.00 each.

I finally settled on a firm I'll call "Dewey Cheatem & Howe" (name changed to protect the guilty), and thought I'd finally get on with this damn book printing. They sent me a sample of their work that was done beautifully. I signed on the dotted line, waited three more weeks and then my author's copy was delivered. And there it sat. On my desk. Opened to the first page, which I couldn't read. I started bawling. Where is my baby? The font was so garbled that it was illegible. There was a space after every capital letter and the other letters were so piled on each other you couldn't make out the words.

When I'd used all the Kleenex in my desk drawer, I called them. Of course, no one was on the other end, save for the automated voice of their mailboxes. But at least I got rid of my postpartum anger. I cried and said very imperiously, "HOLD THE PRESSES! I will not accept this book. I will call Visa (of course they already had my money) and stop payment and …" I felt like an inner tube impaled on a sharp rock. Then I called my friend, the publisher. "Of course you can do this on your own. You have the file, just find a good printing company."

I inquired around and found out that I could get my book printed overseas at half the cost of stateside. I began to get phone numbers and surfed websites. There were some good deals to be made overseas; however, the problem was I needed a broker. So after the broker took his cut, and the shipping charges were added, a stateside printer looked better. Plus, the thought of having a problem and not being able to connect at once with your printer was worrisome.

I searched the Internet and found many websites where you could input the details of your book, number of pages, size of book, print run, etc., and within a week I got a bid from ten printing companies. After picking one printer (not the cheapest), I felt we had a fit. I spoke to the owner, who offered to throw in a hundred free books, which might have had something to do with my decision. He checked out my website while we were speaking, loved the site and the look of my book and of course, he had me. He also offered storage and order fulfillment. Now, all I had to do was put our house on the market and clear out our 401K.

I know what you're thinking. Sure, maybe she has it, but not everyone can come up with that much money. Yes, you can if you want to. We took an equity line on our home and as the money comes rolling in, I'll be making payments on the equity line. We authors must be optimists. Really! If you don't believe in your book, who will?

I ran off my own bookmarks and saved a few hundred dollars. I used the cover of the book, wrote a short synopsis on the back, and had 500 printed. I have handed out those bookmarks on airplanes and in airports; Seattle, Palm Desert, San Diego, Portugal, New York, Australia, New England… well maybe not personally, but I've given them to people who live in those places and they were happy to have them and said they'd pass them on. I've handed them out in restaurants to women sitting around me; two of them bought my book right on the spot. My friends call me "A self-promoting slut."

I have to leave you now, as that's where I am in this wonderful world of the written word, where the writing was easy… now comes the hard part ─ marketing!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Rss to blog pro - a 6-month review


Search engines are particularly interested in websites with constantly updated, relevant content. Websites that appear static without a supply of fresh content may be viewed as dormant and in their drive to provide the latest, most relevant search results to users, search engines may rank such a website lower than a website that is updated regularly.

What Is It?

RSS to Blog Pro is a fully automated blog posting tool offering self-updating websites. It's a PHP script that is installed on a single web hosting account. From this centralised installation, multiple blogs can be maintained with fresh content from various sources. Also available is an earlier, non-pro version, which has the same basic functionality, but requires a separate install for each blog it maintains.

What Problem Does It Solve?

Adding fresh - and importantly, relevant - content to websites can be a resource consuming task. Either you spend time finding and creating new content or you pay someone to do it for you. Without fresh content, your websites can appear stagnant and drop off the search engines radar. This impacts your website rankings in search results and ultimately has a detrimental effect on any free traffic coming from the search engines. If your websites rely on search engine traffic then this can mean their downfall.

What Are The Benefits?

RSS to Blog Pro tackles the problem of needing to regularly update website content by automating the whole process from finding relevant content based upon keywords that you provide through to posting content to your website blog. In the eyes of search engines, updating a website with irrelevant content isn't nearly as good as having relevant content. The tighter your niche, the better chances you have of ranking higher as you'll be competing with a smaller number of websites. Using a scattergun approach to website content can mean you end up competing with websites across a large number of niches.

If you're building content websites with the aim of earning an AdSense income then you'll know that the ads shown are dependant upon the surrounding content on your webpages. Irrelevant content results in ads that are irrelevant to your website visitors, which means they'll have no interest in clicking on them and your generated income will be poor.


* Supports multiple blog types including WordPress, Blogger Blogs, Movable Type, Type Pad, Live Journal and MSN Spaces.

* Keywords and RSS feeds can be specified for automatic content generation or you can supply your own content.

* Posting to your blogs can be scheduled at random intervals e. g. once or twice a day so that posting appears natural.

* There are no 'footprints' to identify the content as being automatically generated.

* Log records are kept so you can see exactly what has been posted and to where.

* Built-in ping functionality for blog and ping.

* A single installation will post to an unlimited number of blogs.

* Regular updates.

* User support forum.

* Two tier affiliate programme offering 40% commission to the top level and 10% for any sales from affiliates you recruit.

My Experience With RSS to Blog Pro

Since August 2005, I've been using RSS to Blog Pro on an increasing number of blogs in various niches. I'm pleased to be able to say that my income from AdSense has increased month upon month since then. With the software installed on my virtual private server (VPS), I currently manage around 50 blogs, posting relevant new content every day or two. I'd recommend that you don't install RSS to Blog Pro onto a shared server because if you're updating a large number of websites or you're running the script frequently (every couple of minutes) then your host is likely to take a dim view on it. Considering how inexpensive and how much more reliable a VPS is to operate there just isn't any reasonable justification for risking a shared server. A VPS is like having your own server, completely isolated from any other peoples websites so you can't affect them and they can't affect you. There is the exception of disk IO, but that isn't something that should be of any real concern.

The issue of relevancy is really what makes the difference between an effective auto content generation tool and one that will never do anything for your bottom line. I can't stress it enough; without relevant content, search engines won't be able to categorise your niche and won't be able to rank you fairly amongst your peers. That means you won't do well in searches in your subject area. It also could mean your website will serve ads for tennis equipment when your niche is dog care. Visitors looking for information about dog care are highly unlikely to be interested in tennis equipment when they come to your website because it's not something which is relevant to their needs at that time.

There's no doubt that this helps to keep those websites looking fresh and my website stats show a constant stream of visits to my blog pages each month. And of course, lots of targetted visitors and lots of targetted content means a lot of clicks on targetted ads!

Support-wise, Michelle (creator of RSS to Blog Pro) has answered my email queries promptly and there's an active user forum for peer support. Michelle also visits the forum to provide assistance although some queries can take a couple of days for a response, however the user base, support forum and software is mature enough to be able to cope with almost every common question a new user might have.

Fortunately, the software is easy to install and set-up so you can expect to be running within an hour or two.

One feature that I haven't used is the ability to ping blog directories from within RSS to Blog Pro. The reason for this is that if I pinged these websites for every post made to each of my blogs then I'd actually end up pinging up to 50 times a day from the same domain (the domain on which RSS to Blog Pro is installed). Rather than risk being blacklisted for pinging too much and hogging the resources of the directories, I use the ping facility from with my WordPress blog software instead so that the individual pings come from the individual domains. Again, this will appear to be a lot more natural and it also helps RSS to Blog Pro to work more efficiently by decoupling some of the work away from it.


After 6 months of constant usage, I'm pretty happy with RSS to Blog Pro's performance. and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is wanting to have self-updating websites that attract targetted traffic. Care needs to be taken when selecting a host for the script, but once installed, operation of the script is simple and reliable. An excellent script in the toolbox of AdSense earners and affiliate marketers alike.